Sacred Blend

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Pine, Sap, Smooth, Sweet, Dry Grass, Hay, Herbs, Sage, Sweet, Warm Grass, Wood, Herbaceous, Raisins
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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From Algonquin Tea Co

Ingredients: White pine, sweet grass, sage

These three sacred herbs bless us with a healing sense of communion, tranquillity and focus, for which the herbs are known by Native Americans.

With this blend I think of the shelter of deep woods in the winter, or a warm sunny spot on a forest path where the heady scent of the sweet earth envelopes you like love. I think of sacred circles attended with elders and loved ones. I think of the warmth of communion with those who have gone before, those who are present and those who are coming. I give thanks to the great spirit and to the mother earth, who gives us these herbs as her sweet blessing.

These three sacred herbs offer us a blessing to help cleanse and heal our lives. Their power bring us many healing qualities, as well as a deep sense of tranquility, calm and focus. Well-known historically by Native Americans who use these herbs to ‘smudge’ ceremonially. Drink in the Sacred Circle.

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13 Tasting Notes

2993 tasting notes

Thank you Roswell Strange for the sample! I brewed it up as soon as I opened the mail.

The dry leaf smells of herbs, faintly of pine and rosemary.

Brewed, it is not vegetal/grassy. I can taste sap/pine, a sweet hay, it reminds me a lot bay leaf and chamomile. I actually love it!

Flavors: Pine, Sap, Smooth, Sweet

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 45 sec
Roswell Strange

So happy you enjoyed it! I packaged it up at the post office and I got the weirdest look from the lady while doing it.

“Is that, uh, grass?”
“Um, pine needles mostly. . .”
“Right… Well, would you like tracking on that?”

It was hilarious, honestly.

Lexie Aleah

Pine needle teas are a favorite of mine. It’s unfortunate that their not very common.

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17045 tasting notes

I want to thank all the lovely Steepster folk who gave me suggestions to help with the hard time I’ve been having falling asleep! I’ve tried a ton of your suggestions, and honestly the one that’s helped me the most has been downloading f.lux – I think it’s really, really helped me wind down in the evening and has been really awesome with the eye strain I was experiencing! I even went and downloaded it on my new work computer since I’ll be spending such a large portion of my work day typing now…

This was my “before bed” tea yesterday – it’s a favourite of mine, and I’m SO CLOSE to being out of it so I’m going to definitely have to do some digging to see if there’s anywhere in Montreal that I can get my hands on it that’s not too far out of the way. I’m willing to go on a bit of an adventure, but I don’t want to have to spend hours finding it either.

Those sage and pine needle notes though! How can you not love them!?


f.lux is really an amazing program! Glad it’s working for you. I was thinking, have you tried listening to or watching ASMR videos at night?

Roswell Strange

ASMR is weird for me; sometimes I find it really enjoyable and something is creeps me right the fuck out. I think the worst for me is any kind of “mouth sound” related ASMR (speaking and eating, for example). Occasionally I do watch Bob Ross before bed though or soap cutting videos – it kind of helps.


I love f.lux so much. And I recently bought a bag of this from Amazon and LOVE IT, it was gone from my cabinet for too long. Are we the same people?

Lexie Aleah

Been wanting to try this! I didn’t realize it was sold on Amazon. (:

Lexie Aleah

Just checked and it says currently unavailable on Amazon. Boo!


I buy through, I can’t confirm what sells (probably limited amounts because it has to be shipped to the Amazon warehouse).

Lexie Aleah

Ah that’s why then I’m in the US so they probably don’t ship here.


You can order it online from the Algonquin tea co. Unless it’s an old link shipping for a pouch of loose leaf is really cheap by letter mail. They also have a link to find a store near you. Most of the stores sell only the bagged tea though.


+1 for f.lux…and Twilight and Night Mode on Android! Love the soothing candlelight color on my screen at night. I can never go back to the harsh blue light on my phone.

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199 tasting notes

Cooking TTB #16

Turkey. Or soup. That’s what this reminded me of. I guessed rosemary before reading pine and sage as the ingredients. I can’t say this was for me at all, but I’m glad to have tried something with pine in it finally.

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894 tasting notes

I think I need to lay off the caffeine in the evening a bit, and this is such an awesome evening tea. Always sage, pine and soothing.


sounds nice :)


Ooh, this one is on my list! I have Cold & Flu and it’s delicious.

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