Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Black Tea, Ceylon Black Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by MissB
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 oz / 354 ml

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thank you MissB for sharing this with me. As a Sherlock fan, I was super excited to get to try this tea (I actually just watched the most recent couple of episodes last weekend). However, as...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks missB This tea, while quite lovely reminds me more of a puerh than an assam/ceylon blend. There’s an earthy quality to this that is in line with the puerh i had this morning haha. It...” Read full tasting note
  • “I wanted to drink a couple teas from my sipdown pile (hence this photo: http://instagram.com/p/ldrYIRvhCI/) but I wanted black tea and none of the black teas in my sipdown pile was really calling...” Read full tasting note
  • “I grabbed this in a mystery pack bundle, hoping that I’d get some great stuff, and for much less than the original pricing (100g is a lot of tea, with zero tasting opportunities). This is one of...” Read full tasting note

From Beastly Beverages

Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle’s great Detective, Sherlock Holmes. This tea is strong and full bodied with a hint of smoke. A dark red tea with a smooth finish.

Each bag is 100g and the artwork was done by fantasy artist Amy Learoyd.)

Ingredients: Assam Hermutty. Ceylon Silver Kandy


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5 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Thank you MissB for sharing this with me. As a Sherlock fan, I was super excited to get to try this tea (I actually just watched the most recent couple of episodes last weekend). However, as someone who mostly reaches for flavored cups, I was less excited about the tea itself. Still, MissB was generous to share this and I thought perhaps, like Sherlock himself, maybe this tea would grow on me. As I sipped at it while cooking, I couldn’t help but notice an earthy taste, akin to a pu’erh. I really don’t know why because there is no pu’erh in this as far as I am aware. Ultimately, I could not get through the cup but I am really grateful for the chance to try it. One more tea I can cross off my list!

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15588 tasting notes

Thanks missB This tea, while quite lovely reminds me more of a puerh than an assam/ceylon blend. There’s an earthy quality to this that is in line with the puerh i had this morning haha. It looks like missB saw this as closer to a lapsang…so maybe it’s just one of those teas that changes for everyone heh. Either way, this was a really nice cup of tea for this late morning. Though on that note, it seems insane that the day is barely half over and i’ve still got so many teas that i can drink!

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726 tasting notes

I wanted to drink a couple teas from my sipdown pile (hence this photo: http://instagram.com/p/ldrYIRvhCI/) but I wanted black tea and none of the black teas in my sipdown pile was really calling my name.
So if I can’t sip a tea down, might as well drink tea and put the remainder of that tea in with all the other teas to get sipped down!

So this one was from MissB which I got not too long ago :)
Dry, it smells like your basic black tea. Like dry and dusty and antique and books and old people and nice :) No seriously. My roommate completely agrees with me when it smells all ancient and old and beautiful and just full of lovely memories. THAT’S BLACK TEA FOR YOU.
But this tea tastes like… black tea. A special kind of black tea though. It just takes me back to memories and wonderful times with friends and family and it takes me to the lovely laid back side of my Mind Palace, not the weirdo scientific/mathy/problem solving Mind Palace.

Overall, a very pleasant tea :)

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 3 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

I’m so glad you liked this. I had a really different experience with it, so this is great to hear!

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1501 tasting notes

I grabbed this in a mystery pack bundle, hoping that I’d get some great stuff, and for much less than the original pricing (100g is a lot of tea, with zero tasting opportunities). This is one of the teas that I grabbed, and I know I’ll keep the bag just for the name and artwork alone. It’s fantastic!

So, Mind Palace. I love the concept and the terminology, and it’s a well-used tactic of mine to remember things, that I learned in a few books related to memory, body language and magic (i.e. how magicians remember each card and where it is in the deck). When it was mentioned in one of the Sherlock episodes, I was all aglow — and therefore when I saw the name of this tea, I was even more excited to try it.

Sadly, it’s a weird tea. Weird in that… I swear it’s a Lapsang instead of a blend of blacks. It’s exceptionally dark – think as dark of a purple as you can find – and it’s just… weird. Smoky, sweetly metallic, a bit granular… I just don’t know what to do with this tea, to be frank. There are zero steeping instructions, and just… maybe I did something wrong. Suggestions welcome!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

haha sounds fun. If you end up sending any teas this way, i’d happily try some lol random weird teas for the….win? :)


Heh. I’m one step ahead of you… already packaged some up for you and it’s ready to mail off shortly! :)

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