Royal Chrysanthemum Blossoms

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Flowering Tea
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From Art of Tea

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Art of Tea is a tea importer and wholesaler based in Los Angeles, California. We hand blend and custom craft the world’s finest organic teas and botanicals. Our teas are carefully selected directly from growers, each one offering a unique story.

2 Tasting Notes

15139 tasting notes

Teeerriiiiiii…. No no no no no no no.

But I thank you for sharing lol but I have sneezes now. Soooo many sneezes lol

Terri HarpLady

LOL, did I actually send you some of those?


Lol yes…yes you did and I have Tried it all!

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3294 tasting notes

I actually love chrysanthemum tea, all by itself. I used to drink a cup every day while I was fixing dinner. I haven’t been doing that, for awhile. I also haven’t been drinking my Nettles tea, which is probably why my allergies are so bad this year.

So today, after my gig, I drank a cup of this while I was fixing my dinner. I’ve had these flowers for awhile now, but the tea still tastes good to me, & I enjoyed it. End of story.


I really like chrysanthemum tea by itself too! It has a really unique, nice flavor. I believe in Chinese medicine it is used as a “cooling” tea, to help balance out the body.

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