Tea type
Black Chai Green Blend
Black Tea, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Green Tea, Gunpowder Green Tea, Natural Ginger Flavor, Natural Spice Flavor, Orange Peels
Cloves, Molasses
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 334 ml

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  • “(SHERLOCK SPOILERS OMG YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) _ _ _ _ Did you? DID YOU MISS ME? DID YOU?!?!?! So I sorta found this tea right after I watched the Sherlock 3 finale. As in, I was browsing the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I love Sherlock, but I did not love this tea, sadly. Though not unexpected, given my track record with Adagio. Honestly I find all these chai/spicy/green/black blends these people come up with all...” Read full tasting note
  • “Cavocorax shared this one with me, and since it’s a new month i’m doing my best to start focusing back on all the samples i have in my cupboard. I pulled this one out because it’s got ginger, and...” Read full tasting note
  • “When I first heard of the title for this tea, I thought, “No way, is that a Sherlock reference? I must have it if it is..” Of course, it is, however I’ll refrain from sharing any spoilers as to why...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee


REAL OR NOT REAL??? Inspired by BBC Sherlock

Created by: Cara McGee

Ingredients: gunpowder, black tea, green tea, cinnamon bark, ginger root, orange peels, cloves, cardamom pods, natural ginger flavor, natural spice flavor

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 190° for 2 mins

About Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee View company

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6 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes


Did you? DID YOU MISS ME? DID YOU?!?!?!

So I sorta found this tea right after I watched the Sherlock 3 finale. As in, I was browsing the Adagio site like 2 days after. I didn’t stand a chance. I wanted it.

This blend is much better than I expected. It says GINGERx3. I usually only want GINGERx1. And there’s all these sour parts but it works. It’s not obnoxiously strong. Strangely enough, it’s almost endearing. The cinnamon adds a bit of charm to the mix, while the chai complicates everything. Smoldering, dark, brilliant…

And, with all that ginger in it, this tea lingers long after the last sip.

(this tea doesn’t give you a chance to)

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

I just had a cup of the Moriarty blend, and holy ginger! I can’t even imagine what GINGERx3 would be like! O.o I do love the idea of the fandom blends though :)


That was quite a final episode wasn’t it? :)


I think the ginger in this was toned down because of the recommended low temperature/short steep time. I could enjoy it! (And that was unexpected).

And that last episode was so good! I was on live-tweeting it to… well myself mostly, and I just couldn’t help but exclaim at EVERYTHING. Like Mary? WTF? And the whole mind palace scene; there’s Molly being awesome and trying to smarten Sherlock up and he has his dog and… Moriarty is chained up? And he can’t bear to think about John because it was MARY that shot him and everything is twisted around… It was such a great scene. And Magnusson was such a terrible person that you instantly hated. Well done.

I just really want to know what’s going on with Mary. I’m very protective of John (and Sherlock). :| Especially because it doesn’t really make sense that she was not trying to kill Sherlock when she shot him because he really nearly died!

I AM looking forward to a year (hopefully not too much more) of fic fleshing everything out and exploring all the angles.

And yes. What’s going on with Moriarty? I just assumed it was a set up that Sherlock’s new buddy (forgot his name, the drug addict guy?) set up as a way to get Sherlock off the hook, but that seems too easy…


Eee!!! Ginger! Also, live-tweeting to me. LOL. I still haven’t watched it. I feel like a terrible fan.


Hahah. I tried not to be spoil anything with my tweets – there was just a lot of emotin and surprise!

And nope. Not a terrible fan. There’s all sorts of reasons to hesistate before finishing the last available episode of any series. I stalled for 6 months on Doctor Who…


I just stalled out part way into the second episode because Sherlock was being SUCH a jerk! I’ve heard the last episode is better, but do you think I could skip the second?


i keep reading and re-reading what OMGsrsly just wrote, but, i just can’t seem to understand the sentence…


Shmiracles, Jeremy Brett is the Sherlock Holmes of my heart. New Sherlock is verging on abusive.


oh snap i totally get it i luv Granada too! (and remember when jude law showed up in that one ep? i made everyone in my house witness it haha) but sherlock is always kinda, well, verging on arrogant at times isn’t he? and John is so stubborn and admittedly has weird boundaries when it comes to sherlock and at the same time he’s a total BAMF and can totes take care of himself. so ya know, big boys playing rough. but i also have SO MUCH faith in the writers so i always assume that if i’m uncomfortable there’s a good reason.

i also realized i’m assuming you mean ep 3.2? but maybe you mean 1.2?
but if you do mean 3.2 then keep watching! cuz there are some amazingly moving scenes in that one between Sherl & John. definitely.

but none of this matters!
because there is a Sherlock for everyone. and you’ve found yours! and Jeremy Brett is so SO beautiful. (when i was watching the series i would literally pause netflix just so i could open it on my phone and take screenshots shhhh.) (did you happen to read any of the books about him? i’ve always been curious…)


I mean 3.2! I want to watch it. Want want want. But yeah… swoon Jeremy Brett. I haven’t read any books about him, but I did some cursory internet research at one point. I need to start reading more than just fanfic again. Maybe. :)


Damn, I need to get a bigger HD for my computer so I can more easily watch my old shows. Right now I have to transfer them one by one from my ooooold external HD.


Cavocorax, I totally agree with the confusion over Mary shooting Sherlock. He actually did die. The doctors were cleaning up shop cause they gave up on him and then his eyes opened again cause John. OMG. I think my heart stopped for that whole part from shot to eyes opening.
Anyway, if she didn’t mean to kill him, she could have done something different. I mean…she just basically wanted to buy time to convince him not to tell John her secret…without killing him? She must realize it’s inevitable considering how close they are so…was shooting him really necessary?
I do believe she would never hurt John physically, but will she continue to lie to him to protect him from the worst of her past? Sherlock was worth killing once, will she think so again? I want to like Mary, but I’m not sure I trust her.

I also think Moriarty is a trick. He can’t be alive. No waaaay. So Sherlock comes back now and solves this and then they just forget he murdered a guy (apparently) in cold blood? I guess no one really wants to punish him though…



Also, can we talk about the symbolism in Sherlock’s Mind Palace? OMGGGGG.

As for Sherlock being a jerk…well, that’s part of his charm, weird as it sounds.


Yeah I never understood why she did it. Was it because she didn’t want to shoot Magnussen with John in the building because he’d get caught, but then she needed to deflect everything away? I…. I really don’t understand. Lots of people have good theories on tumblr though.

And Sherlock being a jerk is who he is and I get that but for me I was NOT impressed with the gag at the beginning of 3.2 where Sherlock blew Lestrade’s big case for NO real reason. Yes I get it was supposed to be funny but I LIKE Lestrade and that was just awful. So awful. It took the fun out of things for a little bit.

But everything got better after that part!


I also wasn’t impressed that he faked john out with the bomb. :( :( :( But if it gets better, I’ll see about slogging through. I think I need some tea, though. ;)


Yeah that part was a little rough too, but I can attribute that to him getting used to being around people after being on the run, and tortured and not knowing how to act, especially around John…? Idk…

Once you get past most of the Best Man’s Speech it gets pretty good, and the third is just Amazing. SO AMAZING. I don’t think I was cringy about anything…


He didn’t mean that bit with Lestrade. He doesn’t understand how much people actually care about him. The bomb part made me really mad at him though! But I watched it again and I realized that the only way his huge ego would let him beg for forgiveness like that would be to treat it like a joke. But he truly meant everything he said. Still mean but I think John understands why.
Anyway, it’s all amazing. I want to watch them all again.


I know he didn’t mean that bit with Lestrade but I still cringe when I re-watch that scene. He’s just SO OBLIVIOUS to what anyone else might be doing that could be important.

And Lestrade deserves better. :| Maybe I should just go read that Mystrade fic that Starfevre rec’d.

Also semi-related: I read the Road Trip series on my way to work this morning: http://archiveofourown.org/series/10114
The first 3 parts are HILARIOUS. The fourth, emotional… Still very good!


I’m watching the Sign of Three again, and Mrs. Hudson is really sorta annoying eh? Or is that just me?

But I just love Molly. She gets better every season.


And here is the already compiled Road Trip series epub/mobi for those who want one file… :P


Lestrade really does deserve better. He’s such a lovely person. I’m rooting for a Molly/Lestrade pairing myself. But he’s not enough of a genius sociopath for her maybe. ;)
I do love the way Molly’s character has developed.
Also, stag night FTW!!


Hahahha. Yes – that stag night was AWESOME.
Thank you for canon sleeping beside each other…


You rock! :D Compiled fics FTW!


Right? Did you figure out how to do it? I found that automatically grabbing the page/link didn’t work so well or A03 – I had to manually select all and paste to make sure I didn’t miss any chapters. :)


No, I didn’t figure out how to do it. Haha. Soooo lazy. :) I mostly use it for Tumblr Fics, but the AO3 stuff that is in parts needs to be combined at some point. I DL’d all the fic off my phone, and am sorting it into Calibre today! Whee. :)

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652 tasting notes

I love Sherlock, but I did not love this tea, sadly. Though not unexpected, given my track record with Adagio.

Honestly I find all these chai/spicy/green/black blends these people come up with all manage to taste the same to me.

It was “Meh” times 100.

Thanks for passing it along for me to try, Cavocorax!
otherwise I’d wonder forever about Adagio and me.

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15267 tasting notes

Cavocorax shared this one with me, and since it’s a new month i’m doing my best to start focusing back on all the samples i have in my cupboard. I pulled this one out because it’s got ginger, and i love me some ginger :)

on the whole, this one wasn’t bad. it’s still got that familiar adagio smell and taste but at least the ginger comes creeping through. i added a bit of actual ginger to this and that made it pop even more.


Yeah. There is a specific taste and smell to Adagio teas. That’s what I don’t love.


yep – there are a few exceptions to that but mostly yes. which is why i’m not fussed about not being able to get them easily heh i can pick up the ones i like when i’m in chicago and pass on the rest or swap

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1501 tasting notes

When I first heard of the title for this tea, I thought, “No way, is that a Sherlock reference? I must have it if it is..” Of course, it is, however I’ll refrain from sharing any spoilers as to why this is so awesome. ;)

This tastes as I would expect it to, considering the character it’s modeled after: soft ginger cookies with a hint of molasses, some clove and cinnamon, a touch of black tea, and then… oh yeah!… more ginger. It’s complex and ginger-y, and while I really do love it, I may be okay with having just this sample from Cavocorax for now. Thank you again for sharing with me your precious Adagio order! (I mean that truly, kindly… it’s hard to get Adagio here in Canada for a decent price due to the ridiculous shipping costs).

Flavors: Cloves

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Sami Kelsh

For reals. I love adagio, but their shipping makes me want to weep.

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