Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea
Brown Sugar, Malt, Mineral, Raisins, Tea
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaEarleGreyHot
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 g 4 oz / 118 ml

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From Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company

Along with our Formosa Assam, this high quality black tea is grown, hand-picked and roasted on the farm of Mrs. Lee and her husband beside scenic Sun-Moon Lake in the Central Mountain Range of Taiwan. I lucked into finding them when I first started BTTC in 2011. I’ve been back many times since and I’m convinced they make some of the best Red Jade out there.

Red Jade is in a class of its own and must be approached on what it brings to the table. Think of it as a fine dark Taiwanese Oolong. It’s lighter in body and not as malty as Formosa Assam but sweeter, more delicate and with a cleaner finish. Farmer Lee’s Red Jade is a real pleasure and I’m sure you’ll come back to it again and again.

However, if you are looking for a bold breakfast black, we recommend Formosa Assam.

About Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company View company

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1 Tasting Note

129 tasting notes

So, I think this may be the same product as listed and reviewed by others 7–8 yr ago at:

This was the expected wiry strands of large, intact black tea leaves of the famous hybrid variety grown in Nantou County, Taiwan. BUT mine were not labeled as “highest quality” nor as an oolong. Maybe it has to do with the production year? Mine was the Summer 2020 harvest, and I bought it 3 yr ago, so the BTTC description might have been different then as well, but I didn’t think to capture it back then.

I steeped 2.5 g in 4 oz alpine spring water at 90°C for 2 min, 4 times in succession. Great malty aroma, flavors of malt, brown sugar, mineral and assamic heritage that nicely complemented my breakfast of Lucky Charms cereal (oat puffs with marshmallow bits). Not bitter or astringent, and not as pleasing as other TRES #18 teas I’ve had, but still very good. I finished off the leaves with additional steepings with boiling water, to get another two cups of good tea.

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Malt, Mineral, Raisins, Tea

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

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