15519 Tasting Notes
YAY for samples of new tea in the mail! So yesterday my two samples from the Tea Merchant arrived – the perfect ending to a very long day! I love the wax seal on the packaging, honestly the simple things make the difference. I also have to say, I also really like the labels on the bags. The colours and information work well for me.
So, on to the tea! I chose this one and Yunnan’s Fable more because I haven’t yet had a golden assam and because my experience with Pu-erh has been limited. I suppose i could have gone with two teas I KNEW i would like but I wanted to try something new.
I have to say the colour of this tea is really nice. I was sad to have to put it in my travel mug to take it to work. This tea works for me. I’m managed to burn my tongue twice now (no I don’t learn) trying to drink it! I don’t have any other experience with “assams” to be able to offer a comparision but I’d order this one again and try other teas from the Tea Merchant if that’s an answer :)
So admittedly this steep was a bit of an experiment. I had enough for one cup from Indigobloom however in my house, that means i’m a cup short lol! All our mugs are too deep or too wide to properly steep in any of them for just a single cup. Soooo i improvised :) Go go pyrex dish lol Anyway this tea makes me a little sad. It has so much potential to be wonderful and tasty. The smell as it’s steeping was enough to make my other half go “ooooh that smells yummy,” which he rarely does when it comes to my tea obsession. However there’s a bitterness to it when steeped that say “thanks but no thanks.” What this does do however, is make me want to find a really great cherry tea! I developed a weird allergy to them after 25+ years of eating them just fine, but only in normal form…so a cheery tea would let me have that yummy taste again!
Todays tea is brought to you by the letters O.M.G in partnership with the colour RED! as in holy crap the sun and skyline is red today. I haven’t been getting up as early in the past week so today was a nice change. I was able to watch the sun come up while i waited for the bus. One more personal training session and then i’m on my own to keep it up. Going to have to find motivational tea! or maybe no more tea orders until i get through a month on my own heh.
I really love this tea. It’s a splash of sunshine in my mouth!
I’m a big fan of the morning workout (if I have time). That way it’s done and over with before I am too grumpy AND it boosts my metabolism and energy. Just a thought. : )
Uniquity – I’m at work at 7am. I’m not going to the gym early lol Instead I tend to hit the gym right after work so i’m in and then out again before the “after work” crowd comes and it gets busy. Also means i’m home in time for dinner!
Another swap with Will work for tea I have to say that this is a really nice blueberry tea. It’s a bit light, so I might have to try steeping it for a bit longer but overall it was just what I needed tonight. I really like that as the tea cools, the blueberry becomes a little more present in the tea. I’m also enjoying that this is a rooibos that i do like :) Would love to try this iced.
I do not like. I’m thinking I need someone who’s purchased a bunch of Adagio teas to give me the heads up on a fairly popular one that enough people have loved haha. So far, while I haven’t hated the adagio teas that I’ve tried – they’re kinda of in the ‘meh" basket. As in, I’ll drink them if someone offered them to me but I wouldn’t spend my money there with all the other great options out there. Then again, maybe it’s just the black base that I’m not liking. I didn’t really taste the strawberries and the choclate was muted.
I am sorry to say it and forgive me all Adagio lovers but yeah I soon learned Adagio is not that awesome. A few here and there yes pretty good but for the most part I had a hard time finding them and gave up.
I agree with Azzrian. I started my loose leaf journey with them and (quickly) found other more enjoyable teas from other vendors… Steepster was really catalyst in showing me what else there was out there. ;)
It may also be that one of the first places i ordered from in terms of flavoured tea was Butiki haha Love the way they blend their flavours.
Yeah, never ordered from Adagio, but it’s more hit or miss than DavidsTea, even, in terms of what I have tried.
Kittena….yeah I think I’ll keep my adagio teas to things I swap just to try them out. Though I kinda feel that way about most of David’s tea too lol
Still loving this tea. I woke up this morning still sore from my workout session on Monday – nothing says HELLO MONDAY! like a kick in the face from a personal trainer let me tell you lol In any case, I couldn’t bring myself to try a new tea this morning even though my table’s still got tea on it, and more’s coming. Instead I wanted a tea that wouldnt disappoint. It’s been a bit cooler in the mornings, to the point where I know need to wear a sweater in to work. While i love the fresh cool air (i am NOT a fan of humidity coming from the prairies originally), this morning it just made me want to curl up under the covers and snuggle in next to my other half.
Sadly, this was not allowed. So instead I comforted myself with a sweeter, creamy tea that was as close to curling up under the blankets as I could get. The caramel mixed in with the green was a perfect hit.
Another swap from Indigobloom Can you tell I’m trying to work through all my new swapped tea? I’ve got more tea coming so i’m desperately trying to make room in my tea cupboard since I’ve been told i’m allowed to have a shelf and a basket…and when it starts leaving those two areas, i’m not allowed to own more. Well right now? It’s there and all over my kitchen table as I’m still trying to find time to sort through it all lol
Anyway, on with the tea! I like this one – it’s blueberry without being artificial and light enough that it doesnt overwhelm me with BLUEBERRY IN YOUR FACE ZOMG! :) mmmmm….
No rating on this one as I think that I may have messed up the steeping. It is lacking in most of the flavour notes that others have described, so I’ll blame that on me rather than the tea :) Received this one as part of the tea dump that indigobloom foisted on me so no complaints here. I’ll try it again a bit later and see if I can brew this properly heh
nice. I just discovered I like Assams too. I never learn about burning my mouth either.. has happened too many times. we just can’t help it ;p