The London Tea Room

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Inkling Advent Day 6. With some milk, this tea is mildly desserty and pleasant. I think I enjoyed it most warm. Now that it’s cold, I don’t taste the flavors as strongly. I taste some nuttiness, but nothing too distinct. Still enjoyable for sure! The green base was nice!

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Inkling Advent Day 9. I’m drinking this one cold. It’s fruity, and the flavor is pretty similar to mango and pear, which is fun! I don’t happen to love white tea, and the flavoring could be stronger, but I love the vibe of this one and would love to have a green version of this!

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Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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Flavors: Berry, Smoke

Boiling 6 min, 30 sec

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I’ve had a London Tea Room gift card burning a hole in my wallet since Christmas and finally made it back down to St Louis last week to spend it! I love this little shop so much and had the hardest time deciding what to purchase. But I did want to try something new and I love mango, so I finally decided on this one. So glad I did! Both the mango and pear come through beautifully and it’s so fresh and juicy and refreshing! I’ve been drinking it hot (because it is COLD in Wisconsin right now…had our first snowfall on Monday!) but I’m guessing this would make a wonderful iced tea as well. So glad this company is surviving covid so far!

Flavors: Fruity, Mango, Pear, Smooth

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I wonder if they still have their Ancient Golden Yunnan? That was so good, at least it was years ago. I’ll have to unearth this tea too. Now it’s just more “ancient”. haha

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drank Churchill by The London Tea Room
986 tasting notes

Smoky Earl Grey is not a flavor combination I would have come up with, but the cute tin on this one suckered me in and I don’t regret it a bit! Bergamot is definitely the main note here, with the smokiness just adding a bit of depth and complexity to the blend. It’s a bit assertive if you drink it straight, but with a dash of milk, it’s a wonderfully rich and flavorful morning tea. I’ve found myself reaching for it 5 out of the 7 days since I bought it, so I’d say this purchase was a success!

Flavors: Bergamot, Smoke

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Martin Bednář

Yay, smoky EG… that’s something for me!

Devon Bartholomew

I’m totally a sucker for cute packaging, myself!

Cameron B.

@Devon – Aren’t we all? ;)


In general I’d say “don’t judge a tea by its tin”, but it worked out for me this time! :)


I’ll have to find this tea to drink soon…it’s around here somewhere.

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I love almost all the teas I’ve tried from The London Tea Room, but this one was a rare miss for me. I was so excited to find a blueberry-flavored blend that didn’t have hibiscus in it…pretty much all the blueberry herbals I’ve ever tried have included it (presumably for the color?) and that flavor takes over. But while I’m glad this one doesn’t taste like hibiscus, it doesn’t really taste like blueberry either. The medicinal flavor of the rooibos base is front and center here and I actually taste more lemon than blueberry. While I’m excited to re-stock on some of their other blends next time I’m in St. Louis (hello Coconut Oolong and Maple Walnut Sencha!), this isn’t one I’ll be re-purchasing.

Flavors: Fruity, Lemon, Medicinal, Rooibos

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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I didn’t get much tangerine from this one, just lots of STRONG ginger flavor! It was a comforting medicinal-type herbal tea for when I had a cold or an upset stomach, but not really something I’d choose to drink for pleasure. Finished off my two ounces and won’t be re-purchasing…The London Tea Room has so many amazing blends I love more than this one!

Flavors: Ginger, Spicy

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Bedford by The London Tea Room
986 tasting notes

I love a good tropical green tea, but this one was a bit of a disappointment. It’s not bad by any means. The green tea base is nice long, unbroken leaves that brew up smooth and sweet. But the flavor is just generic “fruit” without anything distinctively tropical. I’ll finish my two ounces, but this isn’t one I’m likely to re-purchase.

Flavors: Fruity, Smooth, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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This has become one of my very favorite coconut teas (tied with Fava’s Coconut Soufflé White…I reach for this one when I want a bit more caffeine and that one in the evening). It’s super smooth and creamy with loads of rich coconut flavor and it holds up to multiple re-steeping. Another one I’ll be stocking up on next time I get to visit The London Tea Room!

Flavors: Coconut, Creamy, Smooth

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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This tea is lovely! Heavy on the maple with a slight nuttiness in the aftertaste. This is one I’ll be re-stocking on next time I’m in St. Louis.

Flavors: Maple, Nutty

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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People are always very surprised when they learn I don’t drink coffee. Personally I just don’t like the flavor and I have never needed it for the caffeine so why drink something I don’t enjoy? What I do enjoy though is sugar. When people who know I don’t drink coffee see me with Starbucks cups, there first comment is “I thought you don’t drink coffee?!” to which I respond “I don’t, I drink sugar” which at the end of the day, most of the mixed drinks are more syrup and milk than they are actually coffee.

So, when I saw this blend in the teabox, I thought it would probably make a good latte. Sipping on it now, I would say it is quite nice though the base is stronger than I would like. It’s a little bit woody but there is also a slight caramel flavor that is working with the base and the milk of the latte. Does it compare to an actual caramel macchiato, maybe not so much because the flavor is far more subtle but at the same time there is less of the espresso component here so that caramel is more prominent. I suppose based on your preferences that could be good or bad. For me it would be a good thing but I find myself looking for another pump of caramel syrup…like I said, I drink sugar :P.

Thank you Sil for adding this to the box. It was a fun one to try!

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drank Caramel Macchiato by The London Tea Room
15575 tasting notes

Finished the last of this one off from Terri Perfect afternoon tea to sit in the sun with.

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drank Caramel Macchiato by The London Tea Room
15575 tasting notes

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drank Caramel Macchiato by The London Tea Room
15575 tasting notes

Latte of this one tonight before bed. I am exhausted. We did more fat biking today but we were basically creating trail which is damn hard work. It was of course fun since we bring the puppy along and she runs around off leash while we make the trail. That doesn’t make it any less draining though lol. Then we came home and finished untaping the one room and moved our bedroom in to the new room. 1 room down….2 to go. But once we’re done…we should be largely done with finally getting the house to where we want it to be. :)

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drank Caramel Macchiato by The London Tea Room
15575 tasting notes

Terri sent this one my way – surprising in some respects because it doesn’t seem like her cup of tea heh. The dry aroma of this one is downright amazing… creamy caramel, mocha…. noms.
Brewed (4 mins) this is a little less intense than the aroma would suggest – there’s a little of the honeybush taste that comes through, but it doesn’t interfere with the deliciousness. I think this one will be worth trying as a latte at some point as well. thankfully i’ve got more than enough to play with this, thanks to the generosity of my tea sister!

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Had to cold steep… I have a microwave but only Styrofoam cups. I don’t like citrus teas so I dont know what made me want to try this one. Might be good with some rum in it. Its good. Smooth. With a bit of orange zing. Just not my cuppa.

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Additional notes: I’m still in love with this heavenly tea. And it is… aging well. ha. It’s a perfect black tea and just hits all the flavors I love to find in a black tea. Raising the rating from a 91.

Today going over words with Dad for his aphasia he said ‘wheelbarrow’ instead of ‘wagon’ which was reminding me of Mr. Robot. Mostly because the book that goes with Mr. Robot is called red wheelbarrow but in the show there is a wagon (and the restaurant). I’m wondering what these things will mean because everything means something on the show. I love that genius show (and the book!) and really need to catch up. I’m only a couple episodes into the third season. Anyone else a fan? No spoilers!


The title is a reference to a poem called “The Red Wheelbarrow” from the collection “Spring and All” by William Carlos Williams.


Oh yes, I know, but I figured there are many other meanings and connections!


I finished the third season last night after powering through season 2&3. Now I need to watch the first season for the first time. I have a feeling things will make a lot more sense at that point!


HOW can you watch seasons 2-3 before season one? haha. I would never do that to any show… especially with a complicated show like this.


My geeky nerdy computer security hubby enjoys his TV time and watched the first season with me mostly avoiding getting wrapped up in the time sink. I finally caved when he started watching the second season. I managed to watch the movie Memento like this too, walking in on the second half of the movie and having to watch the first half after the movie was over. I’m sure it makes me an obnoxious tv companion, never fully grasping and asking questions, yelling at the characters when they do something stupid. :)


ah, okay. I feel like on this show, tiny little details will have massive meaning five seasons later!

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Thanks for this one a while back, Nicole! I’ve sipped this one a few times from this big ole pouch before writing a tasting note. I’m not sure what makes this one “ancient” but it is delicious. It reminds me a little more of a ripe pu-erh than most other yunnan teas might. It has great depth and quite a dark steep! Perfect with two teaspoons. There are notes of dark chocolate, malt, chewy bread, a hint of smoke, hints of dried grass. Everything I love to see in a great Yunnan! And it’s overall just the sort of black tea I crave. Happy to have some of this in the cupboard. :D
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for a full mug// 12 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3-4 minute steep

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Mostly I drink tea without anything added—no sugar, no milk, just the tea itself. The exception is a nice, chewy English Breakfast kind of black tea. Which can be difficult to find—though it’s gotten easier, at least around here, to get PG Tips, which is kind of my baseline for “the kind of tea you put milk in.”

I’ve bought any number of teas marked “English Breakfast” in the hope they’d be that (to me comforting and comfortable) milky tea hit, but mostly they’re miserable with milk and much better without.

This tea, though, stands up to the milk. Very nice.

Yes, I know, it’s Irish Breakfast, not English. And I could have bought English Breakfast instead while I was in the shop, but a while ago a friend of mine, when we were talking about the milky tea issue and the inadequacy of American teas called “English Breakfast,” told me that in her experience, Irish Breakfast was more likely to deliver the goods. She was talking specifically about Harney and Sons Irish Breakfast, and she gave me a sample, and I agreed with her assessment. It was the stuff.

So when I was at the London Tea Room the other day, I bought Irish instead of English. It’s the stuff.

Maybe some time I’ll try it without milk, just to say I did, but this is the kind of tea I drink when I want milky tea.

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drank Sencha Sakura by The London Tea Room
42 tasting notes

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drank Sencha Sakura by The London Tea Room
42 tasting notes

Ooh I like this a lot! Ordered a pot after lunch at the London Tea Room. I’d tried plain cherry blossom tea a while back, and found it…not to my taste. In large part because the cherry blossoms were preserved in salt. However. I really enjoyed the very subtle flavor I recognized as that same cherry blossom flavor, with the umami and sort of grassy taste of the sencha. I made sure to buy a couple ounces to take home with me. Now watch me oversteep it or something.

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It’s been so long since I’ve had this one. It is now one of my two oldest black teas! Last time it wasn’t strong enough, this time I think it’s too strong. Added sweetener again, it helped but this still isn’t my favorite. I have over an ounce of this one left, is there anyone out there who would like to have it in their stash?

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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