Cavolobacca Gourmet

Recent Tasting Notes


Totally enjoyable – maybe not the base material but the flavor was just as expected. Little shreds of coconut throughout and a sweet, subtle spearmint kick. Fun break from pure tea.

Flavors: Coconut, Spearmint

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 45 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Got a sample of this one from the lovely Albertocanfly in her last package. I kinda had high expectations for this one, to be honest. Coconut and mint sounds like a really good combo. But this company didn’t really pull it off too well, sadly. :(
At first all I could really taste was the coconut, so that was kinda disappointing.
As it cooled I started tasting the mint…Kept thinking it was peppermint. But on here it says it’s spearmint apparently?
The coconut flavor kinda got replaced by the mint flavor when it cooled…which was even more disappointing because the coconut was barely in the background and it really wasn’t mixing. I think that if both flavors had been mixed better then it would be a great tea but it’s like you could only taste one flavor at once. Was really disappointing :( Thanks for letting me try this anyway, Albertocanfly!

Flavors: Coconut, Mint, Peppermint

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