I only have a little left of this tea. When I first purchased it I made a lot of lattes with it. The tea has a sweet, fresh berry aroma. The flavor is a little malty with a tart, fresh berry flavor and finish. There is a sweet berry aftertaste that reminds me almost of a dessert. There’s no pastry or cake notes, but it is authentically sweet without being too sweet. I’m glad this one is just as good hot as it is made into a latte.
-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves and twigs with small blue petals and dried rose hips.
-Dry leaves smell like slightly sweet and tart berries. Tea liquor aroma is of sweet berries.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium reddish brown color.
-Malty and tart fresh berry flavor and finish. Sweet berry aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Fresh and sweet berry flavor. Reminiscent of a dessert tea.