Nerdfelt Teas

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Did I ever see a world in which I’d be drinking a tea inspired by Old Greg? Nope. Am I mad about it, though? Also nope. I actually really appreciate this Nerdfelt has gone the extra mile here with including more “deep cut” references to this silly internet video in the ingredients, like with the peach. It would have been easy to create and Irish Cream blend and call it a day, but this feels a bit more unique thanks to the “bonuses”. But does it taste good, though?


It’s still mostly Irish Cream which, don’t get me wrong, is still delicious. However, it’s got a bit of a chocolate-y finish and soft undertones of sweet peach. A little bit weird all together in those first few sips, but before long it all started to click together into something fun and refreshingly unique.


I will randomly quote Old Greg, but then most people don’t get it, so they become concerned and it’s always hard to explain because these are usually folks unwilling to give it a watch. Haha

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I was very sad this past week to hear of Michelle Trachtenberg’s passing. There haven’t been a lot of celebrity deaths that have really hit me, but this was one that really shook me. She was just so young, and Buffy (where I most know her from) is so special to me…

So, I brewed this mug up a little bit in her honor. It’s a smooth, berry flavoured black tea blend with a little bit of a top note acidity/sourness to it. Like a tangy raspberry candy, in some ways. And I can’t totally explain it, but it felt right for the moment.

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Sipping a hot mug of this tea currently while I work on writing tasting notes. It’s bright and very fruity with raspberry and orange notes that sit somewhere between freshly macerated fruits and a more candy-like interpretation of those flavours. I like the backbone of brisk, malty black tea that anchors the mug as well. It’s not a super strong flavour, but it’s there and certainly contributing a lot of body.

I am, however, noticing that the more the tea cools the more the orange notes are starting to feel a little more chalky and like a Flintstone’s vitamin. So, trying to drink this up pretty quickly while it’s still quite warm.

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Drinking a mug of this currently. To be honest I kind of forgot I’d steeped it up once I’d strained it, so it’s sort of cool now. However, the flavour is really nice! Very bright, tangy raspberry notes that are juuusssttt a bit candy-like. Also a pleasant citrusy orange undertone. Very fresh, very lively. Not totally sure what flavour a Buffy inspired tea should be in my personal opinion, but I ain’t mad at this one! I bet it’d be good iced.

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drank Butter Brew by Nerdfelt Teas
16975 tasting notes

Sipdown (2484)!

This was a free sample included in this Nerdfelt order. Steeped it up on Friday and it was definitely nice, though didn’t blow my mind either. Solid full bodied but pretty neutral taste black blending base, with a direct caramel flavour. Maybe just a touch of salinity. No complaints – I think it does what it’s trying to in terms of taste and inspiration. I’ve just definitely tried better Butter Beer inspired blends before that this tea struggles a little to live up to.

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Had this one yesterday. It was simple but very smooth and creamy with a really nice Irish Cream type of flavour that suited the brisk black tea. I still need to catch up on the whole season of Ncuti’s Doctor Who, and I want to drink all Doctor who inspired blends while I do it so another cup of this tea may very well be in my near future sooner rather than later.

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I squee a little bit inside every time I look at the visual of this tea. Very simple majority black tea base with these cute as all get out blue fish sprinkles that just pop against it. Flavour was straight forward Irish cream – not too sweet at all, but plenty rich. It’s exactly what I would want out of this tea based on the name/reference. My little geek heart was very happy drinking this.

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nerdfelt advent, day 9

This has easily been my favorite of the teas in this calendar. The pumpkin flavor is present without overpowering the tea; it adds a richness that is appealing. The spice is clear and fits what I would think of as a truly spiced pumpkin pie. It reminds me a bit of the Bird & Blend pumpkin pie, though subtler.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank ToTEAro by Nerdfelt Teas
294 tasting notes

nerdfelt advent, day 8

A cute concept, but I think I ruined my own cup for myself by missing the timer. It’s a little too bitter (probably my fault) despite the sprinkles. The scent of berry was as strong as the earlier Tea-2SO, but the flavor was muted in comparison to the tea. Kind of plain overall.

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more

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drank Butter Brew by Nerdfelt Teas
294 tasting notes

nerdfelt advent, day 7

I wish I had more to say about this tea. It’s a smooth black tea with a subtle creamy sweetness to it. Didn’t need anything added (though that’s how I prefer my tea anyway, so ymmv). Nothing too unique, but certainly pleasant.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Chai-Lo Ren by Nerdfelt Teas
294 tasting notes

nerdfelt advent, day 6

I think if you like red rooibos this would be a fine tea. The ginger stands out and even lingers a little, and the spices are well-balanced and flavorful. I found it more drinkable than most red rooibos, but still just don’t care for that wet wood chip taste.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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nerdfelt advent, day 5

A perfectly lovely genmaicha and an excellent way to shake up an advent that season that was leaning heavily toward flavored black and herbal.

Every year I tell myself I’d like to work on discerning more subtle differences between teas, and every year I wind up basically ignoring that until I regret it come advent season.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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nerdfelt advent, day 4

Absolutely stellar scent. Just exactly the kind of scent I want warming up my house on a winter day. Strong spice, a little orange. I wanted to keep smelling the cup all day.

The flavor didn’t deliver the same. It was a smooth black tea, but the bland taste was so jarring in contrast to the powerful gorgeous scent. I thought maybe it was me, but my partner made the same comment when I had him try it, so perhaps not. I’m wondering if maybe these samples are just so much smaller than the others I’m used to that I’m watering it down?

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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nerdfelt advent, day 3

Between the usual busy season at work, an unusually busy season at home, and a cold that had me unable to taste much, advents had to take an early pause. I kept drinking and writing down notes where I could once my taste was back, and now it’s time to play some catch up.

This was a surprisingly lovely berry-chocolate tea. I felt like I was eating a Sees truffle or something similar throughout. No surprises in the scent or flavor, and the flavor was maintained hot and cool. The “berry” was indistinct for me. I’m still thinking about this one days later, which I think is a good indicator of how much I enjoyed it!

Flavors: Berry, Chocolate

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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nerdfelt advent, day 2

A tea called Second Breakfast felt like a good place to start my day.

It honestly didn’t seem like black tea at all. The mint and lemon were so strong, the color so light, that it seemed like an herbal. I liked the lemon peel – it was less artificial than a lot of lemon teas. In all, a pleasant cup, but it didn’t stand out for much but the name.

Flavors: Lemon, Mint

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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nerdfelt advent, day 1

This advent is my first experience with nerdfelt teas, and I’m looking forward to the experience. I think a favorite part so far is you can’t spoil the teas for yourself by perusing the package, since the tea labels are inside the packages of tea.

I opened yesterday with this, which made an excellent morning tea and would have also been pleasant for dessert. The scent of cinnamon is strong, and the flavor is also clear and present but doesn’t overpower the smooth black tea (until you’re down to the very end of a cold cup). The cacao nibs lend a light hint of chocolate. I did oversteep it, but it seemed to come out okay despite – I missed the alarm doing other things! In all, an opening I quite enjoyed.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cinnamon

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more

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drank It’s…Green by Nerdfelt Teas
6444 tasting notes

Day 3 of my advent was this tea, which I think was left in there from last year. Oops. It was a simple gunpowder based genmaicha. Not as heavily roasted as I expected, but nice toast ones from the popped rice. The gunpowder was smooth and not particularly grassy. It was nice but not a standout.

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drank Mister Vulcan by Nerdfelt Teas
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (224)

My sister gave birth and the baby came home on Friday. So it’s been hectic. Had this on Friday night and it was nice. Warm, smooth, spiced. Nothing particular special but the gunpowder complimented the chai-like spices well.

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Iced Tea with Strawberry Sweet Cream Cold Foam Sipdown (228)

This is my last weekend before I start my job and my sister thinks I’m nesting because I’ve been cleaning and doing a bunch of organizing. Today I tackled my tea spreadsheet and drawers which I haven’t maintained the past few months and as a result have no clue what is happening with my teams. Now I just need to cross reference my steepster cupboard with my spreadsheet and both my online cupboard and spreadsheet will be up-to-date.

As a result of this organizing, I looked into the Nerdfelt teas I still have left from my advent. This was just rooibos and cocoa nibs so I thought it would make a good iced latte with cold foam. Strawberry seemed like it may pair well but it’s a touch artificial and the rooibos and nibs and making for a syrup/alcohol vibe. Honestly it makes me think of the cherry and syrup filled chocolates you get around Christmas. The very much not good chocolates. Oh well lol


go you! I’ve been missing good flavoured teas… sigh


lol I wouldn’t call this a “good flavoured tea”

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drank Loyaltea by Nerdfelt Teas
6444 tasting notes


I had 13 empties and that number felt weird so I pulled this out of the sipdown box. I don’t really like it if I’m being honest. Somehow it seems medicinal though mango medicine isn’t really a thing I know of. Still, it’s sharp and I’m just not a huge fan of this one.

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drank Butter Brew by Nerdfelt Teas
6444 tasting notes

Advent Season 2021 Day 25 – MERRY CHRISTMAS!

I opened this and was disappointed because I was like they already gave me this but then I realized that was Butter Brew Number Two. So I was taking my pic and then I dumped the whole glass on the floor. I only got to try a mouthful because of that but it tasted similar to Great Scotch! from the other day. Overall, I was meh about it because of that and mostly sad it was all over the rug.

Martin Bednář

Merry Christmas!

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Advent Season 2021 Day 24

I added a splash of eggnog to this and I don’t think I should have. It’s a more chocolate but slightly watered down version of DAVIDsTEA’s Stormy Night.

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drank Great Scotch! by Nerdfelt Teas
6444 tasting notes

Advent Season 2021 Day 23

I opened this to see if it was a green or black tea and was bowled over by the butterscotch scent. It was pungent since I had a face mask on when I opened the package. That transferred into taste as well but only slightly. Instead this was a butterscotch breakfast tea with thick butterscotch sweetness grounded by a more brisk base tea. 52 Teas made something super similar. Was Beam Me Up Scotty caramel/butterscotch? Maybe that’s the one I’m thinking of.

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drank The Power of Tea by Nerdfelt Teas
6444 tasting notes

Advent Season 2021 Day 14

I sort of dropped the ball on wiring notes for these teas since I haven’t seen Nerdfelt before. I drank this. I don’t remember it at all. So, nothing memorable.

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