Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal Black Tea

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Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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  • “I think that my taste buds are back. I can taste all the elements in this tea, and they don’t seem like they’re buffered at all. I can taste the maple and the brown sugar, and even the oatmeal …...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got this in the recent grab bag special. This is a really neat tea with the oatmeal in the blend. Something so unique. The black base I find to be a little bit sharp, but it gives a good...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! 67/365 This is a sample sipdown; I believe I have a partial packet elsewhere as well. Both, I believe, are from the Frank era (uncertain if this has ever been reblended by Anne). Anyhow,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Once again, a tea that I have opted to drink multiple times before writing about. Oatmeal is one of my favorite breakfast foods. My expectations were super high, so in order to have my expectations...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

I’m a picky eater. My wife and mother can attest to this. It’s not that I’m trying to be difficult really, but somehow I just wound up that way. Oatmeal is one of those things that, as a kid, made my stomach turn. It SMELLED amazing, but the texture and the appearance of it just ruined me for it. As an adult now, knowing more specifically what the gloppy stuff is, I don’t think I would have such an issue with oatmeal. I’m thinking I might just have to give it another try one of these days.

In the meantime, I’ve been working on this week’s tea of the week–a maple and brown sugar oatmeal flavored TEA! I’m actually enjoying a hot cup of the fruit of my labor right now, and it’s delicious!

My wife, bless her heart, made me some oatmeal scotchies for my birthday tomorrow, and they are an awesome companion to this tea, believe me. With rolled oats and natural flavors including oatmeal, maple and brown sugar, this is a tea that will “stick to your ribs” as my mother used to say of oatmeal. (Probably another reason I didn’t want any–why would you tell a kid that? It sounds horrible and painful.)

Our Tea of the Week for the Week of February 20, 2012

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

29 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

I think that my taste buds are back. I can taste all the elements in this tea, and they don’t seem like they’re buffered at all. I can taste the maple and the brown sugar, and even the oatmeal … there is a creaminess to the cup that comes from the malty tones of the Assam in the blend. I can even taste the slight fruit notes to the tea as well. If they’re not 100%, I’d say that they’re certainly well on their way … and doing much better than they were a week ago, or even a day ago!

Finishing off the last that I had of this tea … I enjoyed it while I had it!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Ha! I JUST had actual maple and brown sugar oatmeal! haha :D


I think oatmeal is my favorite food group. If oatmeal isn’t an actual food group, it should be.

This tea sounds awesome!

Invader Zim

Yay taste buds!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I agree, CupofTree! :) yummmmm!


So glad you’re on the mend and that the tastebuds-brain connection has been re-established. :D

Ruby Woo Scarlett

Ooo interesting this one. I would have thought the maple would translate to tar in tea but I can see I was wrong. Sounds very sweet!

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1184 tasting notes

I got this in the recent grab bag special.

This is a really neat tea with the oatmeal in the blend. Something so unique. The black base I find to be a little bit sharp, but it gives a good kick.

Upon the first few sips, I didn’t get much taste for some reason. As I continued sipping, the maple and brown sugar started to appear with the oatmeal in the last part of the sip and the aftertaste.

Somehow, this does feel like “it sticks to your ribs” like in the description, almost like if fills you up. I am glad that I like this because I have a whole bag!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 67/365

This is a sample sipdown; I believe I have a partial packet elsewhere as well. Both, I believe, are from the Frank era (uncertain if this has ever been reblended by Anne).

Anyhow, this is pretty light in flavour. I admittedly just ate a biscotti so probably don’t have the freshest mouth for tasting subtle flavours, but there’s really not much there, if anything. My recollection is that I could never get out of this tea quite what others did, although I’d have to review my tasting note(s), as it could just be that my more recent experiences have been bland, and it was much better previously. Oh well, bye to this sample for now; the writing on the baggie is familiar but I can’t place who it was actually from, so hopefully I thanked them previously.

ETA: Hilarious. I reviewed this one 3 months ago (that would have been from the original packet I have floating around somewhere), and said the same thing about being uncertain if it had been reblended. Anne responded to say that it had not been. Also, sounds like this tea maybe just didn’t hold up too well with age, since both the sample and original are pretty bland.


This blend was crafted in early 2012 and hasn’t been reblended since.


Good to know I’m drinking 9-year old tea. Ahahaha.


I apparently cannot math AT ALL. Obviously I meant 7-year-old.

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160 tasting notes

Once again, a tea that I have opted to drink multiple times before writing about. Oatmeal is one of my favorite breakfast foods. My expectations were super high, so in order to have my expectations influence the tasting note over my actual perception of the tea, waiting on it seemed to be the best idea. I have had this tea with breakfast for the past few weeks and finally feel like I can write about it objectively.

The leaves are decently large and have oatmeal flakes mixed in with them. It looks like a tea lovers trailmix of sorts… The scent is very subtle. If I am not thinking directly of oatmeal and maple it just smells of black tea that is generically sweet.

Steeped the brew is dark brown and full smelling. It is a rich black tea. The black tea flavor (“assamish”) shines through pleasantly. There is a tenuous maple flavor that is in the end of every sip, adding to the sweetness of it. I found it more evident when sweetened. Also, perhaps my favorite part of this tea, is that it has a “texture” to it. It feels thick and rich, almost like the texture of a tomato soup. Of course, the texture is an illusion, the tea is not actually thickset. I think it is the flavor that makes your mouth think twice about what it is feeling/tasting.

I really enjoy this tea. It is one of the most interesting “feeling” teas that I have had in a while. It is a perfect hardy tea to have with breakfast. My only peeve is that it could use more maple and perhaps a touch of cinnamon. But all in all, I am a happy tea sipper!

On a side note, today is vacation in Ecuador! Hooray!!! Tea, boyfriend, doggy day!!!! : )

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

Enjoy your vacation!

Interesting about the feeling of thickness, but that makes sense since steeping oatmeal in water makes the water milky, and the oats get a little sludgy. That sounds oddly appealing in a tea!


Now Im hungry LOL


Happy vacation day :D
My first reaction to this description is “no way” because it just seemed like it would be sludgy… but maybe I should eat less microwave oatmeal. I’d probably give a cup a try through.


It sounds good…I wish I had no fear of 52 tea’s. The several tea’s I bought from them were awful…terrible puke. I’m afraid to try again. I like oatmeal too.


Which teas did you try? I definitely haven’t had all hits from them, but haven’t had anything completely awful either (Maple Bacon has been the worst so far, and really, I should have known by the name!)


I read your review last night before going to bed and then woke up craving this tea, so I made a cup! Mmmm, this is delicious, and I think you nailed the description perfectly!

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4336 tasting notes

Thank you Momo for sending a sample of this one in your sale a while ago. I recently discovered that maple & brown sugar oatmeal is DELICIOUS and has much less sugar than I assumed it would… less than half of the typical yogurt even. I knew I had this tea waiting to be tried, so a few days later, here goes. Sadly, I would never after a billion guesses think this is maple & brown sugar oatmeal. Maybe it is because my samples have been in tiny sample bags all in one bigger ziplock bag… maybe they have melded together. There is a sweetness to the tea, but that is about it. No maple, no brown sugar, no oatmeal. I brewed it for three/four minutes, not really boiling, so I don’t think I oversteeped. Maybe it should have been boiling. I really wish the instructions would be listed on the steepster descriptions, or at least on the 52Teas bag, since the picture is almost always on steepster and sometimes I can read it from the picture. Overall, this is a good tea, but not if you’re judging it from the description. I’d say this is the least accurate flavor profile in a 52Teas blend that I’ve tried.

3 min, 30 sec

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212 tasting notes

This is one of the teas we got in that evil grab bag promotion. I think Frank is out to get us! It is such a conundrum to see all those interesting teas and know there is a good chance that one bag is it.

For me, maple and brown sugar are present in equal portions. The oatmeal comes in right after and seems to add some texture to the tea. It’s quite interesting. This comes from some one who refuses to eat cooked oatmeal. It just looks gross. Dry/raw I can eat it by the handful. The tea feels bold or robust, like some thing I would drink if I wanted a wake up tea. I feel like I’m having dressed up oatmeal with a cup of tea. I’m glad we got a grab bag this was an interesting experience.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I don’t like most oatmeal, but I love steel cut oatmeal. That’s the only kind I’ll buy now. It is so good.


I don’t believe I’ve ever tried it. Can you describe the difference in taste?


It tastes like oatmeal, only it’s not mushy like oatmeal… so the real difference is in texture. The steel cut oats have a heartier texture, you can taste and feel the difference in the whole grain. It has a nuttier flavor, it’s just more satisfying.


Indeed! It is my favorite, and I think gmathis found it tolerable and she didn’t like oatmeal! I use McCann’s. Big Red Mill is supposed to be good, too. It is much thicker. We also roll our own oats, and that is pretty good, not as mushy. I use a Swedish appliance called the Electrolux Kitchen Assistent. (That is how they spell it.)


Thanks for the clarification guys!
haha love that spelling. I shall have to check into steel cut oatmeal. I like the taste but the texture is really hard for me to get over. I generally eat granola or just have it raw in some oj.


I guess I’m weird ’cause I like the mushy stuff. :P


lol I always thought I was the weird one for not liking it. I remember being the odd one out in school breakfast, since I wouldn’t eat it.

Daisy Chubb

No worries Miss, I just made some oatmeal no bake cookies and they are HEAVEN, but give me a bowl of the mushy stuff and I would rather eat dust on the floor haha


Can I ask a culture sort of question? When you guys say ‘oatmeal’ do you mean rolled oats cooked into a porridge and served warm, or do you mean rolled oats served raw with cold milk and perhaps some sugar on top? I strongly dislike the former, but enjoy the latter.


Also Ashmanra, the spelling is correct in Swedish. :) And Danish, actually. I had to consult the beloved Advanced Learner’s to see what was wrong with it from your point of view. :p Word means the same thing, though.


I was referring to rolled oats cooked into a porridge. That sounds pretty good other than the milk. I wonder what it would be like with a milk substitute. I shall have to try that some time too. :D


If by “cooked into a porridge” you mean I throw hot water on top, then yes. It’s that one. :)

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470 tasting notes

Today I was hit with tea tragedy! Before I get into the gritty details, this sample is from LiberTEAS though I have a sneaking suspicion it was sent to me by someone else as well. Swap confusion! Anyway, I only have enough for 2 cups of this, which is important to my tragic tale.

So, I left some leaves in my IngenuiTEA for a few days… I’ve been drinking only iced/bagged tea and totally forgot about them. It smelled really gross and though I rinsed it multiple times with boiling water the funky smell was not leaving. I don’t like to use soap on any of my tea ware, but I kind of had to in this situation. I used a teeny bit and rinsed it for 10 solid minutes, getting every corner. There was no soap left, I was sure of it! It didn’t even smell faintly of soap! I was wrong, horribly horribly wrong.

I poured the water over the leaves for this tea and SOAP BUBBLES. I panicked and skimmed them off the top, hoping for the best. But alas, soapy tea. It’s actually almost drinkable, and I think it’s honestly a mental block more than a taste issue because you can’t taste soap. But I know it’s there! A shame, since this tea smells divine and in the sip I took there was a lot of maple and brown sugar flavor. I only have one try left with this blend, hopefully it works out better next time.


Ack!! Well, at least you have one more sample. I’m anxious to see what you think ;)


soapy tea = icky… I know what you’re saying. I am glad you have enough to try it again though.


Nooooooo! Soap bubbles! My nightmare!


It was one of my worst nightmares too! And now it’s only solidified my fear of washing tea gear with soap.

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1220 tasting notes

I finally solved the mystery of my travel mug, but I still think I’d rather have a different style. I don’t like sticking my nose into this weird…nose space area in order to take a drink. However it now doesn’t spill everywhere AND it opens! Maybe smashing it with a hammer was all it needed.

This was my chosen tea for this grumpy looking day. I wish I had thought to sweeten it but I was nearly late as is thanks to a massive traffic jam (accident too maybe? still have no idea) and I had to go one station north. It was definitely lacking the maple, but that’s okay…it made up for it in brown sugar.

Stayed warm all afternoon, tasted amazing, and I think it really doesn’t have that oatmeal flavor to it anymore, and I kind of like it better. It seems less heavy to drink.

Also just picked up my first CSA box! I got a soup and salad one that’s probably overpriced but whatever. Problem is, they didn’t include the recipes like it said so I’m kind of stuck on how cilantro, 4 pounds of sweet potatoes, and a couple oranges becomes soup. If anyone has a recipe for sweet potato soup that they swear by, let me know! I hope I can make it work with what I have on hand, don’t worry about the cilantro or orange aspects.

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1764 tasting notes

Uhhhhm. Hmmm. This is different! Not what I was expecting, but I can certainly see how this tea lends itself to “oatmeal”.
Bare, I was not a huge fan at all. At three minutes my cup was very light and fresh tasting, with a mellow serving of spice on the side. Not exactly reminiscent of the 52teas black base I’ve come to know.
Milk and a dash of sugar really helped it along though, making it more oatmeal like. I’ll bet this lost some flavouring in transit, because while I can see where it’s going, there is something missing that I can’t quite put my finger on.
Also, it grew a tiny bit on me as the cup cooled, or perhaps that’s as I drank it? initially I was considering a 67 rating…


Doubt that it lost flavour in transit….. lol :(


yeah… I dunno. Trying to give this one the benefit of doubt but I’m having trouble with that!

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15575 tasting notes

Thank you Kittenna for a sample of this tea. I’m going to have to go with overly unimpressed. Now, there was some discussion as to whether this loses it’s flavour quickly and i hope that’s the case for the sake of this tea. This is pretty much a sweet cup of water. Ah well, at least I was able to try this lol


Well…. straight from the bag it has almost no flavour. I got it in a grab bag, so I’m wondering if it was a really ancient pouch that had been sitting around for like, a year or more before I even got it…


It had an oddly fresh taste to it, I found!

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