Indigo Tea Company

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Pass the Stash TTB #1
This is not bad. I smelled it in the bag and thought it would be great. Steeped it, smelled again and thought I’d made a mistake. Tasted and was pleasantly surprised since I’d come to expect it to be as bad as it smelled steeped, but it tasted better than I expected which was not as good as I’d hoped when I smelled it in the first place.

Pleasant enough white tea with light spice and mint flavorings I think. It’s not the best thing I’ve had of the type by far, but it’s drinkable. I would not be sad if someone served this to me, but I don’t think I’ll rush out to buy any.

I believe I’ll put this one back in the box. Sampled, but not kept.

Flavors: Candy, Mint, Spices, Sweet

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Before I begin let me say I’m not a big fan of darjeeling. I’ve had a few I found quite nice but for the most part…. I’m just not a straight black tea gal. For some reason I’m tasting olives…Kinda bitter and… bitter fruit? Some what citursy and a slight toasty wqrmth.

What I’m trying to get at is that I think it’s …well it’s just not my cup of tea.

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Yet another tea tasted at the tea class. A clear amber color with slightly grass and fruity aroma. A bit malty and woodsy. I’m also sensing a bit of fruity undertones. Of course the grassyness is also there. I liked this one quite a bit more then I expected. Probably not one I would buy more then an ounce of though.

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There’s a reason the cinnamon comes before the orange in the name of this tea…there’s a lot of it! Although I do notice a bit of a zesty orange flavor, the predominate thing I taste is cinnamon. On the plus side, the base is smooth and not at all bitter or astringent. But I really wish I were tasting more citrus in this one!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Orange Zest

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Another fantastic flavored black tea from Indigo Tea Company! I really don’t taste the base tea in this one at all…just a rich, fruity raspberry flavor. It’s smooth and very sweet…almost syrupy! The flavor might be a bit much for some people, but this raspberry-lover is finding it quite delectable.

Flavors: Raspberry, Smooth, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I smelled this tea in store this weekend and knew I had to have it. It has a delectable bourbon vanilla aroma and the taste does not disappoint! It’s rich and smooth and sweet with just the slightest hint of smokiness from the black base that somehow works great with the vanilla. It leaves a great creamy aftertaste in my mouth. I can foresee this becoming a staple in my cupboard!

Flavors: Cream, Smoke, Smooth, Sweet, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I love the combination of vanilla and black tea! I can already feel my mouth watering at the thought of it. Might have to look for this one!


I definitely recommend it! You can find it here:


Sounds delicious.


gasps You should know better than to tempt me like that. I’m trying to be good and not buy more tea before Christmas. XD

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This is a very light, smooth black tea. I could see myself enjoying it black as an afternoon tea. However, at breakfast, I prefer something a bit more robust.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Smells good. Kinda like the mulling spices used in apple cider. When things say spicy I think of jalapeños and chili powder, I tend to forget that cinnamon is also considered spicy. Especially to children. But this us truly a spicy white! It’s not spicy like your mouth is burning but you do get a little tingle on your tongue. There is a bit of a grassy flavor. It’s a good mix.


I don’t know whether it’s spice or spicy!! I have 2 packages, one says spice, the other says spicy and there’s nothing on their website..

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Sencha base? I’m fairly certain but kinda hard to tell with the rose petals in there. It’s a good cup but not quite as good as I was hoping. I’m kind of disappointed that there are no actual pomegranate pieces in here. Pomegranate is kind of pricey though I guess… I honestly think this should have been called rose petal green tea not pomegranate tea.

1 tsp

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Pass the Stash TTB #14

This was the last tea I drunk tonight, and it was the best of the three – though honestly that wasn’t saying much. As a holiday tea, this has all the spiciness that I come to expect. But it was missing depth and strength of flavor. The white tea leaf base was probably too light and the resulting tea was more watery than I would have liked.

There are other holiday teas I like better, though this one is drinkable. Maybe with a longer steeping time or more than one spoonful of tea it would be better.

3 min, 0 sec

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I honestly thought I wasn’t going to like this tea. Most have too much mint flavor and I can’t handle that. But this is very light and refreshing. Even the aroma with it’s hay and mint is relaxing. While it’s not something I would buy for my cupboard it is something I may have if the opportunity arises like it did at this tea class. We also tried it with sugar like they do in Africa. Doesn’t change the flavor too much but the sweetness makes it interesting.

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Ah.. the ever famous dragonwell tea. This actually has quite an interesting background to it if you have time to look it up. The aroma is kinda noodly to me. Not sure why. Noodles with grass. Flavor is woodsy, earthy, and grassy. Too much earthy for a green tea for me to like. It’s a good tea, just not my cuppa. The after taste is also interesting. Light rice and bitter grass.

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This company makes great bubble tea, London Fogs, Rooibos Lattes, Chocolate chais’ etc but sencha and matcha needs to be done right. I don’t have high expectations for this. Oh, well, right oh the bat. Color me surprised. That is a nice-looking leaf. Needle-like, mostly. Glossy and deep green. The aroma is quite nice with a mixture of sweet grass and bits of hay and bamboo. I’m so excited. My mother-in-law bought me a shiboridashi. This lady ios quite possibly the kindest in-law ever. She also bought me this tea. The smell that came up from the leaves as it was hit with the water was very pleasant. Summer and cut grass piles. My computer ran out of battery and shut down just now. But the note saved. Fascinating that computers don’t shut don’t and lose everything these days. Anyway. The flavor is nice. Nothing too spectacular but the subtle vegetal notes that mix in with the grassy notes. I will explore this one over the next few days and update this when needed.

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Not leaving a rating because I know this one has to be better then I’m tasting. It’s good but I feel like its just a bit over steeped. Amazing how seconds can ruin a tea. Anyway, it has the lovely grassy scent. Flavor that is somewhat marine like and toasty but of course more grassy then anything else. My husband thinks it tastes like dirt. I know it’s a required taste.

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Generally I like white tea but this one I think was steeped a bit too much. Though this was part of a tea class so I’m sure they were careful as to how long it was steeped. When it comes to green and white I’m quite picky and usually prefer less steep time then most people. Grassy aroma and flavor. Somewhat nutty as well. Though I’m getting a bit of a bitterness so I’m not really enjoying this cup as much as I think I should.

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If you like Pur er you will probably enjoy this one. I’ve tried to get into them for their health benefits… and I just can’t do it. It has a very fishy, marine like, aroma. Kinda weird but somehow nice. Also a bit smoky and woodsy. Tastes like a walk in the forest. Very earthy. It takes like I picked up a twig in the woods and started chewing on it. Not really my thing.

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I’ll just come out andd say first off that I’m not a fan of smoky teas. The aroma is smoky and toasty. Kinda nice actually…. but that’s not something I like tasting. It’s pretty intense. Not like a Lapsang souchong but kinda ..woodsy and malthy smoky. Too much tannin. Just not a smoky tea drinker…

BUT I know some people love it and it goes well with milk. So I encourage others to try it before judging it off my review.

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A classic tasting black tea. Good for iced tea. Arnie Palmers. But not something I would generally drink on its own. As I’m just not a fan of pure black teas, for the most part. It has a fruity, flowery, and slightly grassy aroma. Same with the flavor but I will also add malty to that.

1 tsp

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This is a lovely little tea. Received it as a sample after going to their tea class. Which I highly recommend. Even for people who do know lots about tea. It’s fun and you still learn stuff. I think I may buy more of this tea later. In a way it remind me of Teavanas Strawberry Slender Puer but this one I like better. Gah anyway…

The strawberry and the cream come out quite nicely without overpowering the black tea. This would probably taste quite good with a spot of honey. Definitely has a fruity, strawberry smell on the dry and wet leaves.

Flavors: Cream, Strawberry

2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp

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drank Yunnan Gold by Indigo Tea Company
230 tasting notes

I got this from a traveling teabox some months ago. I generally like Yunnan’s but this one was kinda bland and reminded me of drinking Lipton from my childhood.

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Small Big Traveling Tea Box

I really am a fan of hot cinnamon teas. There is something about them that is just so incredibly cozy and perfect. Usually, the hotter (spicier) they are the better. This tea is definitely a change of pace from that. Instead of being super hot like I expected, it is actually quite sweet. And I really liked it. The cup was full of flavor and that held up resteep after resteep.

1 g 2 OZ / 59 ML

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Small Big Traveling Tea Box

First Pu-er ever! Man, I’m just ticking off my list of firsts:P tehehe.

I’ve got to say….this kind of tastes like dirt to me…>.< or maybe the unwashed, uncooked outside of a, no. Not my cuppa tea. Maybe I’m doing something wrong… but I’m not a fan of it. At all. Since obviously I’m not well versed enough in pu-ers to rate this one, I’m leaving it unrated.

Flavors: Dirt

1 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

Did you rinse it? I think you’re supposed to rinse first? Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.


Is that what the trick is?? I’d love to know to give this tea a fair review.


I feel like I’ve read on Steepster somewhere that you’re supposed to rinse Pu erhs? I’m not sure though. Hopefully someone with experience will see this thread and set the record straight :-)


That’s my understanding, too, mj. I have only tried “gringo” pu-erh so far (in blends and bags), but when I muster up the courage to brew one of the tuo cha (or whatever they’re called), I’ll definitely rinse first—because it smells like horse manure!!!!! If only I were kidding…


hahaha, well, I’m glad that I’m not the only one who is experiencing this issue. Guess I’ll have to look for this thread and try again:]


Yes, like mj said, definitely rinse a few second. Pu’erh is an aquired taste, but a good quality one is not supposed to taste like “dirt”. Never heard about IndigoTea so I can’t comment but I strongly recommend Mandala’s if you ever want to start getting into pu’erh :-)

Rie T.

I was slightly freaked by the dirt/horse barn flavor of my first puerh, but somehow it won back my favor and I love shu puerh now! The rinse is super critical, both for the flavor and for hygienic purposes, the way that puerh is processed at the farms is pretty… rustic. ;)

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