Sencha Tea Bar

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drank Coconut Palm by Sencha Tea Bar
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Flavors: Apple, Coconut, Creamy, White Chocolate

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Citralicious by Sencha Tea Bar
2590 tasting notes

The only ingredients here are lemongrass and mint. I enjoy those flavors, so this was pretty good. I wouldn’t purchase something simple like this for myself, but I got this from a Sips by box, and it’s tasty enough. I like it cold. It has almost a licorice-type lingering finish. Very refreshing.

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170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Sencha Green by Sencha Tea Bar
15 tasting notes

It has a mild flavor that is reminiscent of fresh cut grass but if steeped to long or at to high of a temperature it becomes bitter.

Flavors: Grass

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Sencha is personally one of my most favorite. The fresh and woodsy aroma of the leaves is a scent I can easily distinguish and lift my mood up instantaneously. The taste itself can differentiate as well, to the preference of a person, whether they like someone bitter and woodsy or something more smooth with a small woodsy kick. The aftertaste is continues to be refreshing and enjoyable. A great choice to drink hot or cold.

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This particular variety has the typical earthiness and strong bitterness expected of a green tea. Its grassy aftertaste lingered long after I finished my cup, even though its scent was light.

Flavors: Bitter, Cut Grass, Mud

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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drank Plum Berry by Sencha Tea Bar
6444 tasting notes


I pulled this from the TTB to make at a later date as there was only a single serving left. I do not recall who added it to the box but thank you to whoever it was for sharing and the chance to try something new! Unfortunately this was not my favorite. I made it iced and though there was a slight berry flavor, it was more astringent than anything. Check out my full review here:

ETA: Thank you Kristal for the addition of this tea!!

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drank Plum Berry by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

GCTTB6 I pulled out tiny amounts (~1 tsp or less) of a lot of the to try later. This is one of those, as will be after future round 6 entries. I still have 10 or so left.

This was mostly fruit, so I’m hoping the caffeine content is fairly low.

Brewed 1 tsp in 350 mL hot water (my kettle said 188 deg F, but I can’t figure out how to turn the reading to Celsius on the kettle, and I can’t be bothered to convert F to metric manually, either. Normally I use a thermometer, but it is dirty and I didn’t feel like washing it.)

The brew is a pretty light pink, it smells like bai mu dan white tea (vegetal/leafy) and fruit. I can taste a lot of hibiscus in this blend (why!?!), but the white tea was nice. I wouldn’t say this is specifically plum or berry flavoured, more of generic fruit with a lot of tart hibiscus. I this one would be better iced…or without the hibiscus.

Flavors: Fruity, Hibiscus, Red Fruits, Sour, Tart, Vegetal

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 20 OZ / 600 ML

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drank Brahmi by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Brahmi by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Brahmi by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Brahmi by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Brahmi by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Brahmi by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Brahmi by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

GCTTB (round 6) entry

I can see what other raters mean by bitter. However, steeped right, this is a delicious caffeine free tisane. Just be careful with steep time for your water volume. I only used less than one teaspoon of looseleaf for 250 mL water and 2.5 minutes brew time.

Brahmi is woody, like thin dried twigs. I find the flavour quite pleasant when brewed in hot (not boiling) water for 2-3 minutes until you can smell the liquid. I found it very relaxing and enjoying to sip. Will be brewing this again for sure. I had this last night and look forward to enjoying it again tomorrow night.

Flavors: Bark, Dry Grass, Oak, Roasted, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

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drank Foxtrot by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Foxtrot by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Foxtrot by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Foxtrot by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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Flavors: Flowers, Hay, Herbs, Honey, Menthol, Mint, Peppermint, Sweet, Warm Grass

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drank Foxtrot by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

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drank Foxtrot by Sencha Tea Bar
2987 tasting notes

GCTTB (Round 6) entry

Loose leaf smells strongly of dried mint, citrusy flowers (chamomile), dry grass or herbs.

Steep 1: Strong scent/flavour of mint at first, followed by a union of mint and mellow chamomile. I absolutely love this combination. Chamomile blossoms give a musty, dried flower petal taste. There is a bit of honey, citrus, and yellow pollen taste from chamomile too. I can’t tell if the mint is a more mild (less manthol) peppermint, or if this is English mint. Either way, well done for not using something with an overpowering menthol flavour.

Steep 2: More of the same, maybe a bit more lemon and chamomile flavour. Chamomile reminds me of summer’s at my father’s property where the barn smells like hot hay on the warmer days. I was allergic to hay/pollen and found this smell to be very alluring. lol

Flavors: Bitter, Flowers, Hay, Herbs, Honey, Hot Hay, Lemon Zest, Mint, Musty, Peppermint, Vanilla, Wood

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Plum Berry by Sencha Tea Bar
139 tasting notes


You know you have a problem when you are planning out your teas for the next two days because there are so many teas to try and so little time. I’ve only been sampling teas a teaspoon at a time, but there are just so many that I had to go through the remaining ones I haven’t tried yet and yay or nay it based on how much I wanted to try it before I leave for Slovakia. Now I still have too many… I’m gonna have to up my daily tea intake for the next two days, I think.

This one was alright. The berry aroma seemed a little artificial and cloyingly sweet to me, but thankfully it was mild enough that I didn’t mind it too much. The tea was light and pleasant, but nothing that impressed me too much. I haven’t had much luck with white teas so far that I’m starting to think I don’t know how to properly appreciate their flavour. Maybe I just haven’t tried very good ones so far.

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drank Foxtrot by Sencha Tea Bar
139 tasting notes


Drinking this right before bed, which I don’t normally do, especially considering it’s nearing 11pm, as I know I will have to pee at an obscenely early time in the morning. I needed something to help me relax though, as I am leaving for Slovakia this Saturday and I have an insanely busy week right up until I leave. It has me feeling a tad overwhelmed and definitely more than stressed.

I am enjoying this. It’s a fairly simple blend, with the familiar taste of fresh peppermint and sweet chamomile. I didn’t realize there was any Rooibos in this until I read the description. I don’t seem to taste anything woodsy, but I did assume one of the ingredients was lemongrass, which apparently isn’t. Oh well, it’s a decent bedtime tea. Unfortunately I’m not a fan of peppermint so I can’t love it, but it was mild enough in my brew that I’m enjoying a nice warm cup of this soothing tea to help me relax.


Another one I contributed. I concur, it was just ok.


You know, I really like Sencha Tea Bar, but this one was just ‘meh’ to me, mostly because of the peppermint. But the vendor is actually quite good! I’ve enjoyed most teas you’ve sent me from them. :) Is it an Ontario local vendor?

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