April Siesta

Tea type
Herbal Honeybush Blend
Dried Lemon, Licorice Root, Orange Pieces, Organic Egyptian Chamomile, Organic Honeybush, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan), Star Anise Bits
Anise, Citrus, Dry Grass, Lemon, Licorice, Orange, Spicy, Vegetal, Brown Sugar, Molasses, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by 52Teas
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 24 oz / 700 ml

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “More like November Siesta. I don’t know if it’s psychological but I swear this is relaxing the bejesus out of me, and normally chamomile or other BS sleepy-time blends do absolutely nothing for me....” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! I did really enjoy this tea. I would buy it again. It feels nice to clean out my cupboard, though. I’m aiming for four sipdowns today. I’m at three currently. There’s nothing like star...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – November 2023 Tea #8 -An herbal tisane I’d like to think this is one of the more unique tasting blends from 52Teas!  Not many of these ingredients are used very...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Tea of the Week for April 17. 2017!

I have a confession (although, for anyone who has read many of my reviews from back when I was a tea reviewer – this probably isn’t much of a confession) – I’m not particularly fond of chamomile. Oh, I’ll drink it (on a rare occasion) but it’s not a tea/tisane that I’ll grab enthusiastically. It’s not something I’ll brew every day – I certainly don’t like it that much.

That said, I don’t hate it either. I’m just kinda ‘meh’ about it. Not my favorite thing – you know?

I’ve crafted one blend with chamomile during my time as the Mad Tea Artist of 52Teas – At Play in the Fields of Love – which I blended as a VIT for a special customer. Now, I’m crafting my second chamomile blend – and I’m blending it with one of my very favorite flavors: Licorice! I absolutely love licorice and all herb-y things related to licorice, like licorice root, anise and fennel. But interestingly enough – this is my first time blending a licorice blend. (Although, I did use licorice root in the Butter Beer reblend.) I have refrained from using licorice as a primary flavor in my blends up until now because I realize that it is a somewhat polarizing flavor – most people either love it or hate it – and it seems like it’s a even balance between those that like it and those that don’t. It’s kind of hard to create a winning blend with a featured flavor that is so polarizing.

But I’m hoping that with this blend – I’ve done just that.

One day while cruising through the internet – I stumbled upon a recipe for a cocktail called “April Siesta.” The cocktail features Absinthe which is a licorice-y liqueur and Curacao which is a citrus-y liqueur. These two liqueurs are combined with Cava (Spanish sparkling wine) and simple syrup and topped off with a lemon twist.

So this is my take on this cocktail that I’ve never actually tasted but was inspired by. I started with organic honeybush, added some chamomile (because when I think ‘siesta’ – the first herb that comes to mind is chamomile), added licorice root, star anise and some citrus (orange and lemon) wedges. I didn’t want the citrus to be too intrusive because I really wanted the licorice-y flavors to be the star of the show but I didn’t want the licorice to be so sharp that those who aren’t particularly fond of licorice might appreciate this beverage too.

I love this! I can honestly say that this is my favorite blend with chamomile in it – mostly because I can’t really taste the chamomile. Instead, I get sweet licorice with light citrus background notes. Yummy!

organic ingredients: honeybush, chamomile, orange, lemon, licorice root, star anise and natural flavors

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At 52teas.com, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

6 Tasting Notes

1792 tasting notes

More like November Siesta. I don’t know if it’s psychological but I swear this is relaxing the bejesus out of me, and normally chamomile or other BS sleepy-time blends do absolutely nothing for me. Yet, not long after I started drinking this, it hit me and I really want to go to bed. Granted, I had a long, mentally exhausting day filled with an absurdly high percentage of difficult, rude, entitled, and bizarre people/interactions. Constant, non-freaking-stop. The kind of day that really questions how some people, actually, how so many people come to be the way they are, and how they sleep at night.

So here I am past midnight waiting for my dishwasher to finish up while I allow my nails to dry and I wanted some tea to keep me company and warm me up. The mere look of the dry leaf automatically wins given the fact that there is whole star anise in here. So beautiful!

I’m a little all over the place with chamomile. I appreciate its fragrance and skincare benefits, and in tea, it depends on what it’s paired with, my mood, etc. Can be a little overpowering, but I do like it here. I know many aren’t into licorice root either, and I too, while loving licorice flavours (especially star anise), find that the root can be a little tricky.

The licorice root is a tad cloying here but this is still pleasant to drink under these circumstances. I’m not tasting the star anise so much, though. To my palate, this is equal parts chamomile and licorice with a shot of citrus. There’s something cooling and refreshing about this too, in the background behind the licorice and chamomile.


I might need some of this. I haven’t been sleeping all that well lately.

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2992 tasting notes

Sipdown! I did really enjoy this tea. I would buy it again. It feels nice to clean out my cupboard, though. I’m aiming for four sipdowns today. I’m at three currently. There’s nothing like star trek (Voyager, for those who care) and some tea in bed on a rainy Sunday.

Crimson Lotus Dragon

Haha! I’m currently in the middle of DS9, but I’ve been thinking about rewatching Voyager, too.


DS9 is coming up after I finish Voyager. I watched it about two years ago, but I need to watch it again. I’ve seen all of the series several times except DS9, so it deserves more attention. I’m such a big trek fan. Have you watched the new series?

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4343 tasting notes

Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – November 2023 Tea #8 -An herbal tisane

I’d like to think this is one of the more unique tasting blends from 52Teas!  Not many of these ingredients are used very often, as far as I know.  It’s on odd sendoff as this last bit somehow tastes different, and it has been one of the blends I have focused on lately, so have had a couple of times recently (and is fresh in my memory!).  Just the shuffle of the ingredients, I guess.  This time it’s more spring time meadow than heavy on the licorice. 
2023 sipdowns: 97

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