Chocolate Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
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Chocolate, Spices, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Oh, hello Yogi Tea’s Choco Chai. I never thought this was going to taste anything like that, but it does. Although this has a stronger base, while Yogi’s was on the watery side. This is actually...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had with pizza, heh. I can’t seem to drag the sliders on mobile, so. I bought quite a lot of tea recently that I need to add to my cupboard….” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea is meh. Watery cinnamon with a vague cocoa taste. Not terrible for a bagged tea, but not exactly setting the world on fire. At least it woke me up. It lends itself well to travel-mugs, so...” Read full tasting note
  • “The chocolate and chai flavors in this tea just don’t mesh as well as I’d hoped. There isn’t much depth to either flavor, though the chocolate is a little more prominent in this tea. However, the...” Read full tasting note

From Bigelow

India is a land shrouded in mystery. From the beauty of the Taj Mahal to the markets of New Delhi, it is a country unlike any other in the world. For centuries. the drink of the Maharajas has been equally mysterious – an ambrosia called Chai.

Chai is a delightful blend of tea and exotic spices. It is often brewed with milk, which gives Chai a wonderful, creamy characteristic. In Bigelow All Natural Chocolate Chai we have added chocolate,Read more

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5 Tasting Notes

1792 tasting notes

Oh, hello Yogi Tea’s Choco Chai. I never thought this was going to taste anything like that, but it does. Although this has a stronger base, while Yogi’s was on the watery side.

This is actually pretty good. There’s actual cocoa powder in this one too, and I detect mostly cinnamon and ginger behind the cocoa. The base never got bitter but granted, I really watched the steeping time.

With some 2% milk, it’s kind of like drinking hot chocolate, especially Dagoba’s Xocolatl hot chocolate mix, minus the heat from the cayenne (well, and their mix tasted much better).

Thanks to Bigelow for the sample!

Anna 11 years ago

‘Yogi Choco Chai’ is way too much fun to say.

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57 tasting notes

Had with pizza, heh. I can’t seem to drag the sliders on mobile, so. I bought quite a lot of tea recently that I need to add to my cupboard….

Flavors: Chocolate, Spices

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737 tasting notes

This tea is meh. Watery cinnamon with a vague cocoa taste. Not terrible for a bagged tea, but not exactly setting the world on fire. At least it woke me up. It lends itself well to travel-mugs, so it makes a suitable companion on the drive to work, at least.

H & S whole-leaf silk sachets have spoiled me!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Cocoa, Tea

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44 tasting notes

The chocolate and chai flavors in this tea just don’t mesh as well as I’d hoped. There isn’t much depth to either flavor, though the chocolate is a little more prominent in this tea. However, the chocolate isn’t particularly good. I have to add more honey or sugar and milk to a cup of this tea than I do to other Bigelow chai teas. This is the only chai from Bigelow that has disappointed me.

5 min, 0 sec

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52 tasting notes

My parents picked me up a box of this as part of my Valentine’s Day present because they’re awesome and thoughtful like that. This isn’t a bad breakfast tea! It got me up and going and almost ok with the fact that it’s only Wednesday. I stayed up way too late last night (curse you, Orange is the New Black!) so I needed a boost this morning.
To the tea, it’s really good. As it cools, I’m getting more of a chocolate note and the spiciness of the chai is very nice. It’s very balanced and I enjoy it. I made it and added some milk and a packet of artificial sweetener. I don’t like artificial sweetener but I didn’t realize I was out of sugar at the office so this was pilfered from the break room. Shhh! Anyway, pretty good little tea. You should give it a shot.

Flavors: Chocolate

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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