Kwong sang Tea Company

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This one is quite nice- a different twist on the pineapple black tea. There’s a nutty, almost cocoa-like note here, that is reminiscent of unripe or ripening tropical fruits- A nutty, slightly sour tang.

The aroma of the liquid in particular reminds me of generic jack fruit and soursop smoothies, and it has that thick quality to taste. I can’t place it, but it’s good. Thanks for passing this along, MissB!

Flavors: Nutty, Pineapple, Tropical

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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Someone was neglecting this tin (as it was loose leaf and not tea bags), so I was more than happy to try it.
This is a very nice tasting earl grey tea. The bergamot is not too overwhelming (as happens in some earl greys), but complements the black tea nicely.

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drank Pineapple Tea by Kwong sang Tea Company
15618 tasting notes

this is a weird tea. lol Another from MissB’s adventures and one i was curious given that most pineapple teas tend to be greeen/oolongs. this is… not a tea for me. it’s not at all like i want it to be when someone says pineapple..and there’s a weird spicy? note to this one that confuses the heck out of me lol. Still though, fun to try and maybe one of the girls will have better luck! lol


Ha! But the tin says:


So… pine and apple? Or pineapple?


probably pine and apple lol


Well, glad it wasn’t just me that right it was weird. Kinda kicking myself that I didn’t grab the kiwi version now.

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Found this next to a black kiwi flavored tea in an Asian grocery store, middle of nowhere, France. They had lots of loose leaf teas as well to try, but this one spoke to me for whatever reason. Came in a tin, then in plastic, and filled to the brim with loose black tea. Looks like a mix of Chinese blacks.

The base is quite beautiful. It’s rich and aromatic, like a soft nut, with a touch of something floral and then a tropical sweetness to it. The flavor is like a green pineapple, which is interesting to me considering I’ve only ever had it once, and it’s used only for medicinal purposes (where it’s even eaten at all). There’s a flowery note as well, plus way back there something chocolatey and rich.

It’s quite an unusual tea; think lychee or green pineapple and it’s pretty darn close. Not sure if I’ll drink the 50g of it, but it was inexpensive and easily shared.

Flavors: Cocoa, Flowers, Lychee, Pineapple, Thick, Tropical

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Relaxing night at home awaiting arrival of some food.

This smells extremely earthy and reminds me of pu’erh in colour and fragrance. The loose tea was very darkly brown and had formed some magnificent curly and twisty shapes. The smell is very strong and is starting to remind me of a sickly strong liquorice sort of smell, it’s oddly familiar…perhaps I have had Lapsand Souchong before but have not known what it was at the time.

I think if I was to sum this tea up in one word that word would be: smoky. My husband said it smells like a BBQ. I admit that it’s a very acquired taste and it’s one of those things that tastes exactly as it smells. Very dark reddy brown in colour makes this tea as wonderful to look at as it is to smell and taste.

Admittedly this is something I would have to be in the right mood to drink but I am loving the unique strength of it. I am just stunned by it’s uniqueness… I think I am in love.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Not a big L S fan, but I never tried it with food. I’ll bet it is tasty with Thai food.

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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Orange Tea by Kwong sang Tea Company
400 tasting notes

11-22-2018 Steeped a pot of this old stock Chinese Orange Black Tea, What a Treat, It has been sealed and stayed fresh for some time, The Steep was about 5 Minutes with Boiling water, the cup was fresh and Vibrant Orange Flavor still in the Front of the palate, the back of the flavor was a subtle black presence, Very Pleasing, I reordered some that is advertised as “INSTANT” I hope it is a description ERROR, I’ll See on delivery.

Flavors: Orange

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Orange Tea by Kwong sang Tea Company
400 tasting notes

Saturday Mar. 12, 2011
1st Steep of the Day.
Fired up a Pot of Kwong Orange Spice.
This is a Great Black Tea from Southern China
The Dry Leaves have a Strong Black Tea Smokey Smell
Slight tinge of Orange Overtones, I guess there are some
Redolent clove fragrances that are there also.
Upon Infusing 212’ Boiling Water the Aroma really Lights up.
My wife 2 rooms away commented she could smell me Steepin a Pot.
I told her this one was mine, but after smelling it steep she wanted some.
We Shared the 5 cups of dark brown, bold orange liquor then ReSteeped.
Great way the Share the Afternoon.
Keep on Steepin

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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