Sipdown! (10 | 413)
Merry Christmas friends! I’ve had a holiday tea this morning, and now I’m just ready to jump back into sipdowns, so here we go!
I figured I’d get this one out of the way, since we all know it won’t be my thing ha ha… There were a lot of chocolate chips and cacao nibs in these sachets and not much tea, so I actually used a bit less water than I normally would.
Well… it’s not terrible. It’s actually not that chocolaty for a tea called double chocolate. It’s a somewhat mild chocolate note, more of a milk chocolate than a dark, and then there’s that boozy and artificial chocolate flavoring. Can’t taste a lot of black tea, but what’s there is a bit earthy.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to find it a bit bland, since a lot of the mass was chocolate chips, and those don’t really add much flavor. Meh!
Flavors: Alcohol, Artificial, Chocolate, Earthy, Milk Chocolate, Smooth