La Teteria

Recent Tasting Notes

drank Berry Nice by La Teteria
100 tasting notes

How i got it: Bought it (Current everyday green tea)

Experience: After I ran out of my loyal Te Supremo Green Tea, i chose this one to take its place for my evenings. Its aroma is very marked by the blueberry scent, with acidic notes similar to straw/raspberry and the vanilla scent in the background. Almost no presence of the tea aroma. On the taste side, this blend is very smooth; the sip begins with the green tea and vanilla flavors and ends with berries notes, along a little tartness (probably berry-induced) and some astringency. It reminds me very much of Basilur’s Spring Tea, but having superior quality due to being a loose-leaf. Good duration and complexity, enjoyable and very relaxing. Quite good!

Would i buy it again?: It has good possibilities

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How i got it: Bought It

Experience: New tea to advance in my project! I don’t know if was due to the association with the extreme temperatures, but i expected a tea from Kenya to have a darker color and to taste stronger, which wasn’t exactly the case. Its aroma is interestingly similar to a Yunnan’s, with spiced notes but without the smoked ones. Light taste, very well defined from the beginning of the sip, medium intensity, not very complex, with earthy-toasted notes at the end of the sip in addition to some hints of honey. I’d say this tea has more in common with a Nepal/Darjeeling than with an Assam or Ceylon. I’d have liked a bit more richness in its flavor too, but that’s a detail. Very good.

Would i buy it again?: I don’t know if i could include it between my favorites, but sure has a possibility. Maybe i need a couple more sips to get to appreciate it more. Time will tell.

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How i got it: Bought It

Experience: Once again, this is a brand new experience for me. This blend is different to what i have tasted until now, but the closest reference i can think of now is that this one falls halfway between a Darjeeling and a Yunnan tea. Really, very soft aroma similar to a nuanced Yunnan, less spiced and without smokiness. Very smooth taste too, took me a while to grasp it. I can sense fresh and flowery/fruity notes, almost grape-like to me, with some hints of muscatel. I do enjoy more intense teas better, but this one is good anyway. A good deal different, but good.

Would i buy it again?: Honestly, i don’t know. Maybe i need to get used to the taste, but while is good, i don’t think i can count it between my favorites. Worth the buy, in any case.

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How i got it: Bought it

Experience: Another point for La Teteria. Beginning with the aroma of this blend, it begins spiced like a Yunnan tea, becoming more like Ceylon crisp later. I smell what seems to me like caramel and almonds/amaretto notes too. It has an intense, mainly malty flavor, but possessing the same soft bitter notes that characterize the English Breakfast blends i’ve tried, only more nuanced and enjoyable. Although isn’t a complex flavor, it has a nice and lasting richness. Really good.

Would i buy it again?: I think it could stay as one of my breakfast teas. We’ll see with the pass of time, but for now, i’d say ‘yes’.

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drank Blue Shadow by La Teteria
100 tasting notes

How i got it: Tried it in “La Teteria” Tea Room

Experience: One may think this one would be almost the same as Berries Silvestres, but that’s not the case. I have to grant the strong point of this blend to its aroma, which is a nice mix between (what seemed to me like) homemade strawberry jam and cinnamon notes, in addition to some participation of the tea (ps: i haven’t smelled rhubarb or cornflower before, so i don’t know if they were clear in the mix). Its flavor was less citric than Berries Silvestres, due probably to the herbal touch of the other ingredients. The tea’s taste wasn’t very intense, but was lasting and defined. I’d have liked a more intense blend, but i enjoyed it anyway. Very good.

Would i buy it?: It’s a possibility. Maybe i’ll give it another shot in the future.

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How i got it: Tried it in “La Teteria” Tea Room

Experience: When i tasted this, it reminded me of Basilur’s Summer tea. Its aroma was very fruity and citric, with notes similar to raspberry and cranberry. At the other hand, the tea flavor wasn’t very intense or very lasting, while (as usually happens) the berries took the main role in the blend. I noticed some characteristic bitterness at the end too. I’d say good.

Would i buy it?: Mmm… it wasn’t bad at all, but i’m not sure. I think i would need another sip to decide, but for now, i’m more inclined to the ‘no’ side.

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How i got it: Bought It

Experience: I’m beginning to like these guys of La Teteria. This is another great tea. It has an intense flavor, very well defined, rich and lasting in the mouth. I’m not very sure, but i tasted some chocolate-like and raisins-like notes too, i think. Almost no astringency, and a bit of muscatel. Medium intensity (i was expecting a little more), but delightful aroma. Stands to its qualification. Really good.

Would i buy it again?: Sure thing. Another tea for my cupboard, and an experience that encourage me to try other Assam’s out there.

Poppy 11 years ago

I need to try that

Chris Chamorro 11 years ago

Sure, let’s have tea sometime =)

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How i got it: Tried it in “La Teteria” Tea Room (later, I got some in a trade with my sister)

Experience: This tea stands to its fame. Intense aroma of solid dark chocolate, while the flavor is very similar to a cocoa liquor. The taste of the base tea is present too, but isn’t very evident. A little bit bitter and astringent in the end, but nothing unpleasant at all. Really good.

Would i buy it?: Sure thing. It has earned a place in my cupboard.

Poppy 11 years ago

I’m really impressed by the rating you gave it. It seems you really liked it. I’m glad :D

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How i got it: Bought it

Experience: At first, i was a little disappointed, because i didn’t expect the smokey touch in this tea (i even questioned if that was supposed to happen in a Yunnan tea). However, after drinking it more consciously, i’ve come to appreciate it. It has a medium intensity but very clear flavor, with a balanced mix of malty and peppery notes (I sense a bit of dried fruits too), and a little spiciness at the end. Its aroma has a smoked touch that, though i’m still getting used to it, goes fine with the tea. Very good.

Would i buy it again?: After some thought, i’d say it’s a real possibility.

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