This is another of the teas I purchased from Bigote, the nifty place with the cups with mustaches on them! The cups make me super happy, instant smile!
I am not entirely sure what type of green it is… But, there is no doubt that it is green! The leaves are a beautiful deep green color that is almost as bright as it is deep. The name is very fitting. The scent is thoroughly vegetable. Almost like steamed spinach with asparagus.
I did 3 steeps of this. The first was a beautiful green that tasted and smelled entirely like spinach. Sadly, I am not a big fan of spinach, so this wasn’t a great cup of tea to me. The second steep was less spinach, still vegetable and there was a hint of oolong sweetness hanging around in the background. The third steep was awful. It tasted like water with astringency added to it. Water is not supposed to be astringent… So second steep was by far the best.
I won’t be buying this again. It just isn’t for me. If you like vegetable taste teas, you will enjoy this. I just am not a fan…
EDIT: I removed the rating because I feel that this is a tea that some people may really enjoy. I just don’t like vegetable broth flavor as the main note in my tea. : )