Acme Tea

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drank Vedic Healer by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Sipdown (1426)!

When all else fails and the pain gets hard to bear, why not a CBD tea!? I had this one on Sunday and, after learning from trying to drink hot tea the day before, I steeped up the last of my sample very strong and then waited until it was lukewarm to slurp it back.

The strong spice notes, including a numbing hot cinnamon flavour that dominated the cup, were actually pretty soothing – I haven’t tried a spiced cold brew since dealing with this tooth pain but this experience kind of makes me feel like it might not be a terrible idea. I don’t know if the CBD was helpful or not. I did feel preeetttyyy darn good about a half hour after drinking this, but I also took a prescribed pain killer around the same time as drinking the mug and they take around a half hour to fully kick in as well. So maybe it was the pain killer, or the CBD, or both – or maybe just placebo!?

But regardless it seemed like as good a time as any to finish off this sample.


I sampled a CBD tea at a farmer’s market last weekend and considered buying some, but he was charging $30 an ounce. I haven’t done my research about CBD yet, so I definitely wasn’t going to do a $30 experiment!


AJRimmer – I tried a Harney CBD blend and felt very relaxed and slept well at a really stressful time. The next day my anxiety was through the roof. Don’t know if it was rebound anxiety from the CBD or if the unprocessed stress from the day before was simply waiting in the wings to chomp me next day. I have a daughter and son-in-law who love their CBD blends and don’t have that issue,

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drank Vedic Healer by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Fully expected not to like the flavour of this blend, given that it’s a Chai, and I was even more skeptical because of the name “Vedic Healer” which seems to be an Ayurvedic medicine reference – something that I just have no interest in. Shockingly, I actually really loved the flavour. It was a super sweet, hot cinnamon flavour that I would compare to either Hot Tamale candies or Big Red gum, but with just a hint of that more woody/bark like cinnamon to the undertone. It was very easy to sip on, and like all the CBD teas so far I thought it was pretty helpful in terms of reducing my anxiety and some tension headaches…

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drank Mimi Time Tea by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Another from Acme Tea that is, in my humble opinion, rather terribly named…

In terms of taste, I never really expected to like this one – it just has so many ingredients in the blend that I’m not a fan of. Namely that chamomile/lemon/lavender combination that is so over done. At least there’s some raspberry flavouring that makes it more palatable. It’s a shame I hate the flavour so much, as this is clearly the tea from Acme’s line up that is targeted for sleep/insomnia and that was the entire reason I was curious about/intrigued by this company.

It did help me sleep, but since I seem to be getting that benefit from the other teas they’re carrying and not just this one I think it’s safe to say this specific blend will be a pass for me.

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drank Just Peachy by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Sipdown (1360)!

Feeling sore and cranky after work yesterday so I decided to steep up some CBD tea and just have a really mellow evening – sadly this was a sipdown, but it was a very nice cuppa. Some of these Acme blends were pretty aggressively skunky tasting, but I think this was probably the least skunky of them all besides, possibly, Snozzberry!? It’s just a pretty juicy and natural ripe peach/nectarine type of flavour that feels sweet but not sugary and has a soothing and soft quality from the white tea.

Loved this cup – definitely made my evening better.

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drank Just Peachy by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

This is the best of the acme teas I’ve tried so far, and the closet I’ve come to purchasing a larger amount – the evening after drinking the mug I found myself cart building on Acme’s website. I didn’t pull the trigger though; I still want to try all the samples they sent before I place that order…

To start though; I think I’ve had enough of Acme’s teas at this point and noticed a consistent enough feeling about a half hour or so after drinking each mug to say with confidence that I am definitely have a positive reaction to the CBD. After drinking a mug of each one, I feel very relaxed and calm and the tension that I usually hold in my shoulders (despite trying not to) just seems to melt away – along with headaches! I also do feel relaxed and easy enough that they help with my insomnia too. I honestly wasn’t expecting to have such a consistent response to the CBD teas, but it’s sort of incredible and I know definitely want to incorporate probably two different flavours into my stash. Something caffeinated for during the day, and something caffeine free for the evenings…

In terms of taste, I thought this was really lovely as well! It did reminds me much more of a nectarine or even apricot type of flavour over a peach – and given the name that’s probably not a great thing in terms of flavour execution but it’s splitting hairs because it’s still pretty darn similar and it tasted great regardless. That sort of herbaceous note from the hemp that I’ve been getting in nearly all of these samples also works REALLY well with that stone fruit element – sort of like the idea of a peach and thyme pairing, but with “nectarine and hemp”. There was also a very floral undertone and it was driving me crazy trying to figure out why, but I finally realized that it’s because there’s jasmine in the blend – I had initially really blanked on that.

Overall though, just a really well balanced cup and to be completely honest just far more nuanced and elegant in flavour profile than anything I was expecting to be getting from these teas…

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drank Schnauzberry by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Sipdown (876)…

Y’all, I have NOT been doing very good with sipdowns lately. I really have to step my game up on that! This was an easy one though; because there’s so much large cut pieces of fruit in the sample of that that I got from Acme tea it turned out to really only be enough for a single mug…

I feel like I made an occaison out of it though; I brewed myself up a nice and super strong mug of this and then on Easter I took a very socially distanced walk around the neighborhood with the mug of tea. Eventually I made my way to a sort of hill-ish area a few blocks from my apartment building. There was no one else around, so I just sat on the hill with my tea – feeling SUPER calm and chill – and drank tea while watching the sunset…

This is probably the best blend from Acme so far, so it does kind of suck that it was a single cup sample. However, I got it for free so beggars can’t be choosers. I also love the name; it’s not the first Schnauzberry tea I’ve come across but it definitely feels most appropriate for that name to be used with something like a CBD infused tea. Weirdly it’s spelled differently depending on whether you look at the sample packaging or website though; one says “Schnozberry” and one is “Schnauzberry”…

So, what does this Schnozberry tea taste like? Well, like all the blends so far it does have that distinct herby type of hemp note to it – but mostly it’s sweet tropical fruit notes, like candied pineapple. I’m a big pineapple fan in almost all formats, so definitely into the flavour of this one quite a bit. It’s also on a purple tea base, which I thought was a really cool and fun choice.

I want to make my way through the entire sampler and get strong impressions on all of the teas, but I see this as something I might be interested in ordering more of for sure!


Willy Wonka!

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drank Shades of Grey by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Sipdown (1069)!

Goodbye skunky tasting and unfortunately named Earl Grey that I didn’t like! I wish I could say that you will be missed, but that isn’t true. There were so many good CBD blends from Acme that I enjoyed, and all have been beneficial to me in terms of pain management/sleep aids – but this was sooo not for me in terms of flavour.

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drank Shades of Grey by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Had this one again today and, man, it is just one funky tasting Earl Grey…

Like, have you ever wonder what your cuppa EG would taste like if you added skunk smell to it? No? Are you sure about that!? Well, just in case you wanted to know, that’s what this is like. And yet, there’s just something blissful about how it makes me feel.

Still, there were far better options in terms of taste from Acme tea that I would turn to over this in a heart beat – I’m mostly just trying to sip this down and get an EG out of my stash.

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drank Shades of Grey by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Another tea in my CBD adventure…

I am hesitant to say if I’m actually seeing any benefits from the CBD teas because I don’t know how much is placebo/the expectation of benefits and what I am noticing seems small, but with that said I have noticed that around half an hour or so after drinking every mug of Acme Tea I’ve had so far I’ve experienced an overwhelming sense of calm and general feeling of being relaxed…

As for the taste of this tea…

When I initially smelled all of the samples dry leaf aromas, this was the one I was most worried about because it kind of just smells like someone mixed up some generic EG tea with a bit of skunky marijuana. It was weird, and not in a good way. I have to say my experience once steeped didn’t deviate much from that; the flavour of the EG/bergamot is definitely present and sort of medium bodied. It’s not bad, but not great – though to be completely fair I don’t like bergamot that much in the first place. That trademark EG flavour is matched very closely with a cannabis type of note though, just like the dry aroma. I thought I would hate it, but in a very weird way I think it sort of worked? Like, I definitely wouldn’t be purchasing this one but it’s way more drinkable than I ever would have guessed it would be and while that cannabis type note doesn’t improve on the EG profile it doesn’t detract from it (for me at least) either…

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drank Zap! by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (1329)!

Juicy sweet orange and honeyed rooibos… with a finish of skunk stank. Tastes better than it sounds, truly – it’s just got that weed smell quality to it for sure. Of the Acme blends, this was sort of middle of the pack for me, so it’s nice to have it finished off.

…also, definitely didn’t feel as relaxing to me cold brewed as it does hot. Noted for the remaining CBD blends I’ve got!

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drank Zap! by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Very sweet and orange forward, and all together lovely (even if it’s a hint skunky). I was having a stressful afternoon earlier in the week, and after I finished this mug it was like all of that stress simply melted away…

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drank Zap! by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Continuing my CBD tea exploration…

Drinking this one currently; it’s apparently good for energy!? That’s weird to me because other than a small percentage of green tea in the blend, this is basically all caffeine free ingredients and even things like linden leaves which are meant to be kind of good for sleep!? So, I’m not really sure what that’s all about…

However, it tastes pretty good though! The dry leaf aroma is really sweet and juicy “Sunkist Orange” but it steeps out a little less sugary/sweet and is more of a juicy but more dense orange, backed by ginseng sweetness. The finish is really… herby though.

Like, I can definitely taste the hemp in the finish and aftertaste of this tea. It’s strong; and this was one of the teas from Acme that I thought I could smell the hemp in the dry aroma the LEAST – so that makes me a little bit worried for some of the other teas…

But, this is still nice!

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drank Sweet Roobie Tea by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Sipdown (973)!

Finished this off today as an iced tea, and it was surprisingly nice. I know there was a lot of hemp at the bottom of the sample bag so I had worried a little bit that the hemp flavour would be quite strong and outweigh the other flavours but even with a super long steep time (ten minutes – practically unheard of for me) to extract more of the CBD the flavours of red fruit, citrus, and rooibos won out over the hemp. Not that you couldn’t still taste it, it was just not as strong as I’d expected…

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drank Sweet Roobie Tea by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

Still loathe the name of this one – but not as much as Shades of Grey.

Tooth is still being troublesome, though less than yesterday. I have this killer toothpaste that has a numbing agent in it (thank you to my last dentist!) that I use when it gets bad and that offers some relief – but over the last few days I’ve brushed my teeth so much that my tongue feels a little bit raw and sore.

So, today I’m breaking out the CBD teas instead since that is a gentler approach. This has that funky funk to it that reminds me of skunk/actual marijuana – but underneath that flavour is a pleasant red fruit and citrus kind of vibe that I’m into a lot for a rooibos tea. It’s been maybe twenty minutes since I finished the mug, and tbh I do feel much better/calmer now.

Blessing upon you, CBD teas.

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drank Sweet Roobie Tea by Acme Tea
16975 tasting notes

So, a little while back a new to me company that specializes in CBD infused teas approached me on instagram and asked if I would be interested in trying some of their teas – I’ve never tried a CBD infused product before, but as has been well documented here on Steepster I struggle off an on with very, very bad insomnia and I know that one of the things that CBD purportedly helps with is insomnia so I thought it would be worth a try!

I mean, lets be honest – I like free tea so I probably would have said yes regardlness but this was an added layer of interest/curiousity.

I tried Sweet Roobie yesterday, and, while I reeeaaallllyyyyy hate the name of the tea, I don’t really have any complaints about the tea itself. It tastes smooth and of honeyed rooibos with a medium bodied lemony red fruit/pomegranate flavour and a hint of a more herbaceous note in the undertone. I love this as a fruity caffeine free tea option that’s sweet but not too sweet, and fruity in a more atypical way!

Sleep benefits to be determined, but I will say that I was feeling pretty relaxed yesterday evening after my mug of tea. Was it related? Placebo? I don’t know – but it intrigues me.

I’m excited to steep up the remaining flavours – so far they’re really split down the middle in terms of dry leaf aroma – some smell AMAZING and others are a little off and kind of skunky. So, we’ll see.

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