Coconut Caramel Chocolate

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Honeybush Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Almost Tea

Some days you need something simple. Other days you need chocolate cake with heaps of toasted coconut and sticky caramel. This rich honeybush tea with real cocoa nibs is for those days.

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2 Tasting Notes

16975 tasting notes

After our tea blogger dinner on Saturday evening I went straight back to my hotel, finally checked in for the day and just enjoyed the last few quiet hours of the evening to decompress and mentally prepare for tomorrow’s full day of working at the DT booth for the tea festival and then the inevitable tear down at the end of the night before flying home.

The hotel we stayed in was pretty nice, and it actually had HUGE bathtubs. Maybe an overshare here, but my apartment only has showers so I took full advantage of the situation to have a loooonnnggg bubble bath and soak my tender feet. Sometimes when I’m travelling I bring a kettle with me in my luggage, but since this was such a short trip I decided not to. To my delight, the hotel actually had an electric kettle in the room – and a pretty nice one. Not the gross keurig as a hot water source situation. So, I was able to steep up one of the sachets I’d brought with me for the trip and enjoy a decadent hot cuppa during my soak.

Though I did find the mouthfeel of this tea pretty oily, I loved the taste a lot. It was the perfect balance of rich milk chocolate, golden caramel, and toasted coconut. Very, very much like the Samoa Girl Scout cookies, which was so comforting and nostalgic after such a long day. Probably one of the better teas I’ve had from Almost, and I’m not even a chocolate tea kind of person typically.

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1780 tasting notes

New teas to try! This has a really rich caramel coconut smell to it. A little bit of oil on the top of my tea, which seems like is the case for a lot of these blends, but no hints of artificial chocolate and I appreciate that! The first several sips tasted good, but the honeybush was distracting and woody. That taste faded as I drank further into my cup. I taste the caramel most predominantly, then coconut, then chocolate. The flavors are all in there layered on each other. I am getting a little of the dry mouth sensation like I get with rooibos. The flavors are good, but it seems a little light and ethereal when I’d prefer a chocolate cupcake tea to have more depth and base to it. Maybe a little cream would do the trick, but I hesitate to mess with what is already a nice cup. I’d for sure drink this again!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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