Pu Erh Tahiti

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Apple Pieces, Coconut, Mango, Natural Coconut Flavor, Papaya, Pu Erh Tea, Raspberries, Rose Hips, Rose Petals
Coconut, Mango, Tropical, Yogurt, Ash, Butter, Caramel, Cinnamon, Wood
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by JulieWyant
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 14 oz / 414 ml

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From Adagio Teas

New Recipe! Our Pu Erh Tahiti is back and even more alluring, with more juicy papaya fruit flavor, the liveliness of rose hips, and a decidedly softer touch of coconut. The addition of beautiful rose petals adds a very light floral essence that evokes a tropical retreat for all to enjoy. Try as an iced tea for a refreshing taste of the exotic.

Pu Erh Tea | High caffeine | Steep at 212° for 5 minutes.

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Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at www.adagio.com and in many gourmet and health food stores.

17 Tasting Notes

218 tasting notes

While I do like the entire terra sampler by Adagio with flavored Pu-erhs, this one would be probably my least favorite. I am still enjoying it though. Reminds me a lot of The Republic of Tea’s Coconut Pu-erh (which is actually way worse than this). It kind of tastes like watered-down coconut milk, the pu-erh notes are not very noticeable. Heavy, milky coconut is what I chiefly get – that is something I do not mind as I love coconut flavor. But yeah, I don’t think I’d buy it again outside of a sampler. I’d rather stick to Adagio’s Hazelberry or Spice if I feel like flavored pu-erhs.

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266 tasting notes

This one is a bit strange, as all I can taste is the nice tropical flavoring but not the puerh itself. Now if they was a herbal blend it would be wonderful as it has a very nice taste to it, but it really messes with your mind as a puerh lover to be drinking a flavored puerh when all yo can taste is the flavor and not the puerh.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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921 tasting notes

’Tis the season for many headaches, ugh, every year around this time when the central heating starts being a necessity I start getting terrible headaches, I blame it on the fact that the heat is dry and I end up doing my best Mumm-Ra impersonation. Headaches or not, today we celebrate the final day of Pu Erh week with something tropical and exotic.

From the Terra sampler and of course the Boo Erh Giveaway, we have Adagio Tea’s Pu Erh Tahiti. Blending the Pu Erh with Coconut, Apples, Mango and Papaya for a truly tropical treat, I feel like I need one of those little paper umbrellas, no reason. The aroma is fairly tart and fruity, with strong notes of apple. I am mostly getting the apple with a slight hint of coconut and tropical fruit and an even fainter hint of Pu Erh earthiness. I will be honest, I am not a fan of the way this tea smells, the different aromas seem to clash with each other.

Giving the tea a good soaking (no, not in the sea water it is clearly reminding me of) the aroma that wafts from the steeped leaves is mostly creamy apple (vaguely reminds me of apple ice cream actually) with a sweet bread tone. It actually reminds me a little of Hawaiin Sweet Bread. There is also a faint hint of coconut and again, a very faint hint of Pu Erh earthiness. The liquid without the leaves is a little odd, the aroma is yeasty and sweet but it has a waxy note, I mean it smells like candle wax does when you are making candles, paraffin wax to be exact. There is also the underlying aroma of earthiness that has been present the whole time, good to see things are consistent.

I want everyone to know, Ben just walked in with a pizza, to settle his pre-finals jitters and to share with me. Awesome. Anyway, tea eyeballs pizza the taste is a bit odd, first thing I notice is earthiness and a hint of metallic, a typical Pu Erh base taste, same as the other teas in the Terra sampler. The midtaste is the sweet and rich mixing the taste of coconut with the smooth nuttiness of coconut oil, there is also a faint hint of apple tartness. The aftertaste is a faint blend of tropical fruits. The overall sweetness of this tea is mild and pleasant, and the mouthfeel is very smooth, almost oily from the coconut. Sadly this tea just did not work for me flavor wise, I don’t hate it or would even cringe away in fear if it was offered to me, I just feel that the flavors clash too much. Perhaps just coconut and apple would be good, or just coconut and Pu Erh, but mixing the other fruits together just seems like a mouth cacophony. I certainly encourage other people to try this one though, it is an unusual experience if nothing else. And now, PIZZA!!

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2013/12/adagio-teas-pu-erh-tahiti-tea-review.html


I thought it was just me getting headaches from heaters


Oh hey! I am glad I am not the only one :)

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248 tasting notes

Not a bad one. Can taste coconut a little but otherwise the other flavors just aren’t there. It wasn’t bad, but not great either

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16357 tasting notes

Sipdown (1392)!

To me, the coconut in this blend is VERY lotion-y although it doesn’t taste like it’s turned/gone sour. It’s a different type of weirdness. More than that, the mix of very earthy and dank shou with these tropical flavours create an uncomfortable flavour disconnect in my brain. I don’t think they go very well together…

I’m adding the rest of this into the TTB in the hope that someone else might have a good time with it – at the very least, maybe someone will appreciate being able to try this now discontinued Adagio blend.

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55 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this tea all week (on the strength of one sample from Adagio. Three cheers for multiple steepings!) and I can’t get enough of the great balance of flavors. The fruity note does come out a little too strongly on the first steep, but I add milk and that balances it. The hearty Pu Erh flavor is evident as well, though it comes into its own more on second and third steeps. I’ve only gotten it to about four steeps before it gets watery, but that’s probably because I’ve been using 2-3 times the amount of water recommended by Adagio.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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1812 tasting notes

I had a sample of this and apparently never logged it in Steepster, so when I went to remove it from my inventory, I found that it was already removed.
I do, however, have a longer review, here: http://www.createwritedrink.com/2015/08/tea-review-tuesday-review-of-adagio.html
Rating for Steepster!

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687 tasting notes

I was originally going to catch up on my reading, but got distracted by Star Trek. The name of this tea makes me think of vanilla. Though it has a strong scent of coconut. There is certainly coconut in the flavour, and I also get some apple and mango. It’s like this tea is trying to be a tropical beverage, but didn’t quite get the fruit together.

Flavors: Coconut, Mango, Tropical, Yogurt

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313 tasting notes

Drank this one at work today. As I find with a lot of coconut teas, I mostly just taste coconut. Like I can tell that it’s pu erh, but mostly I’m getting coconut, and maybe some other tropical fruitiness coming in underneath. I’m not the hugest fan of coconut to begin with – like, I have to be really craving it, so this was sort of a gamble for me. And it’s actually not bad. It doesn’t have the most inviting bouquet I’ve ever experienced from a tea, which to be honest put me off at first, but actually, it’s got quite a nice, soft texture that’s pretty pleasant. I’m tempted to experiment with combining it with other flavours that might tone down the HOLY COCONUT BATMAN nature of it – maybe something more predominantly coconutless tropical fruit in nature, or just cutting it with a plain pu erh. I wouldn’t keep this one in constant supply, but I’ll enjoy what I have of it, in any case.

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14 tasting notes

Me: sniffs sample jar … whew. Er… can someone come check this? I don’t think it’s supposed to smell this way.
Staff 1: Really? What does it smell like?
Me: Bleu cheese.
Staff 1: O_o … sniffs Huh. Yeah. Now that you mention it…
Me: So that’s what it’s supposed to smell like?
Staff 1: I don’t really know… Hey, [Staff 2]- go smell the Tahiti!
Staff 2: =_= . . . why?
Staff 1: Just try it.
Staff 2: Ohhhkayyyy….? sniffs !! whew! … sniffs again whew. Yeah. That’s…
Staff 1: Bleu cheese, then “hey, where’d that coconut come from?”
- 24 hours pass -
Me: sniffs
Staff 3: Finding what you’re looking for?
Me: After smelling it yesterday, the masochist in me wants to try the Pu Erh Tahiti. I guess that really is what it’s supposed to smell like…
Staff 3: Really? What’s it smell like?
Me: Bleu cheese.
Staff 3: Okay…
Me: samples Hmmm…
Staff 3: Well? What’s it taste like?
Me: Kinda like it smells like. Bleu cheese and coconut… but a lot smoother and milder.
- 15 minutes and the rest of the sample cup pass -
Me: buys

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