Popular Teas from Heredia
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OK, lets try this again. The tea bags are 2grams each, so I used 2 bags for 10 oz of water and I added 1/2 tsp of honey. I got a much darker steep and tastier brew. It smelled and tasted more like a roasted grain and had good kick of caffeine. It even had a malty aftertaste and bitterness, even though it was slight. The honey rounded out the flavor. I enjoyed this cup more than my first one. Now I need to try the loose leaf with a gourd and bombilla. I’m also going to up the rating by 5 pts.
This is my first mate and I really don’t know what to make of it. Its sort of grassy and has a caffeine kick to it. The taste isn’t unpleasant and I’m not sure what to compare it to. I’m drinking it straight w/o anything added. Its in a tea bag and is probably different than a whole leaf mate fixed in a gourd. I don’t get any aftertaste from it. It will wake you up in the mornings. I’m not even sure how to rate this unless I compare it to a green tea which I’m going to do. So, I’m going to do a little more experimenting with this until I fully understand what I am drinking and how to properly make it. If you have any ideas, please leave me a comment as I’m willing to try anything to see how mate should taste.