Good morning Steepsterites.
I’ve made this a bit unpleasant today. The tin I keep it in is tall and narrow, so it’s a bit difficult to get the scoop in and get a proper spoonful of leaves. I think I used too much leaf today. I tried to compensate with a shorter than normal steep but it hasn’t really worked. Not short enough.
It has that nutty bitterness that just sits on your tongue and constantly reminds you that, “I’m drinkable, yeah… But I’m not supposed to be here. Oolong, ur doin it rong!”
And that’s really distracting, you know? It makes it impossible to taste around it like you can with some other mistakes. Or maybe it’s just impossible this morning, I don’t know.
Either way, I surrender. Now I want something else.
Anything else.
Hahahaha, and oh no! I LOATHE it when something like this happens. When you’re like, Hrm, that looks like too much. Oh wellz. Hurrhurr.
Then 3 minutes later, after it’s done steeping… “It was too much. :(”
Yeah, the ‘steep until bitter and then 30 seconds less’ principle just never works! Doesn’t stop me from trying though. Instead of just transferring the lot over to a larger pot like a normal person would do…