
Tea type
Herbal Tea
Peppermint, Herbaceous, Menthol, Soap
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 310 ml

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13 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I need something calming after encountering all these bugs since the latest Steepster update. It was annoying enough that the site went down for most of Sunday (one of my most active days on this...” Read full tasting note
  • “a local delicious lunch/dinner spot for cheap fried food and huge fresh salads and wonderful vegan burritos is a place i go to WAY TO OFTEN. they have a dozen amazing craft beers always on tap, but...” Read full tasting note
  • “Smells lovely when you open the package. I believe I didn’t steep it long enough or I steeped it too much. At this rate I’m not really sure haha. Not bad but I expected a stronger kick of peppermint.” Read full tasting note
  • “Good digestif. Peppermint is lovely for dealing with dietary excess. I need to buy a few peppermint plants, so I can make it really fresh. Until that time, this will do. Adequate peppermint...” Read full tasting note

From Bigelow

There’s nothing so refreshing as the wide-awake taste of peppermint…whether its with meals, after meals or any time of day.

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13 Tasting Notes

639 tasting notes

I need something calming after encountering all these bugs since the latest Steepster update. It was annoying enough that the site went down for most of Sunday (one of my most active days on this site), but now the site is not fully recognizing that I’m logged in, I’m having a lot of trouble posting and rating new tasting notes, I can’t like notes when viewing a tea company’s page, notes are sorting oddly on tea pages, it’s not sorting my cupboard correctly or displaying all the teas I have, AND I have to try several times to add or remove a tea from my cupboard before it finally takes! When will the madness end?!

I have so many teas that I really rely on the virtual cupboard. This cupboard bug makes prioritizing and tracking my sipdowns that much more exasperating. Ugh. Luckily, I knew this was my last Bigelow sample, so now I can pick up right where I left off yesterday! Inhaling the brewed tea aroma is calming me down already. It’s soothing and comforting in the way only tea can be. I need more of this stuff! And PRONTO!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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814 tasting notes

a local delicious lunch/dinner spot for cheap fried food and huge fresh salads and wonderful vegan burritos is a place i go to WAY TO OFTEN. they have a dozen amazing craft beers always on tap, but only bigelow tea.
yet every time i have this tea, i end up thinking ‘this is refreshing!’
‘i should drink more mint!’
so it’s nothing special, but i always like it.
it went great with the slice vegan mexican chocolate cake.

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25 tasting notes

Smells lovely when you open the package. I believe I didn’t steep it long enough or I steeped it too much. At this rate I’m not really sure haha. Not bad but I expected a stronger kick of peppermint.

5 min, 0 sec

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191 tasting notes

Good digestif. Peppermint is lovely for dealing with dietary excess. I need to buy a few peppermint plants, so I can make it really fresh. Until that time, this will do. Adequate peppermint flavor, though ideally there would be more of a minty wallop.

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108 tasting notes

I love ripping open the little individually wrappted packages and getting hit in the face with the delicoius sweet smell of peppermint. I’ve used this tea as a base for drinking chocolate, which was fantastic. I’ve also combined it with gunpowder green for an improvised Moroccan mint.

195 °F / 90 °C

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1193 tasting notes

Had this while out for lunch today. A good, strong peppermint flavour. I liked it.

Flavors: Peppermint

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1655 tasting notes

A cup of peppermint as the clocks move closer to 2020.

This will be remembered as the taste of crushing loneliness. Like soap in the mouth.

Suck it, time.

Flavors: Herbaceous, Menthol, Peppermint, Soap

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

Happy New Year, derk! I am trying to decide whether to have a gong fu session again tonight, especially since it is already midnight here. May your New Year be a great year!

Martin Bednář

Happy New Year!

Roswell Strange

Happy New Year :)


Happy new year, derk


Happy new year!


Joy to you all year long! (Sorry I’m late with a 2020 greeting … we were in bed by 10 last night!)


Happy New Year, y’all. I was asleep shortly after I wrote that. I’ve turned into a fuddy-duddy!


Aw, come on over to the dark side. There are more of us fuddies than what one would think :)

Martin Bednář

And I… could not fell asleep till 4 am. How great! (Irony)


gmathis: Where I work is referred to as ‘The Dark Side’ by other employees. I’m already there with an entourage of duddies.

Martin: Too much tea? Too much party? Too much tea party?

Martin Bednář

derk: I would to know, I had drove around 170 km (105 mi) to my friends and back; arrived home around 8 pm, I was trying to be awake till midnight, I passed – then went to bed and… no sleep. :(

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100 tasting notes

okay, just okay, there are many more mint teas that taste better.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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3 tasting notes

This is a simple/complex tea. It is a very strong peppermint, but it does taste a little artificial. It is a good choice, though if you don’t have many options for a sweet tea.

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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3 tasting notes

I decided to try it to get myself all in the winter/ holiday spirit. I will admit, my other peppermint tea by covet garden may be pushed aside for a bit. It’s really “cool” , but delicious. I had it with oolong tea mixed together, but nonetheless it is amazing.

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