Madametj's Fresh Garden

Recent Tasting Notes

Too much rooibos. agggggh

albertocanfly 11 years ago

Keep working on it!! You’ll get it!^.^

madametj 11 years ago


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I feel like I’m becoming a pioneer, or rather an EXPLORER of uncharted territory: brewing herbal tea gongfu style! Sadly, my Rosemary plant didn’t make it :( BUT my aunt has a huuuge bush in her backyard and I was able to get some from her! Next time I’ll make sure I weight my herbs to get more consistent results.

Steeping times: 60s, 60s, 120s

First Steeping: The rosemary definitely overpowered the brew. If you concentrate reeeally hard you can taste the lemongrass in the background and I really do think it enhances the taste. I also added honey which made it a really enjoyable drink.

Second Steeping: One thing about herbals is they generally don’t resteep well (probably why most people don’t gongfu them). The second steeping definitely tastes lighter, but still has enough flavor to be enjoyable. Gonna bump up the next steeping time to see if any flavor is left.

Third steeping: Doubling the last steeping time allowed to get a flavor that matched that of the second steeping. Ahhh, and now my tummy is happy and full of fresh herbal tea :)

Boiling 3 tsp 5 OZ / 150 ML
Cheri 11 years ago

Lemon and Rosemary go so well together. I bet lemongrass, in the proper balance with rosemary, would be wonderful!

madametj 11 years ago

Yup, still experimenting!

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I think I’ve finally confirmed that while I do love a nice, warm, comforting cup of soba cha,, I much prefer my green rooibos genmaicha for the fuller flavor. Which is actually a good thing because I have plenty of rice and plenty of green rooibos so it’s a much cheaper option :D

Flavors: Nuts

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 6 tsp 5 OZ / 147 ML

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for a homemade dupe, this is pretty darn close! Abigal the teapot likes this tea too :)

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ohhhhhhhhhhhh yes. My efforts in brewing Green Rooibos Bonita in my new blue Yixing pot were less than stellar yesterday. Today a guest came over and I offered to make them some tea. I opted for this one because i know most people like mint, and it was sooo good. Forgot how much I loved this tea. It tastes great in this teapot, and it’s the perfect size for serving guests :)

Flavors: Peppermint

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Garden dew lovely
Leaves crunchy and green
Clay pot patina
Minty, fresh, clean

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sherapop 11 years ago

nice! ;-)

madametj 11 years ago

thanks! :)

madametj 11 years ago

Inspired by you of course :P

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I got two new spearmint plants and a peppermint plant. I’ve been drinking mint tea ALL. DAY. :D

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mj 11 years ago

A few days ago, I got a strawberry mint, lavender mint, and chocolate mint plant!

madametj 11 years ago

They had a chocolate mint plant there too. I think I might go back for it! I’ve never ever heard of strawberry or lavender mint do they taste like you’d expect?

mj 11 years ago

I don’t know yet? They came from Amazon and I am waiting a week before even transplanting, much less harvesting them. I will have to let you know!

madametj 11 years ago

Wow, I’ll definitely check that out. I wouldn’t worry too much. Mint is hard to kill, and the ones that I leave alone actually don’t do as well as the ones that I use the most. Clipping encourages growth! :)

albertocanfly 11 years ago

So delicious! Fresh mint teas are just amazing!^.^

Hillel 11 years ago

I’m not a huge fan of adding herbs or other flavors to tea, but mint is definitely an exception. I have some in my garden too for just that purpose. It makes iced teas taste even more like summer and brings warmth and comfort to hot tea in the fall. Yum!

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Backlogging this from this morning. It’s becoming my favorite first drink of the day! :)

sherapop 11 years ago

Do you have a tea company?

madametj 11 years ago

No, this is just a way for me to log my homemade blends.

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Sooo good. Nothing compares to fresh mint! The first steeping was kind of 50-50 spearmint peppermint, but the second steeping was just spearmint. Peppermint doesn’t resteep well. Or maybe dry herbs just don’t resteep as well as fresh herbs. Eh. Either way, this was awesome!

Flavors: Peppermint, Spearmint

Cwyn 11 years ago

I might be looking for another peppermint tea, I usually just buy cheap tea bags, hadn’t even thought about looking around for something better. I use these mint teas as relief for bowel issues. It really works, some people even buy this herb in capsules for the same effect. I will be checking out this flavor.

madametj 11 years ago

This is my own custom blend, not from a real tea company :P I just used this tea and mint leaves from my garden.

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I’ve had this cold steeping for two days and it’s soooo good iced! Oddly enough, it reminds me of a cold glass of chocolate milk, just more refreshing.

Flavors: Chocolate

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For this one it’s really hard to extract the flavor from it. I tried crushing them but they’re really tough. Some suggested simmering on the stove for an hour but ain’t nobody got time for that. I added some green rooibos and that helped fill out the flavor a bit, but overall I prefer the sobacha.

3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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a little extra sugar makes it dessert!

TeaNecromancer 11 years ago

A genmaicha made from green rooibos, what a genius idea!

madametj 11 years ago

Thanks, it’s quite delcious!

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So tasty and relaxing <3

Flavors: Nuts

4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Flavors: Nuts

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It’s been a while since I’ve whipped up a custom tea. So here I am in the middle of the night roasting brown rice on the stove and brewing it with green rooibos. It’s really good. Tastes just like soba-cha!

Flavors: Nuts

Suziqzer 11 years ago

Congrats on your work of art!

madametj 11 years ago

Thank you!

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