Tea type
White Tea
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180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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  • “Someone gave me this as part of a sampler set. The smell… VERY reminiscent of something, can’t place my finger on what. Kind of soapy, but that’s not it. Didn’t think I’d like it at all! The...” Read full tasting note

From American Roland Food Corp

Kwong sang shoumee tea is a large-leaved tea. It is similar to a softer, more subtle woolong (a semi-fermented tea). The Chinese give this brewhighmarks as a digestive aid.

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1 Tasting Note

23 tasting notes

Someone gave me this as part of a sampler set. The smell… VERY reminiscent of something, can’t place my finger on what. Kind of soapy, but that’s not it. Didn’t think I’d like it at all! The leaves are a hodge podge of things, mostly greenish in colour. I immediately went for a cooler water temperature, thinking this a green. When it brewed (30 seconds or so), it came out a medium amber colour. The scent was very different, more of a green, but heartier. Surprise! It looks and tastes more like an Oolong once brewed. It’s sweet, light, kinda complex… hints of mint, almost… A little like a Da Hong Pao meets mint and Ginseng Puerh, but far lighter. Hard to describe! I finally looked it up and… it is not an oolong, either. You go find out yourself what it is! :)

EDIT: The horrible smell of the canister is from Lychee, which is a black tea in the same sampler set. It tastes like it smells. Run away, run away… haha

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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