The Tea Store Haddonfield

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Recent Tasting Notes


I somehow forgot to add this blend but I’m glad I got to add it in today! This blend is something I grabbed on a whim the last time I was in Philly. It’s a bit sweet, smokey, and cocoa like. I really enjoyed it!

Flavors: Cocoa, Cream, Milk, Smoke, Sugar

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OH MY GOODNESS!!! This has to be one of the absolute best cider herbal blends that I have ever tried. For the hibiscus haters, it’s not at all strong… it is more for color I believe and that teeny amount provides the perfect tartness to make this blend juicy like real cider. It’s sooo sooo good hot and iced. I made the whole 1 oz in a pot to share and I may need to grab more… lol when my ban is over.

Flavors: Anise, Apple, Berry, Cider, Fruity, Red Wine, Spices

Boiling 8 min or more

Disclaimer… I think that this is identical to the tealyra blend now that I looked at it.

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