Following 163 Tea Drinkers

Serenity 55 followers

Although I can be heard to mutter “Dust! Fannings and dust!” when drinking a ...

OwenjMayer 17 followers

After getting sick for the third time within about a three-month period I dec...

DeliriumsFrogs 94 followers

Oh, tea…. you’ve taken over my life, but I’m ok with that. I’m pretty new to...

221tea 38 followers

I just started drinking loose tea this year…and by “drinking” I mean, “comple...

Hesper June 136 followers

A Farmer’s Wife who drinks her tea to forget the din of the world. Love all ...

Lyssa 7 followers

I am a Florida based housewife with two growing rattie boys! I am married to ...

Cheryl 95 followers

Originally started testing teas, to replace a lifelong Coke (Coca-Cola) habit...

sundaysipping 52 followers

I became interested in tea spring 2013, when some friends of mine brought me ...

Virginia 59 followers

I was introduced to the world of tea after trying to find a way to stop bingi...

lolainred 78 followers

The first time I tried loose leaf tea at home, I was hooked. I’ve been drinki...



Well, it’s been slightly over six months since I’ve joined steepster, and I can’t say enough wonderful things about this community. Like many of you, I began my foray into the world of loose-leaf tea by discovering David’s Tea, and although I’ve ventured out and have discovered many other companies that I’m extremely fond of, there are still many of David’s teas that I hold close to my heart and I will always appreciate it as a starting point for my journey.

As for my preferences, I tend to prefer bold black tea, flavoured and unflavoured alike, and I almost always take my blacks with cream and sugar. This isn’t to say that I don’t enjoy a good, flavoured white though, and I’m slowly making my way through the incredibly confusing world of oolongs and greens. I am also not a fan of rooibos, although I am starting to suspect green rooibos may be ok, but you know how it is: when you’ve decided you detest a certain ingredient, you’ll notice it everywhere—perhaps even where it doesn’t exist!

Things other than tea: I’m engaged to be married to my best friend, and feel like the richest woman on the planet because of it. I am also a veracious reader, and I also happen to have an obsession with fragrances, and have amassed quite a collection, although it pales in comparison to some collections out there! As a result of this obsession, I also follow several fragrance blogs, and am always up for a chat about scent. I’m also almost completely blind, and this does indeed mean that I come complete with a guide dog, who unlike me, hales from the sunny California campus of Guide dogs for the Blind. I think I’ve rambled on long enough, but if there’s anything you’d like to know or if you just feel like chatting to someone, please don’t hesitate to send me a message.


Ontario, Canada

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