Blend Tea

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drank Madagascar by Blend Tea
1307 tasting notes

And now for a bonus conference tea! I squirelled this one away when work held a conference back in… October? November? But then I didn’t actually drink it! So it seemed apropos to do it now.

Honestly, this is significantly better than I expected it to be. I’ve had a lot of vanilla rooibos blends and many, if not most, tend to either have a fairly weak vanilla flavor that doesn’t match the strength of the rooibos or the vanilla is a touch alcohol-y/fake-tasting. Not so with this one! The creamy vanilla complements the woody rooibos really beautifully. The gentle hint of lime gets stronger – but never overwhelming – as the tea cools, and lingers pleasantly after the sip. This is a really solid offering! I can see it being great to enjoy year-round, both hot and iced. Now I kind of wish I had grabbed more.

Flavors: Lime, Vanilla, Woody

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drank Truffle Blanc by Blend Tea
397 tasting notes

Advent Calendar from Kaylee: Day 21

The cocoa scent in this one is delicious — very rich and evocative. It’s less strong in the brewed cuppa; instead I’m getting a creamy, sweet, cake-y flavor with just a hint of chocolate. I’m not getting much macadamia, although I guess there is a bit of butteriness that’s evocative of the richness of a macadamia nut.

It’s quite tasty — I bet it’d be nice with a bit of oat milk, too.

Flavors: Cake, Cocoa, Creamy, Rich, Sweet, Vanilla

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Perfect to make a suprising gluhwine!!

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drank Vento d´Autunno by Blend Tea
24 tasting notes

Ottimo nelle giornate piovose; personalmente consiglio uno o due cucchiaini di miele per tazza, un toccasana per la gola e per l’umore. :)

Perfect for rainy days; I suggest to add one or two teaspoons of honey, that’s excellent agains sore throat and bad mood. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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tried this while I was on a trip in Denmark. Really excellent…strange how you think you have been drinking good tea until you finally taste something truly outstanding.

Highly recommend it, though I haven’t been able to find it this side of the pond (miami in my case)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

This brand has became conspicous recently on my side of the pond (sorry. But lots of things are very difficult for me to find), but I was wary to try it – it is pricey enough for me to be afraid to buy something which is just cool packaging. Thank you for your review, it is nice to hear opinions on it!

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