Coconut Carrot Cashew

Tea type
Black Tea
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Astringent, Butter, Carrot, Coconut, Cream, Malt, Nuts, Dirt, Grass, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by Lauren | A Quarter to Tea
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 9 oz / 266 ml

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From A Quarter to Tea

Coconut Carrot Cashew:

Three of the best C’s in existence that are only better when paired together. Sweet carrot, creamy coconut, and rich and nutty cashews come together on an Assam base for a medium bodied, and incredibly satisfying cup.

All orders come in resealable packaging and include a reusable muslin cotton tea bag.


Assam black tea, raw cashews, shredded coconut, dried carrot, natural flavors

Brew and Size Instructions:

Use 1-2 teaspoons for a 6 oz cup
Steep for 3-5 minutes at 200F water

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22 Tasting Notes

16967 tasting notes

Still such a silky and smooth blend – notes of malty and floral black tea support this very rich and creamy cashew and coconut combination that’s equally nutty as it is buttery. I love the addition of carrot for the mild earthiness it brings and the natural, but not sugary, sweetness that supports the creamy and thick combo of cashew/coconut.

It’s honestly held up very well!

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772 tasting notes

This was a free sample in my AQTT order and wow. I should never doubt them when coconut is involved. This is amazing. I want more. I shared it with my mom and she also thought it was amazing. This is sweet and coconutty and nutty in the best way. I can’t tell you how long I steeped either of the two steeps I did since I lost track of time but it never got bitter. Fantastic.

205 °F / 96 °C
Evol Ving Ness

Wow, QTT plus coconut! This is very good news indeed!

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1445 tasting notes

Some amazing alchemy is going on here. The creamy, sweet, and nutty traits of the core ingredients blend into and compliment each-other seamlessly.

The slightly astringent assam body also makes this the ideal breakfast tea. Along with some maple syrup, it vastly improved some mediocre pancakes. The mother agrees wholeheartedly.

Coconut-nut blends can get stale and dull quickly, and I’m incredibly pleased how fresh this one tastes. It’s the kind of tea that actually makes me want to wake up early and eat breakfast food (ugh). It was a wonderful way to kick off Mother’s Day!

Steep Count: 2

Flavors: Astringent, Butter, Carrot, Coconut, Cream, Malt, Nuts

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

oh neat


I got a sample of this and kicked myself for days for not getting more. I’m not sure what I was expecting but this tea is way more impressive than its name.


Agree wholeheartedly. I thought this would be a write-off when I ordered a sample, but your and Kittenna’s notes convinced me I should at least give it a chance. Glad I did :)


I’m glad! I really don’t know where I’d be without the tasting notes on this site. I’d have no IDEA what to drink and I’d just be stumbling blind through the world of tea.

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6119 tasting notes

Absolutely delicious! Mostly a chocolatey-sweet dessert tea, with nuttiness and creamy coconut mixed in. Didn’t really pick up on any carrot, but that’s ok.


uh oh. i guess this is why i don’t come on steepster very much anymore. every time i do, before i even know what’s happening, i’m shopping on a new tea seller’s website.


Hahaha. A Quarter to Tea is probably going to be my Butiki replacement, if that gives an indication of how pleased I am with the teas I’ve sampled!

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1780 tasting notes

Today is a rough day and the start of a rough new reality. I steeped a cup of this tea, took a sip, was intrigued and then got side tracked with some manual labor in my yard that included hauling bags of cement. Now I’m all sweat, gross and dusty while trying to focus on experiencing this cup instead of turning to my liquor cupboard. Yay me! LOL!
I absent mindedly chugged some of this before reheating. I’m noticing more coconut when it is warm and more of the tea flavors coming out when it is cool. I think I can pick up a bit of the butteriness from the cashew and maybe a hint of carrot. Adding cream isn’t doing much. The creaminess is heightened, but I’m not tasting any other flavor changes. Maybe a little more carrot at the end of the sip? I’ll have to revisit this tea when I’m in a better headspace.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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226 tasting notes

It must have been a really long while since I’ve logged on to Steepster, because I ended up having to sign in…luckily after a few tries remembered my password.

I bought this tea as a sample last February/March (When my mom was on a long vacation and I could get away with buying an obnoxious amount of tea.)

By the name I was expecting a flavor similar to that of Frosted Carrotcake Genmaicha, though with a slightly mellow smoothness due to the cashew.

Sadly I could not taste any carrot, just mainly coconut and maybe the cashew. It’s a nice tea though and I like drinking it, but I don’t see myself buying this one again.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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672 tasting notes

I got this as a free sample in my order. When I was browsing the site, I thought this flavor sounded kind of strange, so I skipped it, but it’s actually really good. So glad I got to try it :)

I guess my first impression from the name was ‘raw carrot’ but this really tastes more like sweet buttery cooked carrot. My family has a carrot souffle recipe we make occasionally, and it reminded me a lot of that (so bonus points for nostalgia).

I don’t taste the coconut at all, and I can’t really pick up on the cashew either — but cashew is such a mild flavor, I’m guessing it would just make tea taste creamier, rather than stand out as its own note.

Overall, a soothing satisfying cup.

Evol Ving Ness

Sounds rather luscious and yum.


Yes, I think I’ll be adding it to my next order :)

Evol Ving Ness

Trying to be strong.

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206 tasting notes

Big ups to Rosehips for sending this to me! I am so happy to have traded with you! (squeeze)

At first sniff, this is kind of… vegetal? I think that’s the carrot. It’s a spring soil kind of scent.

But then you get in there and… damn. She (I think Rosehips is female? — the real name is unisex) wasn’t moved by this, but I adore it. It’s a creamy, carrot-y, slightly coconut flavor. Kind of like a carrot cake with a few coconut sprinkles on top. I am totally getting it.

I think that the nut contributes to the cream flavor (?), but it might be superfluous. I don’t really pick up a lot of it on its own. I specifically made sure I had one of the blend’s nuts in this first scoop. NO MATTER.

There is still a slight grassy undertone to this, and I’m not quite sure where it’s coming from, but it’s not enough for me to dislike this blend. I’m totally on board here. I’m going to be a sad panda when the sample is gone.

Flavors: Carrot, Coconut, Cream, Dirt, Grass, Vanilla


(Indeed I am female, unisex name not withstanding). I’m glad you’ve had such a positive experience with this! I’ll have to give it another chance.

Super Starling!

I figured “rosehips” sounded a little feminine. But who am I to enforce the gender binary? YOU DO YOU.

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2970 tasting notes

I feel a need to apologize to A Quarter to Tea for not liking this blend. I want to so much! And I can tell that it was put together with skill and grace. But I cannot make myself really like it.
Its the coconut, which is entirely my own fault. I know that I don’t like coconut, but I insist on trying somedays, which proves that I am foolhardy.
The base is good, theres an almost earthy quality to it, which is hearty and good, but I don’t get either carrot sweetness or cashew creaminess from it.
Ah well.

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