cctv ebay seller

Recent Tasting Notes


Purchased in Dragon tea house (2015). I like this tea, fresh and citric flavor, little smoky in the first infusions and camphor notes in later ones, beautiful leaves. Let rest some minutes after the first rise, so the leaves hydrate and expand. I prefer a bit strong infusions so I use 5g of leaves in 100 cc of water. Recommend it

Boiling 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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Another sip down, I think I prefer this one over the ‘pigtails’ one.
It’s pleasant & sweet, kind of similar, but maybe a little sweeter, and more tangy, like citrus, and the tangy sensation lingers. Not a bad tea, not something I’d purchase, but I do like the presentation :)

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I have never seen braided tea before. This is cool even if just for the weirdness factor. The fact that it tastes very nice is also a huge bonus. I used 3 braids for 10 oz. Very clean and crisp. To me there is a light metallic (but pleasant) taste. The other reviewers saw this as citrus. Maybe that is because they used a gaiwan. Slightly creamy. Slightly slick. My favorite part is how it rumbles in my belly. Possibly the best rumbler I have had. Probably because it is attacking the bologna sandwich I had a while ago.

This is very drinkable. It has no bitterness, no barnyard, and no fishiness. This is currently listed for $8.99/50g or $10.99/100g with free shipping. If you even sort of like sheng, this is worth a try even if just for the weirdness factor.

One year ago today I walked out of the workplace for the last time with tools in hand after being downsized. 3 friends also were laid off. One decided to just retire. The other two now have better jobs in the industry working for other companies. I have only occasional residual anger and hurt. As it turns out they did me a huge favor. This year I had to face though my mind is still fairly sharp, physically I can no longer keep up with an 8 hour or longer day. Being disabled is not fun and you often face judgment from healthy people who don’t understand. I’ll gladly go to work in any one’s place on Monday if they trade me bodies for the day. They just think they are glad to see 4:00 now. Anyway thank you Steepsterites for allowing me to vent on occasion so my wife doesn’t have to listen to it.

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caile 11 years ago

That tea does sound interesting!
And, you can vent anytime! :-)

ashmanra 11 years ago

Like Pooh Bear, we get rumbly in our tumbly! Maybe the puerh was actually HAVING a rumble with that bologna sandwich. I can see it now, each one tossing a switchblade back and forth…

K S 11 years ago

In the 100 acre woods all things are possible!

gmathis 11 years ago

Time and perspective do smooth out the rough edges eventually. Hope yours are all sanded down real soon.

Separately, rolled and coiled and braided teas are absolutely fascinating—-wouldn’t it be fun to watch the preparation process?

ashmanra 11 years ago

There used to be a YouTube video of dragon pearls being rolled. It is a miracle we don’t pay more when you see them hand rolling the pearls individually,

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

K, you can unload with us any time. :)

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I bought some of these because mrmopar wrote about them and I thought they looked just too cool for words. The price was pretty reasonable too. Anyway, they arrived this morning and I am now sipping one.

The blurb says to steep on plait in a cup of boiling water for a minute. I opted to set my kettle to just below boiling and threw one plait into a 200ml pot. I left it for two minutes because the liquor was so pale and I thought it should have time to develop a bit. Then I started to worry that I had overdone it, so I poured and sipped. The liquor is actually a very pale green. The wet leaf smells strongly of honey. The tea itself hits me with a smoky edge first followed by the citrus flavour. It’s good. It does not scream puerh to me, but it is a very drinkable tea. I shall now have to experiment with this one a bit more to see what else I can get from it.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec
mrmopar 11 years ago

Glad you liked this one. it is a surprising one for sure. Hope the vendor was good to you. They always ship and do things well.

Roughage 11 years ago

Yes, I had good service. I am always wary of sellers that I have not used before, but I took your previous comments about them on trust and was rewarded with tea delivered in a timely fashion and well-packaged. Thank you for that.

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Wow this is a really nice young puerh. I steeped about 4 of these in a cup just the way they are pictured. It brewed a very light taste of citrus almost like a lemon. this is easy to drink and the leaf was strong enough to get 3 good sized cups. I just left them in and hit them with more hot water. A very good cup.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec
Show 1 previous comments...
Bonnie 12 years ago

Wow, cool stuff!

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

This is one of a couple of braided ones that I’ve seen now! Very intriguing!

ashmanra 12 years ago

That is too cool!

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