Tropical Sunrise

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Green Tea
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From A Quarter to Tea

Tropical Sunrise Green Tea:

Summer winding to a close, getting you down? Don’t fret — just let yourself get whisked off to the beach. Tangerine, mango, raspberry and coconut make a fruity tropical cocktail that will have you hearing waves and feeling the sand underfoot.

Delicious iced!

All orders come in resealable packaging and include a reusable muslin cotton tea bag.


Sencha green tea, chinese green tea, dried goji berries, coconut flakes, freeze dried tangerine, natural flavors

Brew and Size Instructions:

Use 1 tbsp for an 8 oz cup
Steep for 5 minutes at 170F water

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4 Tasting Notes

6107 tasting notes

Old sipdown #5. Can’t remember a thing about this one. Drat. I don’t think I was super crazy about it, otherwise it would have stuck in my head.

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16374 tasting notes

Sipdown (127)!

Lauren thoughtfully included this as an extra sample in my Quarter to Tea sample order!

We’re a long way from summer now, so a tropical themed tea feels a little out of place but just because this might not be the ideal season to drink it doesn’t mean it’s not going to be super tasty! So, when I cold brewed this tea I did my absolute best to be open minded about it. And honestly, it wasn’t hard: the coconut in the blend smells super fresh and yummy and I could see lots of goji berries which are a fruit I’ve really tried to learn more about this year. Both are things for me to get excited about.

Like I said, this was cold brewed because Lauren from A Quarter to Tea specifically said on the tea’s page that it’s great iced. I don’t normally ice teas, but I do cold brew them! I find, if a company is going to specifically point out a way to try their tea I want to take that into consideration.

Mostly; I thought this was just a really nice smooth, vegetal and grassy cold brewed green tea that demonstrated characteristics of both the Chinese and Japanese style greens in the blend. On top of the really enjoyable base, the coconut was quite a dominant flavour. It tastes insanely fresh! It’s a nice balance between tropical “Pina Colada” type coconut and a more confectionery type coconut. It reminds me of DT’s Coconut Grove which is something I haven’t gotten to say in a LONG time since that delightful blend has been discontinued for a while now.

Sadly, none of the fruit really seems to contribute much flavour. I certainly don’t taste the goji and I just barely taste the faintest citrus flavour on the finish of the cup. I’d never be able to identify it as tangerine is I wasn’t reading an ingredients list. I don’t mind the absence of fruit because I get to enjoy the coconut, but I doubt that’s entirely what was intended and if you’re looking for fruit flavour you may be disappointed with this blend.

Regardless, it was a good experience for me.

Flavors: Coconut

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694 tasting notes

A sample of this was included in my order. Thank you Lauren!

This weekend was intense. My husband went on a weekend trip to do a trail marathon in Mohab. So the kids and I had plans to hang around and check things out on the nice fall weekend. I woke up very early Saturday morning in horror. My stomach had other plans. I had managed to catch a stomach bug. Instead of enjoying the fall weekend I was wishing for death and praying my children didn’t hurt themselves while I dozed in and out of contentiousness. All help which I could have called on was also in Mohab with my husband. Single mothers I applaud you. I don’t know how you do it day in and day out.

Stomach back to normal and enjoying tea this morning. This is not my favorite cup. For me the strong note of coconut mixed with green tea is a little much for me. I would much more prefer the fruity flavors to shine and the coconut to just be a hint in the back ground. Thats okay. Can’t love them all. My wallet is thankful for that!


My goodness, what an ordeal! I hope you recover quickly. I hav eno idea how any parents do it, let alone single ones!


Hope you are feeling better!

Lauren | A Quarter to Tea

Hope you’re feeling better and that your husband had an excellent run, at least!

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1040 tasting notes

This is the third tea from my order. I was drinking it hot last night and then put some in the fridge to cold steep, which is what I’m drinking now…..

Hot – I really really really didn’t like this. Tangerine – nope, Mango – nope, Raspberry – nope, coconut – ok I got that – way too much of it. This was just a little bitter, a little acidic, something weird that I’m just calling sharp, a little citrus and a whole lot of coconut. Not to my taste at all. I didn’t finish the cup…

Cold – better, but not much. There is still not at all what I thought it would be. Orange coconut – that’s what I’m mostly getting. There is still some of that weird sharp taste.

Sorry – nope, this is a total miss for me. :((

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