Tapuat Kombucha

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drank Pear by Tapuat Kombucha
16875 tasting notes


This was the last kombucha we grabbed from this company; and between this one, Bee Power, and Grape Memory I think it’s my second favourite.

I thought the pear flavour would be a little stronger in all honestly, but it pretty light. This one also, like Bee Power, had a really strong apple cider vinegar tangy/sour quality to it. That tang definitely spread to the pear, and it made for a very sharp somewhat underripe tasting pear quality. This is also a Sencha based kombucha, and some of that grassy/marine quality definitely came through as well – and of course that’s not my favourite profile in any sort of tea. So while it was drinkable, it just wasn’t mind blowing.

I think a softer, sweeter overall flavour would have gone a long way and been an improvement.

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drank Bee Power by Tapuat Kombucha
16875 tasting notes


Another Kombucha! Technically, this wasn’t one of the kombuchas that I bought – it was the one that my Dad was interested in. He let me try a bit of it though, ‘cause he’s a spot that way. I’m glad it’s one I didn’t go for though because so far this has been my least favourite.

I was hoping it would have some kind of honey sweetness to it but instead it was very tangy and apple cider vinegar like in taste. Like, really heavy on the vinegar quality. I don’t hate that sort of taste in kombucha, but balanced with something else – NOT straight up. The only other flavour here was a hint of floral tones in the top of the sip and a more yeasty, bread-like lingering finish.

Not a fan – glad I didn’t have a full bottle of it.

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Well, we’ve safely arrived in Fargo! We’re here for about two and a half days in total; not totally sure what we’ll get up to but I’m sure it’ll be fun! I know there’s a tea store in town, so definitely gonna check that out.

We’ve actually already been to the mall, and then we stopped at the giant natural foods grocery store to pick up lunch/supper to have in the hotel. Probably just gonna have a mellow evening in now – maybe watch Stranger Things season two?? I got a really good Kombucha haul from the store though! I’ve seriously never seen so many different kinds of kombucha in one location. Like, they had a kombucha aisle. It was kind of crazy. I ended up getting five different kinds – three different brands in total. All of them were companies I’d never even heard of before. So, definitely looking forward to checking those out.

This is Kombucha number one of five; I’ve actually had grape kombucha before but I’ve really enjoyed it so I decided to try this company’s take on it. Actually, three of five different kombuchas I got were from this company – as a whole, they had the most unique range of flavours and the packaging was also REALLY pretty.

This is very tasty! It’s really msooth and has a very bright, vibrant concord grape flavour! It’s super light, really refreshing and just the tiniest bit acidic. There is hibiscus in this one, so I bet that’s where the bulk of that sort of acidic/tangyness is coming from. Other ingredients include Gingko, which I feel like I can taste just a little as well. Mostly just very grape heavy, though. The finish is very crisp and clean cut – no real lingering flavours here. I also found it really interesting that this is a rooibos kombucha. I’m certainly no expert – but when I took the kombucha starter seminar offered by TAC I definitely remember them clearly saying that they didn’t recommend using rooibos/mate or purely herbal bases for kombucha – I think it kills the SCOBY overtime, if I’m remembering that correctly? Perhaps someone here on Steepster who’s more knowledgeable about kombucha would know more?

Anyway! This was tasty! Definitely nice to have something cold on hand to sip on at the hotel since I haven’t had consistent access to iced tea since we left.

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