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drank Fushou by tea-adventure
4336 tasting notes

Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – March 2024 Tea #1- Your tea with the shortest name

Oo, I like this prompt.  It required some thinking!  I’m guessing at six letters, this is one of the teas with the shortest names.  And it’s a good excuse to dig it out of the stash.  It’s such an interesting looking leaf!   Wish I had enjoyed it in its prime, but it isn’t bad now.

Album: GRETA – Portals
Song: First Weeks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuTUT-D4tIg


I checked my cupboard and my shortest is Carol! Haven’t looked for longest yet but it will almost certainly be a puerh or oolong.

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drank Fushou by tea-adventure
4336 tasting notes

2023 An Ode to Tea – F

I didn’t feel like finishing any of my ‘F’ teas so here is one I never wrote a note for. From JakeB a long long time ago.  Thank you! This poor neglected green!  The leaves look so high quality and gorgeous!  They couldn’t be longer!  The color is very light green in spots, almost white.  The scent of the dry leaf is like a candy strawberry.  The flavor is great— creamed corn. The second steep is also delicious.  I bet it was amazing when it was fresh.  I’m still enjoying it now anyway.
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for a full mug // 31 minutes after boiling // 1 minute steep
Steep #2 // 28 minutes after boiling // 2-3 min

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I’m not a big fan of black tea, but this particular one is delicious. Light, delicate but full of flavor.


Ik ben geen grote zwarte thee-liefhebber, maar deze zwarte thee is echt heerijk. Licht, zacht, maar toch vol van smaak.

Flavors: Caramel, Nuts, Sweet

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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quite smooth, but very dark shu puerh. Rather nice. Nice woody flavours.

Flavors: Earth, Musty, Roasted, Thick, Tobacco, Wet Wood

Boiling 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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The dry leaves smelled quite floral, but there is some earthiness coming through. It doesn’t have any of the weird fishiness or plain dirt aroma that shou or raw pu-erh sometimes have. The first infusion was also quite floral, with some nice spiciness. And a firm bitterness. Not very astringent though. The infusion after that were getting less floral but there was this interesting minty, cooling effect. It also tasted similar to the last infusion of Chinese green tea. This I didn’t like so much, but all the others flavors and the mouth feel, was pretty nice. Very different from what I’m used too. Also something surprising was the feeling of being really focused and getting rather sweaty. There was a nice warming sensation. This was most strong with the first 5 infusions.

Flavors: Earth, Floral, Mint

Boiling 6 tsp 3 OZ / 100 ML

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drank Monkey Chief by tea-adventure
59 tasting notes

Originally I bought this (type of) tea from a local shop. I wasn’t too impressed with it back then. Some time ago I saw the tin sitting in the back of my cupboard and decided to revisite. Since then I drank nearly the whole tin. On second try I do like this tea. After that I discovered a sample of this tea in my little green tea adventure from Tea-adventure. As I’m considering restocking and I. That case generally prefer Tea-adventure due to the favorable shipping conditions I decided to try this sample today.

Normally I go for a 3-minute soak. Today however I decided to stick to Tea-A’s recommendation. The result is a color wise full bodied tea (really yellow green) and taste wise soft, rounded taste with a sweetish tone reminiscent of white teas without the hay-ish overtures. Maybe a bit of green asparagus and butter?

Anyway, on second thought a really good tea and one I just might be reordering.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec 2 g 9 OZ / 275 ML

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I’m nearly through my stash of Golden Yunnan Black.

IMO this represents the ‘real’ black tea. Black tea like black tea should taste. The commentary by tea-adventure may be that this tea is exceptional and different, but – although the taste is indeed very good (and maybe exceptional, my taste buds aren’t that refined) – it’s also everything I’d expect from a black tea and in that respect not so different.

A good quality tea that taste wise is a happy middle of the road tea, without ‘typical’ taste qualities that one may of may not like.

A real stasher! I’ll be restocking soon…

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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I’m so happy!! A few minutes ago the postman deliverd my first order from tea-adventure :-).

The first impression is favourable. The teas are packaged in aluminium foil coated bags with ziplocks, the kind where you have to cut off the top part before being able to open the ziplock and these bags were placed in a cardboard box. What I especially like about this is that (a) de bags can be used for storage due to the ziplock and (b) the tea leaves can’t get crushed in transit b/c of the box.

I’m having my first cup of yellow tea ever. It is very reminiscent of Dragon Well, although – perhaps – with a somewhat different aftertaste. I’m not really sure what it is. A bit ‘peppery’? A very very slight smokey-ness? Is it the chessnut note? I’ll first have to taste both this tea and the Dragon Well to try and pinpoint the difference so I won’t be rating this tea at this point.

Anyways a very good start of the weekend :-)

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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drank Lao Tieguanyin by tea-adventure
362 tasting notes

This is from a sample very kindly sent by Barbara – she had said it reminded her a bit of our beloved Thé-o-dor Milky Oolong. I had misplaced the sample (I really have too many teas still to try!) but just found it so here goes.

This is rolled green oolong, bit smaller than that Milky Oolong, but not quite as tightly rolled as Ten Ren´s Sun Moon Lake. Infusing the tea, I was sure I had made a mistake in ammount or temperature, the water hardly changed color, a very clear very pale liquor – but the tea is resulting is indeed tea! Body, flavour, some sweetness, some astringency. Barbara mentioned a taste like raw chestnuts which seems spot on to me, that sort of taste quality.

I got to experiment with more steeps and as well, with a more generous ammount. This is further confirmation that after all I am a oolong person, as long as it is a really good green oolong.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 15 sec

Glad you liked it! I found this one re-steeps very well…

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drank Black Guanyin by tea-adventure
59 tasting notes

It’s been a while since I had this one (actually I’ve hardly drunk any tea lately).

Again I experienced that first moment of “what the heck?”. The fruitiness has something of a cherry flavor to it. It’s also faintly reminiscent of the Quatre fruits rouge of Damman Freres. I love it (after the first few swallows that is…:-)).

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drank Black Guanyin by tea-adventure
59 tasting notes

This tea really grows on you. Reading back my first entry I saw that I wasn’t overly enthusiastic back then. Now however, I just love this tea. After I finished the sample I bought a 50 grams package and I’m nearly through it already. This is a tea my partner also likes, despite not being a tea drinker, much less a black tea drinker…

I’m bumping the rating up.

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drank Black Guanyin by tea-adventure
59 tasting notes

I received a sample of this with my ‘little black tea adventure’.

I divided the sample in two and prepared two cups on two separate days. The information provided by tea-adventure is rather accurate. I wasn’t overly enthusiastic after my first cup and thought the tea to be a bit curious, with overly fruity tones or an excessive ‘fruity freshness’. When having my second cup I knew a bit better what to expect and that seems to have had a positive impact on the tasting experience. Rather like when you put a sandwich in you mouth, convinced that it has peanut butter on it, while actually it has jam on it…

While tasting the different samples I’ve discovered that my profile remains true. I prefer flavored black teas to unflavored black teas. Nevertheless I’ve tasted a few I’m considering to buy and this is one of them. Once I was used to the flavor I found I actually appreciate it quite a lot. A great black tea for the summer in my opinion…

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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The last week I’ve been tasting plain (or straight) black teas. So far this is one of my favorites, although I must confess not having tried Keemun, Golden Yunnan and Bailin Gong Fu yet… (which are supposed to be very good as well)

This is a very smooth and sweet tea. It has an earthy character with malty undertones. The sweetness precludes it from tasting too earthy.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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The ‘little oolong tea adventure’ contains a number of oolong teas, amongst which the Golden Water Turtle, the White Cockscomb and the Big Red Robe. It may be my not so advanced palette and the fact that I haven’t been tasting these side by side, but to me they are rather similar. In all these teas the roasted mineral impression is the dominant feature. I really love it…, but won’t be reviewing the others as I can’t really pinpoint the exact differences…

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Today I finally received my “little” black and oolong adventures from Tea-Adventure. The “little adventures” are sampling packages with samples of all the teas of the specific category (so a little black adventure contains samples of all the black teas Tea-Adventure sells). I’m sooo happy. The only downside is that now I have such a great many samples that it’s neigh to impossible to choose :-)

With a previous order I had a sample of this tea and I really really liked it. So therefore this tea is the first on my to-try-list of today.

The taste is sweet, toasty and with a very definite mineral impression. I can’t say I recognize anything fruity floral. According to the description of Verdant Tea (I reckon it’s the same tea based on the name) there should be notes of caramel, hazelnut, elderberry, custard, honeydew and/or orchid. I can’t say I can discern those either. Sometimes I wonder if you can and should compare certain teas with the flavors of known foods. This tea definitely is something totally different from anything else I know and I love it!

It’s going on my to order list.

In the second steep the sweetness increases and becomes nearly caramelized like. I believe a detect a very slight hint of maltiness as well. Overall the mineral impression remains the most dominant feature. All in all, the second steep is just as worthwhile as the first, and I don’t say that often…

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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This is an excellent white tea puer cake. It shares the caracteristics of both. Beautiful big, hairy buds, you don’t need a knife to take a few, it is a very loose cake, so the buds remain integer. It allows many brews, improving gradually to a delicious sweet clear brew.

My brewing of today: 6 g. for a 15cl glass teapot, 80 C water. Rinse, and discard the second brew; don’t overbrew (even at the tenth brew don’t pass 40" otherwise a slightly grassy taste emerges). I have never succeeded in exhausting the leaves, nor to count how many brews I did.

I have the cake since one year, and either I have learned how to brew it optimally, or it is improving with age; maybe both. I might have to buy another, and forget it for a few years.

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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drank Lao Tieguanyin by tea-adventure
59 tasting notes

I ordered this tea shortly after my last post regarding the sample I received earlier. Last week my order finally arrived. Since then I’ve been rather committed to this tea. I’ve been drinking it at least a few times a day.

On second, third and forth taste I have to say that this tea is much sweeter and less woody than I originally though. Other than that I’m still not able to describe it accurately, unfortunately…

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drank Lao Tieguanyin by tea-adventure
59 tasting notes

I received a sample of this tea with my regular order (policy of the company, which is very nice).

The company website and description has me a bit baffled. It says the taste is/should be sweet and floral. Perhaps I brewed it wrong, though I don’t really think so as the tea turned out to taste pretty good, just not sweet and floral, but rather very much like raw chestnuts. It also smells of chestnuts, olive oil and/or some kind of vegetable I can’t put my finger on. Furthermore it has a distinctly woody quality.

Perhaps the website refers to the aged Tieguanyin, while I received the non-aged or less-aged version? (The website links through to a page about the farm, where a number of varieties are mentioned, while the website itself shows pictures of a yellow/amber coloured brew and a burnt orange coloured brew).

Anyway, it has a comforting warm but at the same time strangly crisp energizing character.

I’m sorry I can’t describe it more accurately, but it just isn’t like any tea I’ve tasted before. Maybe the taste is typical for oolongs, but this is just my second – the first being a Chinese “milky oolong” of undisclosed origin.

A very interesting tea in a positive way. Probably something I’ll be ordering in the near furtur (maybe even today… :-)).

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I really liked this, thank you! I think I am definetely a oolong (green oolong) persona after all.

Also from a swap, I tried Ten Ren´s Sun Moon Lake, a high mountain oolong from Tai Wan which was excellent.


Good to hear! I really like the oolongs myself as well. Currently I’m moving a bit toward the darker oolongs, which are really good as well (Red Robe and such).


I am pretty interested in blacks blacks right now as well – but glad I got over thinking I did not care much for oolongs.


Those are not my favorite although I’ve tasted some pretty nice ones lately. Amongst which a black Tieguanyin from tea-adventure. I’ve ordered a batch. I’ll send you some sometime (shipping is some three weeks).

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drank Lao Tieguanyin by tea-adventure
59 tasting notes

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I received a free sample of this with my order from Tea-adventure. This one was included as “extra” sample in addition to the two free samples of your choice you get with every order anyway. Thanks so much!

If I’d had a choice, I wouldn’t have chosen a Jasmine tea sample and I would have missed out on something worthwhile. I’m not really a big fan of Jasmine or other flowers as sole means of perfuming/flavouring tea. That doesn’t mean I can’t stomach jasmine, but in my experience flower scented teas are prone to boardering on ‘soapy’. In general I prefer fruits and spices with or even to flowers.

Anyway, as I received a sample, I felt compelled to try it. Afterall, one never knows… and as they say good deeds reap rewards. I actually really liked this jasmine tea. The white needle base has an inherent sweetness that balances the jasmine very nicely. I find this tea much more tasty than the classic green tea based jasmine.

All in all a pleasant surprise. I may just order this tea sometime in the future, maybe for the summer.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I only have the idea to drink a cup of Jasmin tea when I have lunch in a Chinese or Japanese restaurant…I am weird, it’s such a delicate flavour


I understand what you mean. For me the two always seemed intertwined as well. After all it’s the main tea served at chinese restaurants, at leat here in the Netherlands. But that jasmine tea is definately of a much lower quality.


The cheap chinese jasmine tea is really cheap (I have bought big tins for 2 euros something) but still amazing value for money all things considered because it still is pretty drinkable. But great jasmine tea, ah that is something else altogether – my favorite right now is from a small traditional shop that I do not know from where they order.

But there is a very good and expensive authentic chinese restaurant around (macau and all that) and they serve really wonderful tea with dim-sum. Jasmine as well – but not sure if dim-sum really is the time for great tea, you keep having strong tasting things (so far, have avoided the jelly fish, though the chicken legs surprisingly have potential, pity about the bones) and getting the pot refilled


chicken feet I mean! (and it´s not as bad as it sounds. The jelly fish will not comment on)


As a student I used to work for a chinese boss. His family had a restaurant around the corner from where I worked and somethimes his family would arrange for dinner to be bought in to him. He loved his chicken feet. I thought they didn’t really look very appetizing (esp. the claws) so I’ve never tried.


They are not a favorite of mine, but they are surprisingly better than you think it would be. I love dim-sum.

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drank Emei Snow Buds by tea-adventure
59 tasting notes

I received a free sample of this with my order. As I couldn’t find any instructions on brewing temp & time, I just stuck to my average green tea temp & time (80 C/ 3 min).

De dry leaf smells very ‘green’ with a note of seaweed. The smell is very similar, though mellower when brewed.

At first it has a very fresh, somewhat ‘peppery’, brisk taste with some astringency. The sides of my tongue tintle a little. After a few mouthfulls the taste mellows and a sweeter note presents itself. It’s as if some component of the tea coats the inside of your mouth and thus changes your perception of the taste. In the aftertaste I think I detect something mineral like, although I’m not entirely sure. It’s something I haven’t tasted in other teas before.

This is an interesting tea, though not really to my taste. Perhaps I’d review it differently during a hot summer day, when I prefer more ‘fresh’ tastes. If you like straight green teas, this tea definitely is worth trying, despite my not being overly enthousiastic. After all tastes differ and my palette may just not be mature enough to adequately appreciate this tea.

EDIT: I decided to remove my rating because I just can’t honestly rate a tea that is evidently of good quality but just isn’t to my taste.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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