drank Organic Chai by Tazo
92 tasting notes

This tea gives me heartburn when I drink it without milk or honey/sugar — and for good reason. I’m a desi tea purist, and desi teas need at least milk.

I actually made this on the stove in a saucepan with two Rituals Orange Pekoe and Pekoe Cut Black teabags for a few absolutely wonderful ladies who are also stuck in the hospital here in Anchorage. I intentionally watered it down a bit with milk and let them sweeten it themselves, and it was amazing, especially with our homemade naan and curries. I like how versatile this tea is — and I want to make tea cupcakes with it. Once I get out of Alaska, that’s going to be my first baking project.

Boiling 5 min, 45 sec

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Calochortus likes plants and knitting and bacteria. She doesn’t have a very large tea allowance, so expect a lot of grocery store/local/home-grown/bagged teas. She’s grown up with tea, as it is part of (half of) her culture.

Her favorite teas are black and usually fruity or vanilla-y. She likes to put milk in her tea, too, but she’s trying to widen her palette with green teas and rooibos. She finds that tea leaves are great for composting, too.


The fictional state of Washidamont (Eastern WA, Northern ID, and Western MT)



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