White Blueberry

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
Natural Flavours, Organic White Tea Leaves
Blueberry, Sweet, Flowers
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 30 sec 2 g 11 oz / 314 ml

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From Adagio Teas

This tea blends together the taste of juicy blueberries with premium white tea from Fujian province, China. Very fragrant, like freshly harvested ‘highbush’ blueberries (the aromatic variety). Soft, rounded mouthfeel with a clean, refreshing finish. A customer favorite, this tea is delectable both hot and cold.

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at www.adagio.com and in many gourmet and health food stores.

98 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Upping rating…still one of my faves from Adagio. Very comforting…backlogging from last week…

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Kittenna 13 years ago

How does this compare to White Tiger from DavidsTea, or have you compared the two?

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

They are pretty different but I like both…I do like the blueberry with the white in this case but I like the other natural flavors of the tiger from Davids :)

Kittenna 13 years ago

Gotcha :)

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615 tasting notes

This is one of my guilty pleasure teas.

Like, I know objectively it’s not much better than mediocre. But it was part of my first order to Adagio ever, and it’s had a place in my cupboard ever since.

The blueberry taste is subtle, and the white tea very lightly straw-like and flowery. Overall, it’s crisp and refreshing and definitely best iced.

Iced 8 min or more
K S 11 years ago

no need to ever apologize for loving a comfort tea.

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470 tasting notes

I logged this a week ago and forgot to write anything! Aah, I’m so terribly behind on tasting notes. When I made my first (and only) Adagio order, I got some coupon thingy during checkout that gave me 10% off. Of course, that negated the free shipping so I had to add more tea! Rather pay for some samples than shipping. They’re sneaky like that!

Anyway, my two samples to balance out the total were this and Thai Chai… which of course were my favorites of the ones I ordered. I mean seriously, I got 3 oz of White Cucumber and 3 oz of Raspberry but NOT of this?! Argh, past me, WHY. This is such a nice, refreshing white. I’ve had it hot, chilled, extra-strength over ice, and this time cold brewed (since their samples are very large). Adagio can be heavy on the flavoring, but this one is done with a gentle hand. The white base is a middle-to-lower-grade white peony but it’s still wonderful cold, crisp and slightly floral. The blueberry is so natural that I was kind of taken aback, since it’s a flavor that is easy to make artificial. Definitely one of my favorites iced, I’ll have to bite the bullet and place another order there!

On a related note, I find Adagio perplexing. A lot of their teas are so-so, but others are downright awful. Yet some are totally wonderful. For example, their Raspberry tastes like cheap candies but Ripe for Romance (a chocolate raspberry black) has a great, authentic raspberry taste. I wonder if they source their flavoring agents from a lot of different places?

Scott B 13 years ago

This is a nice and natural tea.

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176 tasting notes

Thanks to Tea Bird for sending me some of my favorite tea! I love this, but I ran out, and I’ve made a promise to myself (and my bank account) to not order any tea during the month of April. It’s been a while since I’ve had this, and it was just as good as I remember. It’s funny how tastes can remind you of things. Like today, when I took my first sip of this, I remembered how I used to drink this during my English class in the mornings. I could hear the sound of my professor’s voice and the buzzing of the kid’s phone who sits behind me and constantly texts during class.

I love how the white tea is still detectable behind the blueberry taste. The two are such light tastes that they compliment each other perfectly. This is definitely a great summer tea.

teabird 15 years ago

Glad it found a loving home!

Rabs 15 years ago

I’ve made the exact same promise to my bank account! I’ve never had loose leaf iced tea and I’m goin’ bonkers wanting to get a good pitcher. And there’s the more accurate kettle, and lots of teas, etc. :)

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15631 tasting notes

thank you Kallieboo! I’m going to hold off rating this one as it was fairly flavourless to me. I’m not sure if it’s an age thing or it’s too delicate for me. It was an ok cup, but not blueberry.

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161 tasting notes

I have discovered something. This is my “frumpy” tea. I’ve noticed that when I drink this tea, it’s usually on a blah day. And yes, I’m wearing another hoodie. (Green Bay Packers if you want to know.) Drinking this tea hot = frumpy. Drinking this tea iced in the Summer = good times and fun outside. Pretty drastic difference, yet still enjoyable either way. I didn’t have any dried blueberries in this cup, so I’m not tempted with eating them this time.

Do you guys have a mood tea? I have days where the tea kind of decides my mood…and other days where my mood decides the tea. Yes, very prophetic, I know.

Jillian 15 years ago

Not for specific moods persay but I do find when I look through my tea cupboard that I don’t feel ‘in the mood’ for certain teas.

Auggy 15 years ago

I do have some teas that are comfort teas that probably equate to your frumpy tea. They are the teas I drink when I’d rather be in sweatpants and a fuzzy sweater, curled up under an afghan on the couch. I drink them to make myself feel happier when I don’t feel so great. It’s like drinking warm fuzzies.

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111 tasting notes


I put her name always, because she is my lovely supplier of tea, and she likes reading my notes, apparently. (She’s commented and liked almost every single one, whether they were for tea she gave me or not. Dedicated follower!)

I am very happy with this tea. :-) I had some TAZO white tea a while back, and it had a fancy name, but pretty much it was a blueberry tea, and that was my first white tea. (It was bagged, but TAZO is awesome either way.) I also had some Lipton blueberry pomogranate back around that time too, and that was also white. So it’s been a while since I’ve had any decent white teas. And never any loose leaf!! So I was excited to try this. :-)

Smell: (I’m going to stop putting my little indicators….they bug me. :P) It was blueberry, but not too strong. Nice and delicate. And also the smell of the white tea was very pleasant, and not harsh or overpowering. Floral, almost. It was also very pretty! Steeping the blueberry was definitely there, and it was yummy.

Taste: BLUEBERRY!! YES! THE TEA HAS STUCK FULLY TO IT’S NAME!! Sorry, a lot of my more recent teas loose a bit on taste. And this isn’t a strong blueberry taste, exactly, but it is definitely there. Smooth, just right, and the taste of the tea is also there, mixing in perfectly. I don’t like my tea taste to overpower if there is supposed to be some other flavor, and this tea delivers the right mix. No complaints, what-so-ever.

Also, even though this is a “no duh” thing, white tea really isn’t white. :P I just find stuff like that funny to think about. I’m weird, I know. But it is a very, very light light brownish-yellow, and a spoonful of it actually does look very white. So it is but it isn’t. (Yes, I had to put all that.)

Happy! Happy!! BLUEBERRY!! :-)

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Azzrian 13 years ago

Yay! I am SO happy you found a great one! :) I didn’t know you loved blueberry SO much – next time I send you a box I will be sure to see what great blueberry ones I may have at the time! :)

Violet 13 years ago

:-) Yep. I like any fruity/flavored tea, really, as long as I can taste it, and it’s not an icky flavor. I’ve liked a lot of the teas you’ve sent me, really, except for one or two, and even those I liked, just not tons.

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136 tasting notes

Having seen this get high praises on Steepster, I decided to include a sample in my latest Adagio order.

The dry aroma smells promising. Adding a T. of honey, it brews to a nice tart blueberry flavor, with noticeable tea in the background. While nice, it isn’t something that appeals hot, so was thinking of putting in frig, but then decided to do a 2nd steep with sugar, instead of honey.

Increasing steep time to 3-1/2m at 190, with T. of sugar, this is much more to my liking (although a T. of sugar is a bit of overkill…need to decrease next time). I do think the tea got lost in the 2nd steeping though. But am going for a 3rd (what the heck) and then sticking it all in the frig to see if it’s a candidate for iced tea during the upcoming hotter months. Another Adagio winner (which are few and far between for me, so I’m glad).

ETA: Put the remnants of the three steepings (about 1/2 of each) into big glass and put in frig to get cold. It tastes really good, but now the blueberry flavor tastes a little artificial (as if there is artificial sweetener, which I didn’t use).

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Daniel Scott 13 years ago

Too bad they don’t seem to take Paypal! I’ve been looking for a simple blueberry white for months.

Cheryl 13 years ago

Someone mentioned getting dinged by Canadian customs from Adagio too? Not sure, but see the ETA above (might change your mind).

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911 tasting notes

I thought I’d be daring tonight and try another white tea. I did a shorter steep time than suggested because that’s just how I roll. (Yes, I’m a dork)

I don’t know if I would have gone with ‘blueberry’ on this. Maybe I just don’t have blueberries frequently enough – I’m more of a blackberry girl except for the rare muffin. But at the same time, not being beaten over the head with blueberry is a good thing in my world, so that’s a point in this tea’s favor.

It definitely has a sweet fruity flavor, but not too sweet. There’s maybe a little underlying something – not quite tart but just enough to give it a fuller flavor. The more I sip on this, the more I like that and this tea.

Yay! White teas aren’t anywhere near as horrid as I thought!

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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818 tasting notes

Wow, this is really nice! I got this from a swap with TastyBrew and it’s got me rethinking white tea. What a great tea to wind down from the day with. I steeped this for 3 1/2 minutes, and I got such a nice subtle blueberry flavor combined with a very likable white tea (very slightly floral…not in your face; delicate). I have to admit, I added a little sugar, which made it nice and sweet! The tea is very light and smooth. I bet this would be great iced. I think we have another winner in my very limited white tea world! Thanks TastyBrew!!

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