97 Tasting Notes
This tea…was a challenge when I opened the bag. It smelled like death and garbage. I wish I was exaggerating about that but I’m not. I was considering not trying it because the scent was hellish. But I had a brave night and I tried it. Once you get past the smell of the dry leaf, the tea is really very good.
This tea tasted like caramelized figs. This was very big on the fig for me. I loved it. I have been searching for a fig tea for quite a while—-I was hoping for vanilla and fig but I’ll take what I can get. The aftertaste was pure burdock root. I’m not sure about it. Some sips I found it to be pleasant and with others it was just…off. I did not get much cinnamon or orange.
I did like this tea quite a bit once I got over my fear. I think I could end up falling in love with this tea after a few cups but I am not quite there yet.
I have been searching for a Lapsang Souchong for a long time. I have tried many but never found one that really works for me because I like the smoke flavor but I don’t want to feel like I am drinking thinned out barbecue sauce and I also want to be able to taste the smoke. I’d almost given up but then I figured that I would give in and try David’s Tea’s Lapsang.
I think this may become my go to Lapsang Souchong. It’s a midpoint between steeped smoky death and just barely smoky. The smoke was pleasant and not at all artificial tasting. The tea also didn’t have that astringent, bitter taste that the other brands I tried had. It tasted like Johnny Walker Double Black which is just about the best thing in the world. I think this may just be my favorite straight black tea.
My only issue with this tea is I was unsure how to drink it. I usually drink my tea with a touch of sugar but that didn’t seem right with this one. I did add a bit of lemon zest to the tea after I brewed it. I’m still trying to decide how I feel about the lemon. Any ideas?
When I was a kid and feeling sick, my Grandma used to make me a fennel tea with a touch of sugar. This one reminds me of that. Only my Grandma would never even think of fennel and chili peppers.
I loved the strong licorice flavor. It’s not everyone’s favorite but it is absolutely one of mine. It did remind me a lot of my Grandma’s tea but the taste was just so much bolder which I loved. It was kick in your face fennel. It was just so sweet and spicy and I loved the subtle kick that the chili peppers gives the tea. I made sure that I had at least one whole chili pepper in my steeper. I have a very high tolerance for heat and spice so it didn’t bother me but someone with a lower tolerance may have issues.
I was actually a bit surprised that David’s Tea went with fennel, anise and licorice for the complete kick you in the face licorice taste experience. It’s a very polarizing flavor and I am thrilled they were so bold with it. I love it. I am a big fan of anything licorice, fennel or anise and I love spicy everything. Basically, there couldn’t have been a more perfect tea for me.
Big Apple is yet another sample from my order with David’s Tea. It’s definitely not something I would order on my own but I like it. In fact, I think I love it. Like a lot. And I hate apple so this, as a whole, is quite strange.
Big Apple tastes like the all the things I love about applesauce without all the things I hate like the texture and mushiness. The apple was nice. Not at all overpowering or jolly rancher-ish. There was a very nice spice flavor—perhaps nutmeg. I don’t know where it came from—maybe the green tea—-but it was appreciated because apple without nutmeg is a boring apple. I also got a strong buttery almost brown butter or caramel taste. I am not sure where that came from so I may be imagining it or maybe it’s from the white tea.
I was not expecting to like this one as much as I did but I’m thinking I will buy this during the summer to have iced. Or perhaps another apple tea from David’s (I have my eye on Mom’s Apple Pie). Or maybe both. I’m like that—I buy in bulk.Preparation
I’m holding myself back from ordering another shipment just to get Mom’s Apple Pie. I figure 3 huge tea orders in a month is overkill.
I am not the biggest fan of pineapple on the planet. Especially, for some reason, in tea. I haven’t really found a pineapple tea that works for me and doesn’t taste like tropical death—or soap. I got this one as a sample in my (huge) tea order so I figured why the heck not.
I liked the pineapple. It’s not kick you in the face pineapple but a nice subtle flavor. I really loved the hint of apricot. It’s one of my favorite flavors and tempers the sweetness of the pineapple. The oolong was a bit light for me but still good and added a nice creaminess to the tea.
This is totally not a tea I would have purchased on my own but I did like it. I will probably buy more for the summer because it would probably be much better iced.