Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Cocoa Nibs, Ginger, Lapsang Souchong, Natural Caramel Flavor, Natural Chocolate Flavor, Natural Ginger Flavor, Natural Vanilla Flavor
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 3 g 12 oz / 355 ml

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10 Tasting Notes View all

  • “i freakin love Cara McGee’s lapsang blends. she just goes for it. balls out bold. and how accurate for the brash, aggressive, and charming Tony. remember, i am the person who pushes Cara’s Smaug...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was expecting a bit more out of this blend since it had Lapsang in it. But it wasn’t the least bit smoky, the tiger eye was more dominant. It had more of a chocolaty taste than I cared for.” Read full tasting note
  • “Smells a little medicinal in the bag, but that goes away when you brew it. It’s smoky, with a sharp taste to it from the ginger. There is the slightest undertone of carmel, which is very nice....” Read full tasting note
  • “A sample from Shmiracles! Thank you. :) Sadly, I find the Adagio lapsang blends to be almost stomach-churningly like drinking soaked campfire ash. So, uh, not for me. It was pretty smooth, but the...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

Brash, Aggressive, and Rich. A blend at once frustrating and charming.

Based on characters owned by Marvel/Disney. This tea blend is created purely for my own enjoyment.

Created by: Cara McGee

Ingredients: Lapsang Souchong, black tea, ginger & natural ginger flavor, natural caramel flavor, cocoa nibs, natural vanilla flavor & natural chocolate flavor

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 212° for 3 minutes.

About Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee View company

Company description not available.

10 Tasting Notes

814 tasting notes

i freakin love Cara McGee’s lapsang blends. she just goes for it. balls out bold. and how accurate for the brash, aggressive, and charming Tony.

remember, i am the person who pushes Cara’s Smaug tea blend on everyone, so take that into consideration. but i suspect that i will always think that lapsang and ginger make an excellent blend. The Apothecary said that her bag wasn’t lapsangy enough. but mine has a good balance. the ginger is mild, but i get a nice bit of lapsang on the nose. the blend still has a steady foot in “black tea” territory. overall, smells INTENSE but is really really easy to drink. i bet it’s gonna go fast out of my cupboard.
(when i opened the bag that first time, my roommate was all “i can smell it from over here wowza”)

at this point, the only teas i buy from adagio are Cara’s lapsang blends. and the fact that she makes them for my fandoms, and they are perfect for sipping all winter long while i read mega piles of hawt Avengers fic, is really just a bonus. a really really special awesomesauce bonus.

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

I love Cara McGee’s blends as well. They are the blends I’ve tried from Adagio. My favorite was Bilbo Brew, which I am still mourning the loss of.

Shmiracles 11 years ago

OMG what?!? no more bilbo brew??
my sister had some this morning and we discussed how good it was on the way to work! i will have to hoard the last bit i have left! dangit!! sad.

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42 tasting notes

I was expecting a bit more out of this blend since it had Lapsang in it. But it wasn’t the least bit smoky, the tiger eye was more dominant. It had more of a chocolaty taste than I cared for.

5 min, 0 sec
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Shmiracles 12 years ago

hello Apothecary! do you still have some of this Tony Stark tea? i love lapsang blends and i would be happy to swap some teas with you cuz i’d love to try it. i could even send you some extra bags for packaging it if that would help?

The Apothecary 12 years ago

I no longer have my Tony Stark anymore. I gave it to a friend who was interested in trying it. I have an almost full bag of Aziraphile that I’m not overly fond of. I would be willing to swap, if you’re interested that is :)

Shmiracles 12 years ago

aww, well i was interested in the stark because of the lapsang. so i guess i’ll pass on Aziraphile. (i’m currently drowning in swap teas and should really restrain myself if i can) but thanks for responding!!

The Apothecary 12 years ago

Hey no problem! I know the feeling it’s so hard to cut back, when there are so many good teas out there!

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16 tasting notes

Smells a little medicinal in the bag, but that goes away when you brew it. It’s smoky, with a sharp taste to it from the ginger. There is the slightest undertone of carmel, which is very nice. However, it is VERY caffeinated (which fits Tony perfectly), so be careful drinking it unless you are really used to caffeine. I know I get a little jittery if I drink more than one cup.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Shmiracles 12 years ago

Hi Jordyn! i know you aren’t super active here on steepster but i thought i would check with you and see if maybe you’d be into doing a swap? mostly just because i’d love to try the Tony, Bruce, and Steve adagio blends that you have. (if you haven’t finished them yet)
here is a link to some steepsters talking about it….
if you’re into it, perhaps you could pick a few teas out of my cupboard and i will send them to you along with extra baggies so you can send me some tea back? just an idea.
if this doesn’t interest you feel free to ignore :)
also if you don’t wanna swap tea but just wanna recommend some fics that’s okay too haha

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2291 tasting notes

A sample from Shmiracles! Thank you. :)

Sadly, I find the Adagio lapsang blends to be almost stomach-churningly like drinking soaked campfire ash. So, uh, not for me. It was pretty smooth, but the flavour just did not work at all.

Maybe if it was 1/16 lapsang and mostly the other blends I’d like it more, but as it stands I had to dump it. :( I hate doing that with tea.

I tried it with maple syrup and milk.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML
Starfevre 11 years ago

I miss shmiracles. I haven’t seen her for a while.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

She and Oddree occasionally update on Instagram or Tumblr, but yeah. I miss her notes.

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3294 tasting notes

It’s been months since the boys & I placed an adagio fandom tea order, and there won’t be any orders placed in the near future either, because I have a box full of adagio fandom teas from Sil. She got this one from Smiracles, so thanks to both of you. This was one I definitely wanted to try, because
1 – it’s a Cara McGee blend, & some of her blends are really awesome!
2 – I’ve been experimenting for awhile with a ginger & lapsange combo, adding various other things, like vanilla, maple, etc. So this tea is right in there.
I’ve tried the Tiger Eye before by itself, & it was very tasty, so I’m glad to see it in this blend too. Of course, I added some Maple to the pot, how could I not?
I think this could handle even more ginger, but otherwise it’s a tasty tea!
It’s also a sipdown, although I didn’t really plan it that way!

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299 tasting notes

Tony tastes a lot better than he smells. IJS.

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726 tasting notes


Dude. I don’t know what it is, but all the fandom blends that use Lapsang always taste so weird. Like I actually really like lapsang! But I haven’t had Adagio’s lapsang alone, only in blends, but I’m convinced that Adagio’s lapsang is just… weird in its own way.
Oh Tony. You smell like… it’s the cockiness in you that deserves such a smoky, dark, spicy tea.
What is in this blend!? Tiger Eye, Lapsang Souchong and Ginger
Oh gosh. I’ll like force this down my throat and resteep to see if I can get a different taste, but at first sip, this is a no.

EDIT: This got a bit tame as it cooled and a lot of the flavour sank to the bottom. Not completely terrible and sour and gross from what I tasted right when it finished steeping, but at least it was a totally drinkable tea :)

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 3 g 8 OZ / 236 ML
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carol who 11 years ago

Always sad when a tea you were really looking forward to end up being disappointing. Especially a fandom tea.

Shmiracles 11 years ago

listen, i love a good lapsang blend, i love an adventurous lapsang blend, i seriously think the Smaug tea is super great, but this Tony Stark tea? it might be a problem. i don’t think i’ve tried it since that first big cup i brewed.
what i DO like about this tea… it makes sense! because, TONY.
so in a way it’s like a hilarious joke. a bold prank.
ha ha very funny Tony, you got me.

Shmiracles 11 years ago

okay edit! i went back and read my review so apparently i AM into this tea? it’s cold today. i do think lapsang is for cold weather. so i’ll try to have it again and re-evaluate my opinion.
truth be told, i try to be a practical kind of gal, but if anything is gonna influence my opinion, it would probably be my current love of everything Marvel Avengers. so, consider the source :)

jump62359 11 years ago

I’ve bumped the rating up a bit because Tony is actually… okay?
I had the Natasha not too long ago, and I definitely like Tony a but more than Natasha. Dude. I just need to try like every blend there is haha :)

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1598 tasting notes

Phew. This one does not immediately go onto my re-order list which is a relief because I’ve already got Loki and Thor and haven’t tried the rest, and at 3 oz a tea, how many can one reasonably order just for oneself?

This is good, don’t get me wrong. It’s bold. It’s flashy and in your face, and… well that’s Tony? There might be the faintest sweetness in there, although I’m sure that would be aboslutely denied if directly pointed out… This just isn’t one I would crave very often.

Thank you Shmiracles! The rest of this is off to ozli! (181)

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15631 tasting notes

Another tea from shmiracles. I was hoping for a bit of zing from the ginger but i’m finding instead that this is mostly just lapsang. It could just be that there wasn’t a lot of ginger in the bag or something. On the plus side, this isn’t a bad lapsang and with alittle bit of maple it smoothed out into a rather tasty cup. thanks shmiracles!

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