Banana Nut Pancakes

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Banana, Ceylon Black Tea, Natural Flavours, Walnuts
Artificial, Banana, Butter, Candy, Cinnamon, Cream, Malt, Nuts, Smooth, Walnut, Bread, Pancake Syrup, Pecan, Sweet
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 291 ml

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24 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sample Sipdown! (56) I’m not sure what it is with me and banana teas lately. I’ve gone bananas for bananas! But seriously, I keep reaching for them… This one is pretty good. The banana flavor is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wow this tea really smells banana-y. My sample packet of this had about half a banana coin and 2 large walnut pieces. Preparation: covered and steeped for 5 minutes in an 10 oz mug. Used the whole...” Read full tasting note
  • “090/365 I picked up a taster/sample size of this one with my first AQTT order (I’m seriously late to this party!), and I’m already wishing I’d bought a bigger bag. I knew straight away, after only...” Read full tasting note
  • “Mmm… such syrupy banana goodness, although less so when I didn’t get a banana or nut piece in my tea filter. Without those pieces, today’s cup seemed more buttery and black tea-like, which isn’t a...” Read full tasting note

From A Quarter to Tea

What could possibly be better than having pancakes for breakfast?

Drinking them of course. Ceylon is used as the base here and is paired with the flavors of banana nut pancakes drizzled in vanilla butter.

Makes an excellent latte.

ceylon black tea, banana chips (banana, sugar, coconut oil) raw walnuts, natural flavors

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24 Tasting Notes

4330 tasting notes

Sample Sipdown! (56)

I’m not sure what it is with me and banana teas lately. I’ve gone bananas for bananas! But seriously, I keep reaching for them…

This one is pretty good. The banana flavor is somewhat authentic and somewhat Runt-y – I think it’s possibly really banana Runt flavor and there’s some cream or vanilla that’s helping it out a bit. There’s a nice buttery flavor as well.

I do absolutely get walnut or pecan notes, which is surprising to me. I feel like nut notes in tea are almost always the marzipan-y almond extract kind, which to me doesn’t really taste like nuts. And perhaps there’s a hint of cinnamon here?

There is some sort of weird artificial or chemical flavor though, I’m not sure if it’s the banana Runts combining with walnut in a weird way. It almost tastes plastic-y if that makes sense? But it’s very mild and doesn’t detract too much from the cup.

Overall, it’s pretty good. Obviously Anne’s Banana Pancakes tea has ruined me for all other banana teas now… How cruel! :P

Flavors: Artificial, Banana, Butter, Candy, Cinnamon, Cream, Malt, Nuts, Smooth, Walnut

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Ha. I’m drinking T2’s Banana Bake that you sent me right now. Just wrote the note (for tomorrow). I liked it!

Cameron B.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one… I think I liked it, too.

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1324 tasting notes

Wow this tea really smells banana-y. My sample packet of this had about half a banana coin and 2 large walnut pieces.

Preparation: covered and steeped for 5 minutes in an 10 oz mug. Used the whole sample.
Drank it plain without added milk or sweetener

Tasting Note: This is the second banana tea I’ve ever had and both are from A Quarter to Tea. This tea is similar to her Banana Split tea but only in terms of the banana flavor. The banana flavor is the prominent note in this tea with some nutty undertones. The aftertaste of the tea tastes like a banana walnut muffin. I can see why a lot of people don’t like banana teas because the flavor is sort of strange. This tea is pretty spot on in terms of the name for me although I don’t get pancakes from it. I think anyone who likes banana teas will be able to appreciate this blend. The banana flavor is essentially a yellow banana, not a ripe one. I only eat bananas when they are SUPER ripe and sweet. So I’m not the targeted audience for this tea but enjoyed trying it.

I would love to see a caramelized banana tea or something along those lines. A Banana Nutella tea might also be interesting.

Flavors: Bread, Nuts, Walnut

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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2238 tasting notes


I picked up a taster/sample size of this one with my first AQTT order (I’m seriously late to this party!), and I’m already wishing I’d bought a bigger bag. I knew straight away, after only one tiny sip, that this would be tea love. I don’t know that I absolutely get pancakes, but as it happens I really don’t care. That’s because there’s banana and nuts in spades, and that’s what I really wanted from this blend. Something to rival Butiki’s Foxy Roxy’s Banana Walnut Treat, which I still miss. Well, this is it. I’ve finally found it!

The banana here isn’t over-strong or artificial, but it’s at a level I consider perfect. It tastes like actual ripe banana, like it’s been somehow smooshed into the tea. It has that sweetness, and that undeniable banana-ness, that you’d get from an actual banana. The nuts play second fiddle, but they’re definitely there. I get mostly walnut, but there’s something richer and more pecan-like in there too, along with a light creaminess.

I adore this, and it’s definitely one I’d buy more of next time.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

Sounds yum!


I really liked AQ2T’s Grilled Spiced Banana.

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1445 tasting notes

Mmm… such syrupy banana goodness, although less so when I didn’t get a banana or nut piece in my tea filter. Without those pieces, today’s cup seemed more buttery and black tea-like, which isn’t a bad thing either.

Taken with 2% milk.

Flavors: Bread, Butter, Pancake Syrup, Pecan, Walnut

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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6119 tasting notes

I remember this being tasty, but no longer remember the sipdown (I think it was about a month ago). Nice to have a large package finished up, though!

Cameron B.

Finishing large or old teas is always so satisfying! \o/

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1780 tasting notes

Sniffing at my cup of this I notice an almond/cherry scent, but no banana! I can also smell something deeper and earthier behind it. I’m surprised at how many AQ2T selections have the suggested steeping temp of 200. Greens and blacks, which I’m used to having very different requirements. Still, I figure if a company bothers to put a temperature suggestion on there, they have probably done some trial and error… unless it’s Lupicia which has horrible steeping suggestions of boiling everything!
When I sip I’m getting the same flavor combo that I was smelling. I got a piece of dried banana in my steeper, but cherries are still coming through strong. It’s only on the aftertaste that I get a quick hint of banana. I added a little sugar and it hasn’t changed. Adding cream is making it yummier, but still no banana. I am a lover of artificial banana flavoring. If I’m expecting this to be a banana tea, I’m disappointed. If I’m not expecting banana, then it’s a nice enough cup with cream and sugar.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I boil Lupicia’s Mango Oolong! One reason I love it so much is it can take anything… Just be careful you short steep when the water is that hot. :)


I have had a hard time getting into oolongs, but I think I have a Lupicia oolong that I can try that with. I was getting horrible cups of green tea following their instructions.


I don’t really like green tea, so I guess I didn’t notice when I tried them. :D

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1403 tasting notes

This tea now is approaching a year old, but the smallest bit of remaining leaf has been tucked away safely in a tin in a cold dark cupboard.

When I last had it some time ago, I wasn’t impressed, so I didn’t have high hopes. But today, perhaps I added the slightest bit more dry leaf and steeped it just right and omgwow! The banana is gentle but present enough to whisper banana through every sip. It’s all very nutty, as in walnut/pecan type nutty, including that slight bitterness of walnut or pecan skin flavour. All wrapped up with a hint of maple sweetness. Beautiful.

Very much enjoying this cup. Well done, Lauren.

Now do I dare hope for the same euphoria in my next cup?

Flavors: Pecan, Sweet, Walnut

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

This sounds yummy. I love a good banana tea.

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538 tasting notes

So I got this as a sample from my 1st order. Smells, but not taste of banana. Hint of nut. I didn’t get any bread notes. However, this was a very small sample, so it was under leafed and probably needed milk or sugar to bring out the full flavor.

Flavors: Nuts

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2291 tasting notes

As my mouth is still full of peanut butter (I have a problem, k?) the nut flavour of this is kind of lost on me… but the banana is spot on.


Thanks so much for sharing, Dexter! I’ll do another steep later and see how it is. But this tea + peanut butter = delicious.

Edit: Steep 2 is good as well. 6 minutes. Banana-y, although not super banana-y. Walnut skin nutty flavour. I think I preferred the Cherry Latte Oolong (??) but this is also tasty.

2.5 tsp in 16 oz for 4 min plus some milk.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I totally should have had peanut butter with this tea haha. Sounds like a delicious pair.


Mmm, peanut butter and banana! :)

The 13th Doctor

AAAAh I’m getting a banana tea soon and this is making me hungry. ___

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28 tasting notes

On this wonderfully stormy night I am sipping A Quarter to Tea’s Banana Nut Pancakes, a surprise sample from Equusfell! The aroma of the brewed tea is spot on and rather delicious. Those inspiration banana walnut pancakes may be on the menu tomorrow!

My first few sips of a new-to-me tea are always straight, even though adding sweetener is pretty standard for me when it comes to dessert teas. Even when I enjoy a dessert tea or otherwise flavored tea straight, I usually find that to my tastebuds, I prefer it when the flavors have been awakened by a bit of sweetener, and often cream or (nondairy) milk as well. Straight, even the best flavored teas I’ve tried are not nearly as compelling to me as unflavored teas. So when I play with flavored tea, I do it up.

As I am with this tea. A spoonful of simple syrup coaxed the delightful aroma into the brewed cup. Simple syrup is convenient since it blends into the tea more evenly than sugar, but sometimes (perhaps when I’ve added too much) I can taste the simple syrup itself, which I don’t love. I found myself thinking, hmm, honey would be nice, and took it one step further, my friends, to the obvious(ly brilliant) conclusion of maple syrup!

Which brings us up to this very sip: real maple, a 4 min steep (this is the 4th steep, and it’s still flavorful), a touch of cream, and wow: this is dessert in a cup.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 3 OZ / 88 ML

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