Well the first steep was really thin and didnt taste like uh.. well I tried to think of notes but I couldn’t come up with anything, so we’re gonna ignore that, the first infusion’s colour was really light too, so I guess it was just not opened enough, so the second steep is really bready, with subtle plum, i want to say it tastes like gin or uh white rum; it’s really quite alcoholly, which I don’t appreciate, and a minty taste, maybe it tastes like a mojito. Toasted rice, seaweed, with grassiness, ooo okay I wasn’t really liking this but here, steep 5 is really nice, creamy, notes of potato, spinach, green beans, celery it’s very vegetal, it leaves a very astringent aftertaste, like if you just decided to like eat some basil leaves, the way that feels. I honestly am not really enjoying this though, its sharp and thin and tastes like herbs, there’s a slight hint of lychee, which would be the mi lan xiang-ness (?) (I’m basing that on my 2 mi lan xiangs ever, tasting like lychee), but other than that this tastes very very different from the one I had yesterday, I quite preferred that one, this one’s much more delicate tasting, though this might be more of a pure lychee kind of taste showing up later in the session, as opposed to the lychee-jelly sort of taste from the mi lan xiang yesterday, a bit of honey and some florals are coming through now, It’s starting to get better, there’s still a lot of spearmint that I’m not too happy about, it kinda fades down from there,

This one was only okay for me, I think it was objectively good, but definitely not for me. Also I burnt the roof of my mouth halfway through the session on some spring rolls :l

I did a 5ish second rinse (I think I should’ve done 2 rinses though, just to open it up a bit more before having at it) and then I used 100C water for the first steep, 99C for the second and third, and 98C from there on out, cause it worked well on the previous ones, and it’s good to have consistency to compare them. I filled the gaiwan about 2/3 of the way.

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Hey :) welcome to my steeps!
I really only ever drink straight teas, every once and a while I might have something flavoured, but odds are I won’t ever write about any of those. All of my reviews are done using my 120ml gaiwan unless otherwise specified.

I’m mostly into Sheng, Red tea and Oolongs right now, but I also can enjoy greens and whites sometimes.

My cupboard is NOT up to date. I tried for a while, but it’s too much effort, and so many of the teas I have just aren’t on here and eh.

ig: @mackie_tealife —>

Rating System:

|| One of the best teas I’ve ever
|| had; I’m definitely planning to
|| restock
|| Very very good tea, I’ll restock if
|| I’m planning to make a purchase
|| from this company anyways, if
|| not I’m alright living without it
|| Very good tea, I’d be more than
|| happy to sip again, though it’s
|| not likely I’ll be repurchasing
|| Good tea, I drank it happily,
|| though I might not be reaching
|| for it again in my cupboard
|| for a long while
|| Okay tea, it was drinkable and
|| it’s probably going to be
|| gathering dust in my cupboard
|| for a while
|| I struggled through the tea,
|| but managed to finish the
|| session, will probably be giving
|| it away to a friend.
|| I cut the session short, but
|| I think it’s possible for one to
|| have enjoyed it, it’s just really
|| low quality
|| No one should enjoy drinking
|| this, and I would have no
|| problem throwing it out.

*This system is used on my first 100 reviews, I’ve decided not to rate teas anymore because I’m definitely not qualified to be objective about quality yet and it’s just pointlessly subjective numbers and that’s not really helping anyone


Victoria, Canada



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