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drank Senna Tea by Hemani
600 tasting notes

A review of Senna Tea by Hemani

Directions: Put one bag in a cup of boiling water & leave for (3-5) minutes. Add sugar as desired.

Ingredients: (2g) of Senna of highly selected quality

At times, with all of the tea tasting that I do, I need to not have teas that I would not generally buy, except for trying. So this tea has become part of the nightly ritual is cleaning and getting rid of waste, or what have you.

I am saying I live to cleanse and this tea can help me to do this.

I take one tea bag and put this in my cup and add boiling water to it; leaving to steep for up to five minutes.

Tea brews a very dark color, amber or darkens brown and smells very rich with the herbs of senna and has that raw, malty flavoring when tasted. I have always liked this tea, from day one it was a good cup and as I am able to purchase it (I hope) I will continue to keep stock of it in cupboard.

I am rather fond of the Hemani Brand, thank you.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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I am drinking this tea all day long since most of my regular teas are finished. I like that this tea is simpler and very light on the stomach.

Tea’s color remains with each infusion and the ginger and lemon sort of chase each other around. Overall, it is a refreshing mixture of lemon and ginger to coat and sooth the throat and stomach.

This would make good iced tea but I already have a jug of iced tea in the works.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec
ms.aineecbeland 13 years ago

Thank you. it is good tea; all teas with lemon & ginger is generally good tea. It is lie Ginger-ale, has anyone ever had one not agreeable…well, thanks.

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A review Lemon Ginger (Herbal Tea) by Hemani

Ingredients: 2gm of Mixture of Lemon & Ginger of highly selected quality

Put one bag in a cup of boiling water and leave for 3-5 minutes. Add sugar as desired.

Tea’s color is lightly golden brown…the color of ginger.
Tea odor is absolutely of the lemon with the ginger hovering around the lemon. It is on the acidity side since it has not been sweeten with honey, as this would make it nicer. For now I am happy with just a cup of hot lemon-ginger tea.

Overall, it is a refreshing mixture of lemon and ginger to coat and sooth the throat and stomach.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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A review of English Breakfast Tea by Hemani

I know that this Ceylon tea would make for a great glass of iced tea. I am, however, fixing myself a cup of hot tea.

I put one tea bag in a cup of boiling water & left to steep for a few minutes. I am always reminded when this tea is brewing how it is made of live natural. I equate the smell of this tea to this live natural process and to smelling a hint of Jasmine with each cup that I have had of the Hemani teas.

I say Jasmine since it has the same kind of pungent smelling to it. I mean when smelling of the Jasmine plant one knows right away. As with Hemani teas one know straight away since this aroma/odor is characteristic to the Hemani brand.

So on this day, I am in need of something medicinal and I reached for a cup of this English Breakfast Tea, brewed hotly strong making it that much astringent on the palette.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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A review of English Breakfast Tea by Hemani

I am reminded that this is a full-bodied black tea. And I am a fan of the Hemani brand from having tried several of their teas. No reason in particular, other than it is accessible and quite cheaper. I can obtain it without having to pay postage charge since I can purchase it directly in their store when I venture to hairdresser’s area. How odd of me.

Anyhow, I put one tea bag in cup and poured the boiling water in the cup and leave to steep for few minutes. This tea brews very hot and the aroma is most pungently sharp. Stands out as Hemani live natural tea.

I take the first sip and it is indeed most dry and a very robust cup of tea. It does need something to even it out so I opted for some honey. Adding one small teaspoon to my cup and stirring it. When I taste this it is better; sweet malt; not licorice but like that of natural raw sugar sweet.

English Breakfast tea is made of highest quality Ceylon tea, which gives them a strong and rich flavoring, and for me adding the honey makes it smoother on the palette and not raw malt.

Mixed with the honey is most delightful, rosy scenting even.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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A review of English Breakfast Tea by Hemani

This tea is wrapped in a foil package and when opened it is very lovely; smelling of strong roast.

I place on tea bag in a cup of boiling water & leave for a few minutes with a covered lid. As I wait for tea to steep I am reminded that this is fine quality Ceylon Tea meaning that it is blended with only the finest leaves giving it a strong and rich flavored tea.

This tea is lovely, it is a robust black tea and goes well with a bit of honey stirring. I think best to say medium body with a brisk character is the overall characteristic of this tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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A review of Green Tea Rose Flavour by Hemani

This tea is very potently strong, having that medicinal of quality and when brewed for three minutes and the tea’s aroma continues to do injury to surrounding air. It is not bad if one does not mind the smelling of a sterile and overly clean palate.

Tea is refreshingly clean and more than mildly astringent of vegetal qualities.

I am hoping that it will grow on me since I intend to drink it despite taste and odor.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon Verbane by Hemani
600 tasting notes

A review: Lemon Verbane (Herbal Tea) by Hemani

I like that I can mix this tea with my regular green tea. I am not sure if mixing is the right wording. Anyhow, I took one teabag of the lemon verbane and one teabag of the store brand green tea and put them in my mug; adding boiling water and left to steep for close to five minutes with a lid.

In sipping this tea I find that they blended quite well; it taste as if I had added a slice of lemon to my cup of green tea. This was what I expected and it is what I got.

Overall, this verbane is a lovely tisane mixing well with the green tea. It is a calming and soothing tea for when one’s day is overwhelming. Looking into the cup with the amber coloring’s glow reminding of warmth from the sunny room.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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drank Lemon Verbane by Hemani
600 tasting notes

A review: Lemon Verbane by Hemani

I wanted something lemony today and decided to try this verbane. I put one bag in a cup and added boiling water to the cup and placed the lid on it, leaving for 3 minutes. After which I took the cup while cover is still on and proceeded to sit down. I slowly removed the lid and took in the smell of this tea. I knew instantly that I would smell the lemon and happily I did.

I am reminded that this herbal tea is naturally caffeine free and tea’s color is a golden brown. I like the refreshing taste that meets me upon first sip of this tea. It is refreshingly clean tea and sweet-scented.

Overall, this tea is a most enjoyable herbal infusion made of lemon verbane of highly selected quality.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Slim Tea by Hemani
600 tasting notes

Slim Tea by Hemani

I drink this tea very hot and steeped for five minutes in a cup of boiling water. After steep time, I squeeze some of the limejuice over the tea and stir it in. It does taste slightly better, either that or I am getting used to the taste.

I am glad that this tea is caffeine free since I drink it almost nightly and the refreshing herbs do have a calming effect upon me. On the tea box it states to add sugar if desired, but I have added a squeeze of lime to it.

I note also written on box: Herbal Tea Slim and Smart. So I am wondering what is smart about this tea? I have yet to see inches melting away and now I must look for the “smart” in the teacup.

No laughing matter, I am considering all of these things as I drink this tea.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Slim Tea by Hemani
600 tasting notes

Slim Tea by Hemani

I have been drinking this tea each evening prior to retiring and so far no results to brag about. I can say this diet is failing; no pounds or inches coming off, rather it is compounding.

I diet because I do all of the cooking at home and sample the food while baking, so it adds to the waistline if one is not careful that is all I mean. Dieting for me is about maintaining and not gaining.

I am adding lemon/lime slices to this tea tonight hoping to stifle the taste, well to improve it to tolerable.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Slim Tea by Hemani
600 tasting notes

I subjected myself to another cup of this tea last evening with the hope that perhaps the more I try it I could learn to like the taste and see some good results weight wise. I am sorry to say the taste and smell is still too pungent for me to enjoy.

I drink the tea while pinching my nostrils; as this helps to lessen the flavors on my palette. And I have yet to see results with regards to ‘slimming down’; I only tried this a few times. It is too soon to tell.

Unfortunately I have not been able to frequent this shop since my last few purchases as the store was not open when last I was in that area. I think I may have offended these international folks; so serious are they with their teas and products.

I don’t know anything, I just know this tea’s taste is difficult for me to appreciate and I am sorry.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Slim Tea by Hemani

I find that adding the slices of lime/lemon to this tea does improve on the taste, in that it is more tolerable for this person’s palette. I can’t say that I am seeing results with regards to shedding the pounds off.

I must face the truth, I eat and sample too much. So it is not the tea’s fault but mine own.

The tea is same color as the box; golden yellow conjuring warmth, not so much a cup of warmth but to one’s healthy benefits with choice in the foods consume perhaps. I drink this tea so that I can say I finished the box, if for nothing else.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec
TeaBrat 13 years ago

I’ve never had a dieter’s tea that did much of anything…

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I am trying a new Naturally Caffeine free Herbal Tea. I don’t normally discuss my teas that are diet in nature in my reviews, but since I have been stretching finances with the need for buying more teas and to continue to submit reviews I find that I might have to reveal more.

I put one tea bag in a cup of boiling water & left to steep for the full five minutes. Tea is very strong in scent, kind of like a licorice combined with anise; as this description for the herbals may not be correct, just note tea is pungently strong and I must say taste wise I don’t like the after taste of the herbs.

I might try this tea again with a shorter infusion since it is so very strong. Overall, this herbal tea is not to my liking at this time.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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A review: Senna Herbal Tea by Hemani

I find myself getting in the habit of having this senna tea late in the evening.
I put one teabag in a cup of boiling water & leave to steep for 3 minutes. I do not add anything to this tea. It is taken plain as I do most teas.

I like that this tea is relaxing and helps me to eliminate waste and clean out my system.

I find I enjoy this tea more so than the Slim Tea by Hemani, which is similar in quality and usefulness.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Senna Herbal Tea by Hemani

I always brew my teas longer than is recommended once having had it for a while. So it is customary that when having this tea I left to steep for five minutes. I find enjoying this tea is best just before bedtime. I like how the herb relaxes me and the aroma is soothing; not mint at all. It just makes me think somber thoughts.

It brews a golden liquor that glows throughout the cup and unlike the Slim Tea that I have alternately with this one the taste of this Senna is a much more somber tea and remains true to the cup’s last sipping.

I have purchased this tea a few times now and hope to continue to do so; if not in the Hemani store than possibly online although the shipping handling charges I can do without.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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This tea has become my nightly ritual for its smoothness and laxative qualities. I brew this tea for the full five minutes and drink this as my last cup of tea for the day. This is not a tea that I sip slowly; it is a drinking tea. So I drink up. I find I prefer the taste of this herbal to the Slim Tea, also by Hemani.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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I always begin the New Year in wanting to rid my body of excess. I came to find that this tea can help me to eliminate and flush out my system.

This tea brews a very dark umber when boiled fully. I drink this tea nightly prior to retiring. I sip it slowly since it is my last cup for the day. It is smooth and its laxative quality is most effective.

I am happy to have found this tea and I hope to continue to experience good results. Overall, it is a good tea for ridding of waste-by-products found in the body.

Thank you to the Hemani brand.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec
ms.aineecbeland 13 years ago

The International folks may not be pleased with me sampling their teas and divulging this either. The last time I attempted to visit store it was closed, yet their light was on.
Something of my character is always being negated and divulge. I help as well. So stupid of me.

ms.aineecbeland 13 years ago

I trust others are not keeping count on how frequent I purchase this tea. I found another Senna Green tea to compare Hemani brand to. Competition perhaps for Hemani as this Senna tea hails from Poland by way of Ontario Canada. Oh, well.

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I brewed this tea for 3 minutes making sure it is very hot. The smell is very strong and medicinal in taste. I am not sure why I have been attributing medicinal to this Earl Grey and yet that is what it makes me think of each time I have had a cup of this. I can tell it is not just green tea since I have had their green teas and it does not hit me as such.

I also tried steeping this tea for 5 minutes and the longer steep seems milder with the same after taste. What I have come to notice is that this tea is one to have an acquired appreciation; and learn to like since upon first trying it one can dismiss it as bad tea or not to their liking.

I can say that I have come to learn to appreciate this tea and dismiss its assertive aroma with longer steeping time. It seems to help. This tea is not for everyone.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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