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Hello honeysuckle…I love this. I used to love licking honeysuckle flowers as a kid (so much so, I actually wish I knew where there was some so I could do it again) and I love it as a flavor. This is a tinge sweet, a hair sour, and very honeysuckle-y.

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I drank this on the way to Tappahannock, VA for my very first teaching interview – an interview I feel went very well. I am unsure about whether I want to live in that area, far from friends (again) and it seems like far from a lot of things…but this was refreshing and minty without masking the white tea base. Definitely helped cool me off on this very warm day.

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So my local Jewel Osco is remodeling and apparently clearing a whole bunch of stuff. There were a handful of different bottled teas and this one stood out to me as just something different to try. And it was only $.75 so I couldn’t really go wrong with that.
I tried this straight out of the bottle and I wasn’t really that impressed. Not really sweet but it has that funky acidic taste that I can’t seem to find a unsweetened bottled tea without, which stinks really. And there was a odd floral back note to the tea during the sip. I don’t really get the honeysuckle sweetness that the bottle claims. Just that strange floralness.
I added some truvia and poured it over ice. It’s…..better? Kinda? Lol. I don’t think I added enough truvia to make it ‘sweet’ and it’s still got that acidic and floral note to the tea. But it’s definitely better over ice. Since I got two bottles I might try the other one with just honey instead to see what it’s like.
Overall, nice to try, but I wouldn’t get it again. Meh.

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drank Honeydew White Tea by Inko's
353 tasting notes

Well, I finished it. I was not impressed, though. The honeydew flavor tasted artificial and off. It was also sweeter than it needed to be.

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drank White Tea (Original) by Inko's
353 tasting notes

Nice and refreshing but oddly enough, I like the flavored ones better. The original was overly sweet.

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drank Honeydew White Tea by Inko's
1 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this for several years. It used to be great, a perfect blance of mild sweetness and tea flavor, but the last few bottles I purchased smell like nail polish remover. It even has an aftertaste of what I imagine nail polish remover would taste like. Horrible. Not sure what happened to their quality control, but I’m done with it.

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Smells like nail polish remover (but then again so does Teavana’s Joie de Vivre) tastes pretty much like honeydew, smell is distracting though. I was only given a few sips of this by the husband, he says its a bit off.


Ouch, nail polish remover! Can’t say I’m surprised though. Honeysuckle can be weird.


It used to be a great iced tea, but lately I’ve had the exact same experience. The smell of nail polish remover. I wonder if it’s actually fermenting?

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Picked this up in the grocery store as it was a brand I hadn’t heard of, I’ve never tried a honeysuckle tea and it was unsweetened. It’s pretty nice actually though I think it would be better cold (I’m sipping on it at room temp from a tiny glass). It’s mildly floral and delicately nectary. No idea what kind of white tea but I would guess White Peony. Husband got the honeydew which is sweetened but he has not opened it yet and might not tonight. May rate when I try this cold, putting it in the fridge as I’ve honestly had enough liquids this evening.

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Backlogging. I drank this earlier today. Its a good pleasant white light but flavorful with tea. Some peppermint that is minty without being over the top And a hint of ginger. I did add abit of sugar,I always have to add some to them. I thought this was really good.

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drank White Tea (Original) by Inko's
3011 tasting notes

Husband got a bottle of this strictly for guzzling purposes — I think we’re on day 10 or 11 of 100+ temperatures — and let me take a test swig. I have a general bias against sweetened bottled teas to begin with, but this at least doesn’t have that chemically-sweetened whang to it. Reminds me more of crystallized ginger.

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drank White Peach White Tea by Inko's
1908 tasting notes

This one tastes a little weak and watery compared to the honeydew flavour. It does taste like actually peach juice has been added – I just think they could have added a little more.

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drank Blueberry White Tea by Inko's
353 tasting notes

It’s as hot as the devil’s armpit right now outside (NO, REALLY) and a bottle of this from the deli downstairs was extremely welcome and refreshing. Cold, slightly sweetened, and tasted subtly of blueberries. Perfect for the days when it’s so hot and muggy it feels like you’re drowning just by walking outside and taking a breath.

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drank White Tea Energy by Inko's
30 tasting notes

I know you purists out there will probably tell me its faux pas to put this up but its tea.

I’m not an energy drink guy. Tea is my energy drink. The big, bright cans packed with B12 and crazy ingredients that I can’t pronounce don’t do it for me in anyway. I know people who swear by them and drink 3 in a day. Good luck with your blood pressure, if so.

Anyway, if you’re like me, this might be the answer for a tasty boost or jump to your step. The taste is strange for an “energy drink” because it isn’t extreme. Most drinks you slug from a can have a potent mouthfeel of intense, unnatural flavor. Not this bad boy. It tastes like pear juice with a bit of lemon and ginger. But it’s white and black tea, so it’s really delicate and subtle. Really impressed with how nice and simple it tasted.

My legs were definitely the first to feel the effect of the “energy” harnessed in the can. Not that I had the jitters or any sort of uneasiness but I could feel them getting antsy as I started my project (putting up a huge 80ft tent with friends…not just sitting at a desk), hence why I drank it. The only negative thing I can think of is that it left my mouth a little dry after a while. Maybe you’ll see what I mean. Maybe not.

Will I drink it again? Eh. I won’t seek it out for a regular drink but I know if I have something to do that will require me to stay awake, exert a lot of energy for an extended amount of time or need to perk up before a long haul, I will look for this instead of Monster or Amp or whatever those things are. Check it out if you see it at the store. I’m glad I did.


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drank Honeydew White Tea by Inko's
2201 tasting notes

Well I’m back in NY for the moment. Ran some errands today and ended up at the grocery store that carries this line of teas, and this time I chose the honeydew instead of the honeysuckle. I wasn’t expecting it to be sweetened because the honeysuckle one wasn’t, so at first I was caught off guard and I didn’t think it tasted very good. Then after I adjusted form my expectations, I enjoyed it a lot more. It’s not super sweet, and it really does taste like a ripe honeydew melon. There is a little bit of tea taste in the background there, but not a lot. I think I would like it better if it were unsweetened because I have a feeling that the honeydew extract would lend itself to slight sweetness anyway, and it would be more refreshing.

Scott B

I agree with you about the sweetening issue. Don’t most people eat honeydew and cantaloupe without sugar? Why sweeten this?


Well honeydew is naturally sweet, of course, and the drink did tastes like honeydew in that way, not extra sweetened honeydew. From a tea perspective, though, I have gotten used to drinking fruit flavored teas that aren’t sweet so I think I would prefer it that way.

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drank Honeysuckle White Tea by Inko's
2201 tasting notes

Happy Derby Day! Yes, it is the first Saturday in May, which means that it’s time for the Kentucky Derby! We’re having a small Derby party, so I’ve been running around prepping everything.

I noticed this tea at the grocery store today so I decided to pick up a bottle. Honeysuckle of course intrigued me because I love honeysuckle, and I often find honeysuckle notes in jasmines. This is a white tea with honeysuckle “extract” added, whatever that is. It’s unsweetened but seems slightly sweet from the honeysuckle anyway. The white tea is pretty mild, with some slightly floral honeysuckle, and a slight tartness (and maybe almost a citrusy flavor?) from the added citric acid. It’s a pleasant drink and a nice option when out and about, but it’s not something I will seek out specifically.

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drank Honeydew White Tea by Inko's
4843 tasting notes

Backlog: I bought some of this on a whim the last time I was in the grocery store and I had it last night with dinner. Meh… it was alright, I suppose, but I guess I’ve become too spoiled by the iced tea series from 52Teas and I found this to be too cloying. I finished the bottle but I don’t think I’d buy this one again.

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drank Honeysuckle White Tea by Inko's
359 tasting notes

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drank Apricot White Tea by Inko's
412 tasting notes

I was so excited when I saw that my local grocery store is carrying a wider range of Inko’s flavors – I got a bottle of the Unsweetened Honeysuckle (my very favorite bottled tea), and this Sweetened Apricot because I’d never seen or tried it before.

It’s good! Fruity, a little sweet (sweeter than Honest Teas), but not sickeningly so. The apricot flavor is really interesting – definitely distinct from, say, peach. A little sharper, almost citrusy. I’ll probably buy this again sometime, when I want something sweet/refreshing, but mostly I’m a sucker for that Honeysuckle :P

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drank Honeydew White Tea by Inko's
2 tasting notes

Surprisingly good! I don’t think I’d ever seen a honeydew flavored tea before this one. Not too overly sweet or melon-y, just enough. Not generally a big iced tea person, but I’d definitely get this again.

Iced 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Honeydew White Tea by Inko's
392 tasting notes

I really enjoy this tea. It is sweet but not too sweet and has a very nice light and refreshing flavor. Just what you want in an iced tea.


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drank Honeydew White Tea by Inko's
429 tasting notes

I had this iced tea today while washing clothes. The supermarket had them discontinued at 50% off. This is a very good melon flavored iced white tea. It was bolder than I expected and very refreshing. Its a sweetened iced tea, but its not too sweet. I don’t do a lot of sugar so I always check for the sugar on the label.

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drank Honeysuckle White Tea by Inko's
412 tasting notes

I ADORE this tea. It’s like drinking honeysuckle nectar. I can’t say much about the taste of the white tea itself, because I never notice it; the white tea is a vehicle for the honeysuckle. This is deliciously flavored, naturally sweet from the honeysuckle and white tea, with no sugar (and no fake sugar!) added. I love it. I would drink it all the time if it didn’t cost $1.5-2 per bottle.


OK… this sounds like something I would LOVE! I will have to keep an eye out for it.


It looks like Inko’s is New Jersey based, but I’ve found their teas at several stores in NY and MA (Whole Foods, most recently) and it looks like they take requests on their website for distribution/retail locations.


I think I’ve seen it at our local Whole Foods as well. So I will have to keep an eye out for the Honeysuckle. It sounds very tempting to me. I have a great fondness for Honeysuckle anyway, it reminds me of my gramma’s house. The room I would stay in when I visited her, there was a honeysuckle vine just outside the window and so the room always smelled of beautiful honeysuckle.

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