Bought this mini cake with my first order of young sheng samples several months ago so that I would have a daily drinker and also a tea that I could drink without having to study or pay close attention to. Suprisingly enough, for a young plantation bush pu’er, it is very enjoyable. It may not have everything going for it but there is absolutely nothing wrong or off about it. It has never failed to deliver an easy going enjoyable session. It is great for letting go and turning off when I may be taking myself or my tea drinking too seriously. When expectations are minimized it opens up a lot of space for enjoyment and gratitude.

“The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences” -Zen 3rd Patriarch

mrmopar 7 years ago

This was my first tong purchase. I got a stack to store and age.

jamin 7 years ago

Nice. Never bought a tong but when I do it will probably be this tea.

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mrmopar 7 years ago

This was my first tong purchase. I got a stack to store and age.

jamin 7 years ago

Nice. Never bought a tong but when I do it will probably be this tea.

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