I'll Be Home For Christmas

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Cinnamon, Natural Caramel Flavor, Natural Cinnamon Flavor, Natural Flavours
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Another Rachel Blend! YAY! I’m really going out in left field with this one! WHY? You ask… Well, it’s NOT Christmas! I don’t even want to THINK about Winter or cold weather!!! It’s JUST...” Read full tasting note
  • “With a semi-official verdict of 4 inches of snow (and, still, it keeps pouring down), today is a perfect day for this blend by Rachel. Thanks so much for sending me some of this to try! Having...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have to admit that my very first sip of this tea was a little scary, because I could taste that funky Adagio black tea dry-starchy taste that I’m not terribly fond of. But, as the tea cools just...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am also trying this one for the first time in some time and it too tasted better than before. I found this one more interesting because I almost tasted each ingredient one at a time and the all...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends, Rachana Carter

I have combined mostly creamy chestnut, buttery caramel, and spicy cinnamon to warm you up this holiday season. Enjoy a hot steaming cup with your best of friends and family. May it help stir up warm and found memories of Christmas past and help create new memories to come. Give it a try with some milk and sugar/sweetener. Just be sure to heat up the milk first. Enjoy!

Created by: Rachana Carter

Ingredients: black tea, natural chestnut flavor,Read more

About Adagio Custom Blends, Rachana Carter View company

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7 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Another Rachel Blend! YAY!

I’m really going out in left field with this one! WHY? You ask…

Well, it’s NOT Christmas! I don’t even want to THINK about Winter or cold weather!!! It’s JUST starting to get nice! LOL Well, that AND I don’t usually go-for these ingredients. It’s not that I don’t like them it’s just that I’m not usually drawn to them.

So I am really challenging myself here.

The aroma is very light but warming. What I can smell of it is the Chestnut and a tad of caramel. I’m not smelling much cinnamon – but I’m fine with that.

It infuses pretty dark brown.

I really like the fact that the Black Tea taste is upfront and the flavors are on the assist. The flavors play nice together like on a merry-go-round. They circle around in your mouth nicely. I can taste the Chestnut and Caramel pretty much equally and the cinnamon acts as the caboose. I like it! The cinnamon is JUST RIGHT…it’s really all you need.

This is a great surprise and I must say I am a fan!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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902 tasting notes

With a semi-official verdict of 4 inches of snow (and, still, it keeps pouring down), today is a perfect day for this blend by Rachel. Thanks so much for sending me some of this to try!

Having never had the chestnut blend by itself, I can’t tell exactly what flavor it brings here (but I’ve got a bit of it from Meghann, so I can have it later and compare!), but this blend is really nice. I can taste the caramel, and a hint of the cinnamon (though I think I’d like more cinnamon), and a rich, nutty taste that I assume must be the chestnut. Mostly, though, it’s a solid, strong black tea base that holds up well to the flavors and isn’t overpowered by them. It makes me wish I was snowed in at my mom’s house, with her making beef stew or chicken & dumplings for lunch and watching marathons of Most Evil or other crime shows on the ID channel whilst we craft.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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ashmanra 14 years ago

My mom made chicken and pastry (that’s what they call dumplings where I’m from) every time it snowed! It rarely snows here, but I always looked forward to it.

JacquelineM 14 years ago


We had a few flurries but it didn’t amount to anything, which is good because I didn’t look up the weather and am strutting around in heeled mary janes!!!

Jaime 14 years ago

I’ve regularly left my house in my 4" whomp-a$$ boots without checking the weather. They’ve officially become my freezer-moving boots since a freezer goes down almost every time I wear them. Must look for a pair of heeled mary janes now, those sound adorable!

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4843 tasting notes

I have to admit that my very first sip of this tea was a little scary, because I could taste that funky Adagio black tea dry-starchy taste that I’m not terribly fond of. But, as the tea cools just enough to sip it comfortably, the flavors begin to come through very nicely.

I LOVE chestnuts, and I can taste them here, together with the cinnamon and the light touch of caramel – and it’s a very pleasing combination of flavors. The black tea flavor is still there, but it’s less pronounced and it isn’t quite as dry/starchy/aggressive as it was in the first sip.

I am liking this one a lot.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 15 years ago

So happy you enjoyed this tea. Seems like my blends are palatable dispite the fact you are not a huge fan of the Adagio black tea base. I am very happy that is the case. :-) Hope you continue to enjoy the rest I have sent you.

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

I don’t really care for Adagio’s black tea base, BUT I have noticed that it is more palatable and even enjoyable when it’s been blended. Weird, and I don’t know why that is. But, the basic flavors that they offer, I’ve tried a few, and I haven’t been real impressed. But, the blends that I’ve been trying from you have been good. I also like the butterbeer one that I’ve tried, although it isn’t my favorite.

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431 tasting notes

I am also trying this one for the first time in some time and it too tasted better than before. I found this one more interesting because I almost tasted each ingredient one at a time and the all at once, strange but satisfying. I truly get the whole cool evening, sunset with pumpkins, and colorful fall leaves falling from the trees with this, it kinda made me think of autumn but I quickly remembered snow so I decided no way and jolted myself back to reality and said…it is summer. It was a nice daydream while it lasted.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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392 tasting notes

Backlogging from yesterday. This has a nice cinnamon scent and a flavor I am assuming is chestnut. I don’t know that I have ever actually had a chestnut. I am not getting much caramel, but it has a nice sweet flavor. I enjoyed it. Thanks Rachel!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 15 years ago

Your welcome…no ranking? Just curious don’t have too if you don’t want to. :-)

Caitlin 15 years ago

Haha – I meant to rank this – I guess I am a bit off my game today

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